Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 170 Kuntai Civilization

At this moment, on a battleship on the central axis of the umbrella array, the intelligent creatures inside looked heavy and seemed to be in a very anxious state.

"Sir Pierce, we have now completed the deceleration, but the unknown civilization still seems to be closed to strangers. We have just experienced a long voyage, and now all kinds of resources and materials are scarce. What do you think we should do?" It walked upright, but only a sheep-sized creature opened its mouth and emitted a sound wave in the ultrasonic range.

Although this intelligent creature walks on two legs, it has recurved legs, flat and large soles, and is now wrapped in a flipper-like shoe. He also has two hands, but compared to humans, each hand has ten boneless fingers like octopus tentacles at the end.

The head is flush with the shoulders, and looks like a head attached to the chest. The top of the head is smooth and hairless, and the eyes are located on both sides of the head, the same as most herbivorous creatures. However, the eyes cannot be closed like fish eyes.

Because of its body structure, this creature looks very rickety and weird, especially its eyes, which seem to be emitting a strange light all the time.

Judging from the exposed skin, this creature has smooth skin that women are very envious of. It can be broken by a blow, but it is not in good shape.

And the person this intelligent being was speaking to was an intelligent being twice his age. This intelligent being who was twice his age was the person he called Mr. Pierce.

Pierce is now standing on the bridge, twice as tall as the one who just spoke, and twice as big. The legs were recurved like that intelligent life, with ten boneless fingers, but the body was very straight, and there was an extra thing that looked like a tail extending from behind it to the floor.

This thing is very big, and its stoutness is only slightly smaller than the intelligent creature that just spoke to. However, it is wrapped in some kind of material that should be 'clothing', so its original appearance is unknown.

Mr. Pierce not only has a tall and straight figure, but also has a bulge on his chest like a human woman, but it seems that there is only one.

Not only that, the face and neck of Mr. Pierce exposed outside the clothes are also very different from the intelligent creature just now, because they are covered with smooth scales. Although the eyes cannot be closed, they can be seen from both sides. The distribution changed to a front-facing distribution, and from round to flat.

The raised brow bones above the eye sockets are more like embellishments for the eyes, making the eyes look like they have the effect of cosmetic contact lenses.

Although the face is covered with scales, the eyes and mouth are clearly visible. It can be said that it looks very delicate, which is very in line with human aesthetics of coquettish monsters.

"Motutuo, how many times have I told you not to worry? The opponent only has two Quaker-class warships, and we have one hundred and twenty. Apart from those two Quaker-class warships, the remaining warships cannot break through our defenses. Now let's wait for the scientists to decipher the message and see what they say before making any plans." Pierce said calmly, the sound emitted from his mouth was the same ultrasonic wave as the intelligent creature just now.

"Besides, we have completed the formation change. If they have any intentions, it will be in vain. Although our Kuntai civilization loves peace and does not like fighting, we are not easy to mess with."

After Pierce finished speaking patiently, he stopped, turned around, and walked towards the team of scientists, as if to see the progress of the crack.

Yes, that's right, Pierce was talking about "our Kuntai civilization" to the intelligent creature he called "Motutuo".

From the outside, Pierce and Motto don't look like the same species at all, but the magical thing is that they are indeed the same species.

It's just that one is in the early stage of growth and the other is in the late stage of growth.

The dwarf and rickety form of 'Motituo' belongs to the early growth stage of this creature, while the form of 'Pierce' belongs to the late growth stage.

The reason why there is such a big morphological difference between the front and back is that there is a metamorphosis development period in the middle growth period of this intelligent creature.

After Motuotuo's form undergoes metamorphosis, it will become Pierce's form.

This is the reason why this intelligent creature calls itself the Kuntai civilization. ‘Kun’ refers to the form of ‘Motutuo’, and ‘Tai’ refers to the form of ‘Pierce’.

And the amazing thing is that although the Kuntai race is so different in front and back shapes that people think they are two races at a glance, there is actually something even more magical.

That's hermaphrodite. That's not right, it can't be said to be a complete hermaphrodite, it can only be said to be an alternative hermaphrodite.

Because the ‘Kun’ form is male and the ‘Tai’ form is female.

In other words, a 'Kuntai' person is first a male throughout his life, and then goes through a metamorphosis in the middle of his life, and then turns into a female.

Another important reason why Quintai people are said to be alternative hermaphrodites is that they do not need male and female to mate to produce offspring. Instead, they carry out their own transformation during the process of metamorphosis, that is, during the process of changing from male to male. Fertilization, then conception immediately after completion of metamorphosis, and offspring shortly thereafter.

This method of reproduction means that Kuntai people only reproduce once in their lives.

Genetic problems related to evolution, such as gene mutation and gene alienation, are also produced during this selfing process. Generally, 1 to 3 offspring will be born randomly.

The probability of giving birth to 1, 2, and 3 offspring is one-third. For this reason, Kuntai people have realized the existence of irrational numbers very early.

Like Pierce, it looks like he has completed metamorphosis and given birth to offspring, because as long as he completes metamorphosis, he will definitely get pregnant on his own. And the thing behind her that looks like a tail wrapped in 'clothes' is actually her birth canal.

It is worth mentioning that because of this method of reproduction, the offspring of Kuntai people are always male.

It is conceivable that the power possessed by the large 'Tai' form is incomparable to that of 'Kun'. Therefore, the Kuntai civilization has been a civilization dominated by 'Tai' since the first fire of civilization.

If it were an ordinary civilization, it would have experienced countless internal conflicts due to this ideology. However, the Kuntai civilization is different, because each of their individuals is in the 'Kun' form at the beginning, and then turns into the 'Tai' form.

The proper male and female are all myself. After developing into civilized people, Kuntai society has smoothly accepted the concept of equality of Kuntai. It is precisely because of the birth of these concepts that the Kuntai civilization today has emerged. 'rather than 'Taikun civilization'.

It is precisely because of this that on the battleship and spaceship, there is "Kun" and "Tai".

"You must be quick. I have given you permission to use the central supercomputer. You must decipher this signal in the shortest possible time. This is related to our declaration of strong strength to the other party." Pierce urged slightly anxiously.

"Mr. Pierce, we are working hard. Don't worry. With the help of supercomputers, we will be able to decipher it soon. Now we have found that the second half of this message is a complete dictionary. We have deciphered the Quill civilization. With communication experience, you will get results quickly, believe me!" A Kuntai scientist in the form of 'Tai' replied.

"I don't want to be fast, I need exact time. Well, forget it, you guys hurry up." Pierce wanted to urge again, but she seemed to realize that urging was not only ineffective, but would also distract the scientists.

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