Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 179 How to bet

Galactic Axis Federation broadcast? !

As soon as these words came out, the personnel on the flagship understood what Pierce meant.

This star field is defined as a dangerous star field, so the low-level civilizations that receive the Galactic Alliance broadcast have only three options. One is to accept the broadcast content and accept asylum. The second is to find a way to leave this star field, and the third is to find a place to hang out.

Judging from the speed at which the spacecraft appeared after the Quill civilization accepted the broadcast, the human civilization still here must not have received the broadcast, so the latter two situations are most likely to be the case.

Regardless of the latter two situations, human civilization must have a large number of residents here.

So now for Kuntai civilization, the problem is how to find the location of the other party's residents. Just like Pierce said, as long as you find the location of its residents, you can go straight to Huanglong and force the opponent to engage in a decisive battle.

After thinking about it, a Kuntai man immediately sprayed out an ultrasonic wave: "Sir Pierce, if human civilization is a whole civilization here, they can't only have two Quaker-class battleships on the surface, they must have many more battleships. It’s hidden in the asteroid belt, which is why they prevented our detector from entering the asteroid belt.”

"That's right," Pierce waved his 'tail', then turned around and said, "We don't know the layout inside and how many warships are hidden inside, so we don't dare to act rashly, because if we are not careful, our fleet will be destroyed. risk. If it were normal times, we could detect it slowly, but "

Pierce said helplessly: "But it doesn't work now. We only have 533 fighting hours now. Once our fleet truly enters the war, we must fight to the end. There is no retreat. If we retreat, there will be no chance for a comeback."

"Mr. Pierce, what do you want to do?"

A group of senior Kuntai people also understood that Kuntai civilization had no way out. If they could not defeat human civilization, then there was only a dead end waiting for them, because most of the fuel for the residential spacecraft had been transferred to the battleship, and they would not be able to escape even if they wanted to. Lose.

What's more, even if there is fuel, many spacecraft will not be able to fly to the next destination without stopping for supplies and repairs.

Pierce did not answer directly, but asked: "Where do you think human civilization will hide its residents?"

"If I occupy a favorable terrain, I will hide the residential spacecraft behind the gas giant planet." A Kuntai man thought for a moment and replied.

But as soon as she finished speaking, another Kuntai person objected: "No, everyone can think of this. Human civilization is not that stupid. I think they should hide the residential spacecraft into three batches, hiding them in the gas The giant planet also has its two moons behind it.

Hiding separately will prevent them from being blamed. Moreover, hiding behind a rocky satellite has another advantage, that is, they can mine the minerals at will to replenish their fleet with supplies and new warships. I think this is also how they can delay time. One reason, another reason is of course that they know that we are short of energy and materials! "

"No, no, no. The most dangerous place is the safest place, because it is the most unexpected place, so I think they should separate the residential spacecraft and hide it in the asteroid belt on the other side." There is Kuntai again. Wenming shook his hands to express different opinions,

She looked at the two speakers and Pierce, and continued: "That's why they tried so hard to prevent our detector from entering."

With the speeches and analysis of each Kuntai person, the senior Kuntai people finally understood what Pierce really meant by ‘gamble’.

That is to bet on where the residents of human civilization are, and then the large fleet will raid and force humans to fight.

"Three possibilities, which one do you choose?" Pierce asked very democratically.

"I think the probability of the three planets being scattered and hidden is greater, and the planet that can hide the most inhabited spaceships is undoubtedly the giant gas planet, so if you want to bet, I will rotate that planet." Someone from Kuntai immediately answered.

"what about you?"

There are still various answers to Pierce's answer, but more than half of the Kuntai people believe that the three planets have the greatest probability of being scattered and hidden, and if the three planets have inhabited spaceships, then there is no doubt that there are the most giant gas planets.

"Okay, let's do it!" Seeing that most people were like this, Pierce made up his mind.

"Mr. Pierce, do you want the large fleet to directly attack the back of the giant gas planet?" A Kuntai man who had not recovered yet asked blankly.

"It's a giant gas planet, not behind it." Pierce shook his hands to indicate, and then explained: "We don't need to go around in a big circle, because not only is it unnecessary, but it also wastes our few fuel. Besides, humans Civilized inhabited spaceships are maneuverable, and if we go around them, they will also go around the gas planet to avoid sight, so we can only rush directly to the gas planet and occupy its entire orbit!"

"Then, let's launch a full-army assault directly from the front?" The questioner was Mo Tuotuo. Judging from his expression, he seemed to disagree with such a strategy.

"No, Motuotuo. We are not raiding from one point together, but we are launching synchronized raids from here, here, here, and here, and then kill together to the target planet." Pierce pointed out four routes to Star Road, three The squadron made an arc from a distance and entered the asteroid belt, while the main fleet rushed directly in front of the current position.

"Synchronization? Mr. Pierce, with all due respect, this is a taboo for military strategists. If you rush forward with your entire army without knowing the reality or the enemy's ambush distribution, you will only fall into the enemy's trap and eventually be defeated." A Kuntai man said seriously.

"We didn't choose ma'am. Don't you think that human civilization will choose asteroid belt ambush tactics when the fleet is insufficient?" Pierce looked at the Kuntai people again and asked a question, and then explained stand up:

"If they have enough power, there is no need to make such a layout. They can openly use all their power to attack us and then defeat us in space.

But they chose to rely on the asteroid belt, and after learning that we were short of energy and supplies, they implemented a delaying plan. Doesn't this just show that they are not strong enough and confident to defeat us in a decisive battle?

In this case, we cannot fulfill their wishes. As long as our entire army presses forward, they will eliminate the possibility of them relying on the asteroid belt and using their superior number of warships to defeat our squadrons one by one.

Although doing this is a risky move in unknown terrain, as I just said, they are not confident in defeating us head-on, so their power should theoretically be weaker than ours, so even if they have the asteroid belt as a support, they have geographical advantages , but we still have a chance of winning. "

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