Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 176 Firing the first shot

Human beings want to delay time, and Kuntai civilization also wants to delay it, but they want to delay it until the fuel transfer is completed.

Humans don't know this.

Because at such a long distance, although humans can see the Kuntai fleet, it is normal for a fleet to have transport ships and transport boats traveling between each spaceship.

Moreover, Kuntai Civilization did not act leisurely in the subsequent discussion, but was as anxious as ever.

This makes humans feel like they just really want to negotiate their way out of the problem.

In this way, another two months passed in the wrangling between the two parties.

"Shuai Yue, the Kuntai civilization has moved. The eight detectors that were previously withdrawn according to our wishes also turned around and rushed towards the asteroid belt." The announcer's voice sounded from the bridge of the Tianqin.

Yue Yuan immediately looked at the star map, and the icon representing the detector was flashing continuously. It also displayed the detector's real-time speed, predicted route, etc.

"Finally can't bear it anymore!" Yue Yuanxin said.

Seeing that Kuntai Civilization finally took action, Yue Yuan did not deliver any pre-launch speech in the bridge of the Tianqin, nor did he send command instructions to the Wudangshan and Emeishan ship formations.

Because there is a communication delay between where the Tianqin is and the Wudangshan and Emeishan ships. Moreover, he has clearly explained the general strategy, and I believe that the captains of the two battleships will make their own decisions.

This is what happens in interstellar wars. In the absence of faster-than-light communication and faster-than-light detection methods, any warships that are not in the same formation will have communication delays and the pace will generally not be fast.

However, the slow pace refers to communications. After the real fight begins, every warship is racing against time. In this case, the more remote-controlled micro-control is used, the faster it will die.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you don’t watch anything without directly directing.

The detection information is updated on the star map in order to allow the Tianqin and other battleship formations to make judgments consistent with strategic intentions based on the development situation.

"Report, the formation of Kuntai Civilization's battleship formation remains unchanged. Just as we are accelerating, their detectors have crossed the red line we drew!"

As this announcement sounded, the Wudangshan and Emeishan ship formations also moved.

Not long after, a gamma laser lighted up from the muzzle of a frigate in the Wudangshan fleet, and then thirty seconds later, it passed eighteen kilometers away from the nearest detector.

After another thirty seconds, the system sound on the frigate sounded.

"The test firing is completed and the target was missed. The error is 17.235 kilometers. The shooting is being corrected!"

"Calculating the relative position, calculating the target speed, calculating the possibility of the target changing course within thirty seconds, and judging completed, completed!

"There are two other frigates in the linkage area. The linkage is completed. The fire control systems of the three ships are coordinated. Our ship's laser cannons 1, 2, and 3 are ready. The first salvo is ready."


With a shout from the frigate's cockpit, nine lasers fired at the target silently.

In other words, it is the location where the opponent's detector may be in 30 seconds as calculated by the frigate's onboard combat AI.



Other frigates also fired at the approaching detectors, and more frigates formed small teams and slowly dispersed.

The Wudangshan Ship Formation, like the Emeishan Ship Formation, has 50 frigates. These frigates are called frigates, but they are not actually incorporated into the fleet to protect the Shan-class battleships or the Callisto-class battleships.

They actually protect residential spaceships and other non-military spacecrafts, preventing those spacecrafts from being raided and destroyed by small ships.

However, the Kuntai civilization does not have any small ships, so the frigates were pulled over to conduct coordinated interception operations against the opponent's detectors. However, their main target was the residential spacecraft opposite.

Therefore, the formation was spread out in order to find opportunities to conduct a surprise attack on the Kuntai Civilization's residential spacecraft later.

"The target missed. The calculation of the shooting elements has been completed during parameter correction. The second round of salvo is ready."

"Target missed. Prepare for third salvo."

"Target missed, fourth salvo ready"

"The target was hit. The target damage assessment has been completed. Commander, we have sunk an enemy detector"

The detector is very fragile. It mainly focuses on flexible detection and basically has no combat effectiveness. Therefore, at this stage, human frigates are equivalent to playing target practice.

To deal with such flexible aircraft, laser weapons are undoubtedly the most suitable, because their mass is very small and basically heavier than space nuclear missiles. Under the same conditions of nuclear fusion power, it is difficult for missile weapons to hit them. .

What's more, at the current distance, even light takes thirty seconds to travel. If you use nuclear missiles, you can fire one shot and then go back to sleep and continue fighting.

A few minutes later, the first few detectors that approached were destroyed, and this was also a sign that human civilization and Taikun civilization began a war on the physical level.

At the same time, inside the bridge of the Wudangshan ship,

"Very good, very energetic! I believe you all know what we are about to face, but I want to tell you again, it is the Kuntai civilization, a civilization with one hundred and twenty mountain-class battleships, so now Tell me, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"It's a lie that I'm not afraid. I tell you clearly that I am afraid, but we are soldiers. The glory of the human soul allows us to overcome the fear of death, because if we retreat, then we humans will be invaded by bed bug-like aliens. Man is erased from the universe.

We have no retreat, we can only move forward, toward the enemy's artillery fire. Next, let us tell these aliens what blood and fire are. So tell me now, is anyone trembling with fear? "


"Very good. Now I'll give you thirty minutes to write a suicide note. Then come with me and fuck the aliens!"

"Fuck aliens!"

The captain of the Wudangshan ship sounded a bit out of place, but this scene not only happened on the Wudangshan ship, but also included the Emeishan ship and various battleships in the Manyuemei formation.

The Kuntai Civilization battleship will enter the range of laser weapons in four hours. As the frontline battleship, it must be aware of life and death.

As the battleship formation unfolded, time was getting closer to the real main battlefield. During this period, other frigates had already destroyed many probes that wanted to break into the asteroid belt.

"Attention all ships in this formation, please judge your own position. Wish us good luck!"

With the sound of self-blessing, the battle on the main battlefield officially began.

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