Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 172 Pulling the Tiger Skin

"We don't know what level of civilization that spaceship is, but after the spacecraft arrived, it directly loaded all the Quill civilization spacecraft into its hull, and then launched a bunch of us towards our home planet without saying anything. Devices that are incomprehensible.

When they appeared and launched unknown equipment to our home planet, no matter how we communicated and asked, they always ignored us. It wasn't until we couldn't help but attack those equipment that the spacecraft said: 'It's really An unexpected surprise. ’”

Recalling the last communication, Pierce didn't know what the 'unexpected surprise' was, but she knew what the so-called retreating afterimage was.

That's FTL.

When the observer is directly in front of the super-light spacecraft, he cannot see any image of the super-light spacecraft. It is not until the spacecraft stops in front of him that he sees a spacecraft suddenly appear. At the same time, because the previous light has not yet arrived, another backwards image is produced. It looked as if the spacecraft suddenly appeared and then flew backwards toward the starry sky at super-light speed to its origin.

Pierce didn't know what happened after the spaceship appeared and the Kuntai civilization's home planet, but she was certain that it would no longer have autonomy.

After taking a deep sigh and shaking off the sad memories from his mind, Pierce said firmly: "That human civilization must not be a member of the Galaxy Axis Alliance. The broadcast has been broadcast for so many years. If they are , should have been picked up long ago by a spacecraft sent by the Galaxy Axis Alliance."

"Your Majesty Pierce is right. That human civilization must be lying and bluffing. If it were other civilizations, they would have been deceived. Haha, it seems they were frightened by our fleet." Mo Tuotuo was dancing happily on the side. .

Pierce ignored him and looked directly at the Kuntai people, mostly in the 'Tai' form, and said, "Then do you think we should tell them the real reason why we are here."

"The real reason cannot be said." As soon as she said this, a senior Kuntai person replied: "We certainly cannot disclose the matters about our home planet, but the matter of our coming here for supplies cannot be disclosed. There's no way around it.

I think that without knowing whether the other party is a fleet or a civilization, we can first tell them that we only need the asteroid belt for supplies. Well, we can give them some verbal benefits, such as cold nuclear fusion. , I think this kind of technology should be the dream of first-level civilization. Now that we are short of material and energy, it is better not to conflict with them first. "

Pierce agreed: "Well, if they agree, then we can find out their true situation while supplying. Our purpose is to find out the situation in the asteroid belt. Once we know this exact information, we can't help them speak."

"Mr. Pierce is right. The asteroid belt is only that big. As long as we can get close, there are many ways to detect it slowly. And don't they like to bluff, so do we. It just depends on who can scare the other!"

"Okay, then let's reply to that 'friend' according to this meaning!" Pierce shook his hands, indicating that the discussion would end here.

"By the way, Mr. Pierce! Should we reply according to their code, or should we send a message of our own civilization and attach a dictionary for them to decipher it themselves?"

"There's no need to do that." Pierce shook his hands.

Three hours and 36 minutes later, an electromagnetic wave carrying a recognizable signal spanned 24 astronomical units, accurately delivering the reply of Kuntai civilization to mankind.

After the Wudangshan ship received the reply, it immediately converted it into a neutrino signal and passed it to the Tianqin.

In this way, the recovery of Kuntai civilization was displayed in front of Yue Yuan and others.

[Oh, great human civilization, I am so happy to meet you in this place. Before we get down to business, please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the Kuntai civilization, and Kuntai is our race. As you can see, we are a fleet that has just gone on a long voyage, a fleet that conducts interstellar missions for our Kuntai civilization. exploring fleet,

Oh. Using your dictionary, it seems that it is more appropriate to call it an expedition team or an advance fleet, because our job is to do preliminary exploration for the expansion of our civilization.

You must be an advance fleet like us. Since you got here first, according to Article 8 of the Principles of Co-existence of Civilizations in the Galaxy, this place should belong to you. But you should have just arrived here not long ago. Why are you even connected to the interstellar star? None of them stood up.]

[Sorry, if you follow the eighth provision of the Principles of Coexistence between Civilizations in the Galaxy and establish a beacon in this star system, then this place will belong to you, but you do not, so according to the covenant, this place does not belong to you.

Of course, our Kuntai civilization is not rigid. We admit that this place belongs to you. However, based on the fact that you have not built a beacon, we have the right to provide supplies here without your consent. However, in order to show respect and the friendliness of our Kuntai civilization, We decided to use technology to interact with you. After all, it is a fact that you were here first. 】

[And all we want is the resources of a small asteroid belt! Oh, by the way, the home planet of our Kuntai civilization is in XXX, YYY, zzz. If you are also a member of the Yingxian Community, you can come to our home star for communication at that time.

I believe you should know that civilized exchanges are beneficial to both parties. Unlike the hypocritical organization of the Galaxy Axis Alliance, the Yingxian Community does not prohibit technological exchanges between civilizations of the same level. This is why we are willing to join the Yingxian Community. 】

Seeing this not-so-short reply, Yue Yuan twitched his lips and couldn't help but fell silent: "Why are the expedition team and the advance team so familiar?"

"Isn't that what I said when I lied to Yinwu back then?" Yue Yuanxin said: "And what's more, he also mentioned the 'Eighth Rules for Civilized Coexistence in the Galaxy'. I stipulate that you are a ghost. You must have seen human beings talking nonsense." After the 'First Convention of Galactic Civilization', there was talk of a community of heroes and immortals, this Kuntai civilization really dares to brag!"

Yue Yuan saw through Kuntai Civilization's tiger skin at a glance.

It’s not that he has a sharp eye, it’s just that human experience told him that this kind of thing is not trustworthy. Otherwise, the solar system and the Centauri triple star system would not have exploded. It would not have exploded into a white dwarf star, but not even the dregs would have been left. The explosion.

As for the rhetoric of exchanging technology, Yue Yuan instantly thought of the experience of being seduced by Yinwu using neutrino communication.

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