Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 177 The War Methods of Low-Level Civilizations

In human observation, the Kuntai civilization fleet, which was originally the front end of the umbrella formation, sprayed out bright tail flames. More than a hundred mountain-class warships slowly broke away from the umbrella handle and slowly accelerated towards the asteroid belt.

Kuntai Civilization has one hundred and twenty mountain-class battleships, but not all of them set off but left ten behind. These ten battleships immediately reorganized their formations after leaving the large fleet.

You can see them unfolding like a piece of cloth, forming a capital ship defense network, blocking 293 cylindrical residential spaceships behind them.

The one hundred and ten warships advancing towards the asteroid belt battlefield began to change their formations while sailing away from their original positions.

There were sixty battleships rushing forward at a significantly faster acceleration, and then divided into three groups, forming three battleship detachments at the front, with each detachment having twenty ships.

After the Kuntai Civilization Fleet completed the formation change, humans saw that if the positions of these three formations were connected with lines, then they would form a triangle. In the middle of the triangle, there is a formation of fifty warships.

One is divided into four, three in front and one in back.

Each formation has its own independent formation on the right, and it advances steadily from space. From a human perspective, it looks like four twinkling stars embedded in the night sky.

"It seems that Kuntai Civilization is going to concentrate its efforts to advance!" Yue Yuan came to this conclusion while watching the Kuntai Civilization fleet changing formations on the screen.

This is what he wants to see the most, because the Kuntai civilization forms a large formation and rushes in. Human beings do not need to spread too much force to intercept possible detectors, and the firepower direction is more concentrated.

The firepower is concentrated in the direction, which means the probability of hitting is high.

Of course, the defensive firepower will also be very concentrated, making it more difficult for humans to eliminate them in one fell swoop.

Therefore, although Yue Yuan is willing to see Kuntai Civilization engage in large formation operations, he is also afraid that this large formation will rush towards a target in one go.

If they do this, even if they have the asteroid belt to cover the ambush, humans will not have superior military strength. In this case, the war will proceed in a direction that is unfavorable to mankind.

Because there are too few human Mountain-class battleships, and small ships such as frigates cannot cause actual damage to Mountain-class battleships, even on sixty Callisto-class battleships.

If the mountain-class battleships of Kuntai civilization had the same performance as human mountain-class battleships, one hundred Callisto-class battleships would have to be destroyed and about eighty would be sunk.

And the process is very long.

So even here, the Callisto-class battleships are only used to harass the enemy, using their electromagnetic railguns or nuclear missiles to harass the enemy's main ships, as an auxiliary for the Yama-class battleships' main guns to hit the enemy ships.

"Then let's see if you have the courage to rush into the asteroid belt all at once!" Yue Yuan murmured to himself as he looked nervously at the Kuntai civilization fleet that had reached the outskirts of the asteroid belt.

After seeing that some of the detectors detected by Kuntai Civilization had entered the effective range of the Wudang Mountain formation and were destroyed, Yue Yuan immediately made a final pre-war mobilization for each ship in his formation.

As the flagship of human civilization, the Tianqin will also participate in the battle, and Yue Yuan has made a plan. As long as the Kuntai civilization fleet enters the asteroid belt, the Tianqin fleet and the Kunlun fleet will fight out from different positions to fight for Concentrate your efforts to destroy the Kuntai civilization warships that enter the asteroid belt.

At the same time, the previously prepared self-destructing shuttle boats, space carriers, etc. will also launch the first wave of exploratory self-destructing raids on the spaceship where Kuntai civilization lives.

At that time, it will depend on whether the Kuntai Civilization Mountain-class battleship formation chooses to continue to advance or to return to defense. If it chooses to continue to advance, then it will suppress the entire assault team and make Kuntai Civilization feel that their residential spacecraft is in danger.

Only in this way can the purpose of disrupting the morale of his frontline troops be achieved to the greatest extent possible.

Yue Yuan and the staff have made many plans, and it depends on how Kuntai Civilization chooses.

While Yue Yuan waited nervously, Kuntai Civilization made the next move.

A batch of about a thousand probe spacecraft were released from the main ship and rushed towards various parts of the asteroid belt.

The war began with the advance of the probe spacecraft and the interception of the frigate.

"Correspondent, tell the Wudangshan Ship and Emeishan Ship Formation! The focus of their mission is to intercept the Kuntai Civilization probe spacecraft. Before the main force of the Kuntai Civilization makes the next decision, the asteroid belt must be kept in a foggy state."

Neutrino communications carried Yue Yuan's instructions and fell on the battlefield through asteroids.

At the same time, the Wudangshan and Emeishan ship formations made corresponding actions based on the battlefield situation.

The two battleships first withdrew a certain distance to the asteroid belt, then separated up and down, maintaining the effective range of the laser weapons with the opponent's large formation. Then all the twenty Callisto-class battleships and one hundred frigates in the formation dispersed freely. , and began to kill the probe spacecraft passing by.

The space carrier in the formation carrying a self-destructing drone retracted directly behind a larger asteroid, and then released the 10,000 drones it carried, forming a second formation on the edge of the asteroid belt. line of defense.

Whenever a detector missed by the frigate breaks into this range, these drones will use their advantages of small mass, large acceleration, and fast speed to carry out follow-up damage.

For a moment, death rays intersected on the battlefield, and the nuclear missile engines sprayed tail flames like fireflies, chasing their targets.

A detector spacecraft locked by a nuclear missile had just used electronic interference to make the missile lose its target, and the next moment a light spot lit up on its body.

The light spot changed from red to white in one second, and then before the time reached the second second, it burned a hole in the detection spacecraft, and then the detection spacecraft was engulfed in even greater fire.

It was an explosion of its own.

Laser weapons, or energy beam weapons, cannot be detected because they travel at the speed of light, and detection equals being hit.

What just destroyed the detector spacecraft was a frigate twenty light seconds away.

Before launching the energy weapon, the frigate had already targeted the probe spacecraft and fired several nuclear missiles at it, plus several electromagnetic railgun blasts at seemingly out-of-the-way places. After these physical weapons were fired, several energy cluster weapons on the frigate began to carry out pre-emptive strikes on the target.

This kind of prejudgment strike must not only consider the next turning action of the opponent's detector, but also take into account all environmental factors and parameters, which are the experiments done by human scientists before.

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