Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 171 We are both fallen people from the end of the world

Kuntai Civilization is a civilization that considers itself to have a long history. They have a written history of 10,000 years. They stepped onto the first-level civilization level 5,000 years ago. They spent two thousand years to push light fusion technology to its peak, and then devoted themselves to the research of second-level civilization technology.

Without any unexpected encounters, it took them 1,500 years to break through the cold nuclear fusion technology. The final product of nuclear fusion is iron. This common sense told them that there was still room for progress in nuclear fusion, so they devoted themselves to studying heavy nuclear fusion in the following time.

However, until now, due to various reasons, heavy nuclear fusion has not been realized.

They think they are ancient, but in fact, compared to ancient civilizations that can number millions, they are just like humans, newborns of the universe, and their youth and curiosity accompany their exploration.

"Your Excellency Pierce, we have probably deciphered it." More than ten hours later, a Kuntai man in the form of 'Tai' shouted excitedly.

"That's great. It only used less than one hundred and twenty coins. It's very good. What did they say?" Pierce immediately looked at the screen she turned around, and saw a long list of words about Kuntai Civilization written on it.

The '匵' in Pierce's mouth is a unit of time, just like the human hour. One hour is approximately equal to seven 叵.

The writing of the Kuntai people has no resemblance to human hieroglyphics. In terms of shape, it looks a bit like bar-shaped writing composed of circles.

Pierce leaned forward, stared at her coquettish Kazlan big eyes at the display screen, and muttered: "Friends, darkness comes from afar, you guys?. Spoon sleeping star is the home of human civilization. Follow us immediately." Say goodbye and go away??? We will beat you to death in accordance with the First Convention of Galactic Civilizations."

"What does friend mean?" Although the translation was a bit strange, Pierce was still confused, regardless of her doubts about some words.

A Kuntai civilization linguist replied: "According to their dictionary comparison, it should mean the most intimate relationship."

"The most intimate relationship, the most intimate relationship, isn't mother and child? It makes no sense, this civilization actually acts like it's our mother when it comes out!" Pierce was a little angry.

"No, Mr. Pierce, it is possible that he is not in person. When we compared the dictionary they sent us, we found that the way they called mother and son was another expression. That expression is very strange and magical, because there is a huge difference between the information content and the dictionary. There is a gap in information, so we can’t figure out what it is yet,” the linguist explained.

Hearing this, Pierce raised his hand and touched the scales on his face with ten boneless fingers: "Is that so? Aliens really have all kinds of things. Could it be that they are just like us and live until their lives are cut off?" Then they undergo metamorphosis, then transform from male to male, and give birth to offspring at this stage?”

Seeing that Pierce was curious about the way aliens reproduce at this time, Mo Tuotuo couldn't stand it anymore and shouted directly: "It's possible, but that's not the point of this message, Mr. Pierce! "

"I know, so now let's analyze how to reply to the message." Pierce lowered his head and glanced at Motuotuo in the form of 'Kun', and then immediately said to a kind of person.

They are both first-level civilizations. Although the Kuntai people communicate using ultrasonic waves, their optical equipment and the like still have many similarities with humans.

So now, in addition to the Kuntai people in the bridge, there are many experts who are also participating in this discussion of contact with aliens through communication equipment.

"Your Excellency Pierce," a scholar first started to analyze at this time: "Have you noticed that there are several keywords mentioned in this alien's message?"

"Say!" Pierce returned to his seat, then inserted the 'tail' into the large hole reserved in the seat, and then pressed his body comfortably against it.

"Homeland, the first convention of galactic civilization." Kuntai scholar sprayed ultrasonic waves: "Everyone can see the other content clearly. They want us to leave here, otherwise. That 'beat you to death' should be a declaration of war on us. the meaning of."

"Haha, declare war? This alien civilization is quite interesting. It still uses such formal words in the interstellar world. It seems that it is really a civilization with little experience. Declare war? Haha, if it weren't for the fact that we don't know where our home planet is, and The environment of this galaxy is not conducive to attack, so we just crushed it." Pierce opened his mouth contemptuously and made a sound that seemed to be laughter for a while.

"Mr. Pierce, I think this civilization is not only not the kind of civilization that has little experience, but also may have joined the Galactic Axis Alliance like the Quill Civilization. Otherwise, how could they say the 'First Convention of Galactic Civilizations'? What?" The scholar asked worriedly.

"This is impossible, how can any civilization believe that kind of broadcast!" Pierce said in disbelief: "The Quill civilization did that only after we had it cornered."

"Who knows? Anyway, I haven't heard of the First Galactic Convention. But I think that apart from the existence of the Galactic Axis Alliance, there should be no civilization capable of making any convention." The scholar's ultrasonic tone was filled with helplessness.

If it weren't for the Quill civilization, they would still be living comfortably in the star field within the confines of their home star. There would be no need to abandon their home star and run away like they were fleeing for their lives.

The reason is that when the hateful pirate wandering civilization of the Quill Civilization was beaten to the point of extinction by them, they suddenly claimed that they had accepted the intelligent information from the Axis Alliance of the Galaxy. What was hateful was that the location was in the home galaxy of the Kuntai Civilization.

Pierce's fleet was actually a fleet carrying out missions in other star systems. After learning that her home system had defeated the interstellar pirate Quill civilization, she planned to go back to her home system and take the outstanding scientists in the fleet back to participate in the attack on Quill. Technical analysis work on the Erwen spacecraft.

But just as she was about to set off, she received bad news from her home galaxy.

According to the last communication from the home galaxy, when the Quill civilization said that, they didn't believe it, but less than a Kuntai year later, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the home galaxy.

How big is the spaceship? According to the last communication description from the home planet of Kuntai civilization, it was a spacecraft with a length of 800 kilometers. And the way the spacecraft appeared was very strange. Pierce still remembers the last signal from the home star describing it like this:

"All mission fleets must not return. The home planet is no longer home. We saw that huge spaceship appear in front of our fleet without any warning. The huge fleet we are proud of looked like 'ants' in front of it. 'Just as small, then we were surprised to find that this huge spacecraft was going backwards

Oh no, it’s not a regression, we saw it first, and then we saw its ‘afterimage’, oh, it’s a blurry image of regression rather than an afterimage, and we scientists know what that means.”

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