Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 175: Virtual and Real

"The damn humans are just playing tricks on us!" Motutu roared angrily. His angry expression coupled with his rickety figure looked a little funny: "Lord Pierce, we should use our great fleet to crush those Damn bugs, let them become cosmic dust!"

"Please stay calm, Mo Tuotuo."

Pierce was quite calm. She said something to Motutuo, and then looked at the map in front of her, seeming to be thinking about something.

"How can I calm down at this time? This human being is not as evil as the Quill civilization, but they are more hateful than the Quill civilization. They are a cancer in the interstellar world. We should eliminate them and then include those two asteroid belts." Seize all the rocky satellites!" Motutuo waved his hands excitedly, then looked at the interstellar map,

"Ah! Two rocky planets plus such a large asteroid belt, so many minerals and so many supplies, they can't use them all. Why can't they give us some? We don't even ask for a planet, and they don't. Give!

We have no other choice now. Since they won't give it to us, we can only destroy them and then get it ourselves. After destroying them, this galaxy will belong to us. "

"Mr. Pierce, are you worried that their main civilization is in a nearby galaxy? Don't worry, as long as we destroy them as quickly as possible, complete the supplies and leave here, their spaceship belongs to the first-class civilization like ours and cannot be pursued. Get on our.

Oh~ These despicable humans must be stalling for time. They must have sent a message to their main civilization when they discovered us. We cannot hesitate, Mr. Pierce! "

Pierce was silent for a while. He had already thought of Mo Tuotuo's words.

"Yes, Motutuo. You are right. Maybe they have discovered us a long time ago and have sent a message to their main civilization. Human civilization is stalling for time now, which means that they should be there very early. Time has discovered us, and our time is indeed running out!”

In fact, it does not make much sense to place a first-level civilization in the interstellar space and wait for the main civilization fleet in another galaxy to arrive, because the distance is too far.

Generally, the distance between stars is at least eight light years. At this distance scale, it would take seven to eight years, or even more than ten years, to send a message. After the fleet receives the message, it will take more time from departure to arrival. More than a hundred or even more than two hundred years.

The foreign reinforcements from the star system hadn't arrived yet, so they had finished their work and left long ago.

Based on this basic understanding, Pierce believes that human civilization must have discovered Kuntai civilization long ago, otherwise it would be of no practical significance if it took a month, two months, or even a year and a half.

So after basically confirming that humans were stalling for time, she came to two conclusions.

First, the main fleet of human civilization was already on its way before humans discovered the Kuntai civilization. The second is that humans may have detectors in this star field and discovered the Kuntai civilization a hundred years ago.

Pierce felt that if it was the first possibility, it might be okay. If it was the second possibility, there might be something hidden in this galaxy that human civilization cares about very much.

But no matter which possibility it is, it is not good news for Kuntai Civilization, because Kuntai Civilization really cannot afford to delay it now.

Her eyes were still fixed on the content displayed on the screen, which was taken by eight detectors stopped by humans.

From the above, she can easily judge that this fleet of human civilization also belongs to the first-level civilization level.

After a while, Mr. Pierce zoomed out the star map to the appearance of the entire Aldebaran binary star system, then pointed at the red dwarf star of Aldebaran, and asked: "How much fuel is there in the residential spacecraft, and is it enough to maneuver here?" Avoid?"

On Aldebaran B, the Kuntai civilization detector has already detected it, and there is no fleet of human civilization.

She knew that Kuntai Civilization had no choice, so she wanted to keep the residential spaceship far away before the fight started. As long as the residential spacecraft was away from the dangerous range of the battle, then she could fight freely.

"It's 509 astronomical units away from us. Although the remaining fuel of the residential spaceship can reach there, it can't come back. Our fuel is only enough for one acceleration and deceleration. There is no extra fuel for us to get rid of Aldebaran. B's gravity." A technician in the bridge immediately answered.

"If we don't need to consider getting rid of gravity, the residential spaceship can directly turn around and retreat into the void. In this case, we only need to accelerate and decelerate once."

Before Pierce could finish speaking, another Kuntai man interjected: "No, Sir Pierce. We actually don't need to consider keeping the residential spaceship away from here, because doing so will not make any sense except wasting the small amount of fuel!"

After a pause, the Thai man who was also in the form of 'Tai' continued: "As long as our fleet wins, even if the residential spacecraft floats in the deep space behind and cannot come back, we can bring it to them after we capture this galaxy. Supplies. But if we lose, it will be the same wherever the habitation ship is."

Hearing the word 'lose', Motutuo jumped up immediately: "We will not lose, Taliku!"

"I'm just stating a possibility, Commissioner Motutu." Tariku replied helplessly, and then continued to say to Pierce: "So, Mr. Pierce, what we should be concerned about now is the fuel problem of the battleship. We here One hundred and twenty battleships are actually facing the same fuel problem, and they are no better than residential spaceships."

The interstellar space is so empty that the Kuntai people never expected to encounter another alien civilization in such a deserted place.

"How many more?" Pierce asked.

"Three times of extreme acceleration and deceleration!" Tariku obviously knew all this and answered her question without even checking it.

Hearing this answer, Pierce felt a chill in his heart.

Only three times of extreme acceleration and deceleration are enough to fight a war!

Although in the star system, the war of the first-level civilization basically does not need to accelerate to 15% of the speed of light to maneuver and then decelerate, but changing the attitude of the warship at the extreme acceleration needs to be done frequently.

Moreover, performing attitude avoidance with frequent extreme acceleration consumes more fuel than interstellar navigation.

Pierce thought for a moment and said. "In other words, if there is a fight and dialogue, we only have 533 people to fight for victory."

"Yes." Taliku replied.

533 叵 is equivalent to 76 hours. In other words, once a fight breaks out, Kuntai Civilized Fleet can maintain high mobility and avoid time freedom for 76 hours.

Pierce struggled in his heart for a while, and then said decisively: "Go ahead and transfer all the fuel from the residential spaceship to the battleship, leaving only the spacecraft to operate. Tell all the battleships to prepare for battle! Before we complete the fuel transfer, try our best to Talk to them, but don’t make it obvious.”

First of all, I would like to apologize to all the readers who are following me. I have been so busy these past two days that I have not been able to update or send out a request for leave. I didn’t stop updating, and I didn’t ask for leave, but it was just a little late. By the way, tomorrow I will probably get more in the evening, so I will try my best to make up for it.

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