Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 180 Advantages and Disadvantages in One Thought

"I can only say that it is possible, Mr. Pierce,"

The Kuntai person who just raised the question obviously disagreed with Pierce's analysis. She shook her head and continued: "If it were me, even if I had a superior force, I would not go out to engage in a head-on fleet battle with a civilization that is short of resources and energy. Instead, I would Will let Ran rely on the asteroid belt to fight!

Because that will minimize losses, and none of the intelligent life forms that can become cosmic civilizations are really stupid. Although we don’t understand the way of thinking of human civilization, we can see some clues from previous negotiations and exchanges.

They are definitely not stupid, so I think they should not be less powerful than us, Mr. Pierce. If you think about it, they really came here as a civilization. They must have been developing here for many years. A civilization with a star system has no reason to compare fleets. We are still young, aren’t we? "

"This" Pierce choked for a moment. She suddenly felt that she had taken it for granted. It was indeed possible, but she did not give up her opinion because of this, so she said with a decisive tone: "That's why I said bet, we have no way out. We can only move forward bravely, and the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. For the future of our Kuntai civilization, I believe that the soldiers must regard death as home."

"Sir Pierce, I do not deny this."

Just as the Kuntai man was about to say a few more words, he was interrupted impatiently by Mo Tuotuo on the side: "You guys should talk about it and come up with a plan. If we don't decide, we will enter the human civilization with laser energy weapons." The effective range is up!”

Motutuo was really anxious, because the Kuntai Civilized Fleet could not slow down now, because once it slowed down, it would inevitably consume more fuel. But he also understood that including Pierce, the supreme leader of Kuntai Civilization, it was not that these people did not discuss the plan in advance, but that the plan discussion must be based on the battlefield situation and information acquisition, otherwise it would be empty talk.

"Listen to what I have to say, First Officer Mo Tuotuo." The Kuntai man who was interrupted just now was very patient. Perhaps she knew that Mo Tuotuo was a Kuntai man with this kind of character.

Seeing that Pierce and others were listening attentively, Kuntai continued what he had just said: "I don't deny Mr. Pierce's speculation, but in war, you must think of your opponent in a stronger direction, rather than focusing on the opponent. Very fragile as a basis for deduction,"

"Then let's assume that human civilization has more Quaker-class warships than us or about the same number as us. In this case, I don't think we should rush in with the whole army at the same time, but it's not like sending one squadron to test first and then other squadrons waiting to see the results.

Now that we have decided on the strategy of raiding the giant gas planet, all subsequent actions must serve this strategy, including the main fleet where our flagship is located, so I think we can do this

Still according to what Pierce said, the four squadrons broke into the asteroid belt from four routes, but not together, but in sequence. They could be divided into two echelons. The squadron furthest away on the left and right sides broke into the asteroid belt first, and then us. The main fleet and another squadron broke in at the same time,

The time interval between our two echelon attacks must be calculated based on the speed of the human fleet to ensure that they cannot defeat one of our squadrons and then turn around to attack our other squadron,"

"Both are first-level civilizations. Using our Quaker-class battleship as a reference, this speed is not much different. Of course, advancing in two echelons does not mean that the other two attacking echelons should slow down and wait now. ,

Our tactical intentions cannot be exposed immediately, otherwise the opponent will definitely take precautions, and they can still concentrate their superior forces to defeat our first echelon fleet.

So what we have to do now is to keep accelerating in this direction. When the three squadrons and our main fleet are approaching the asteroid belt, our second echelon will then perform extreme deceleration and braking, allowing the first echelon to advance first. This disrupts their arrangement.

If they come out to attack us while our second echelon is slowing down, that would be even better. We can just turn the ship around and fight them outside the asteroid belt."

Hearing this Kuntai man talk freely, Pierce's heart became clear.

She thought that if human civilization rushed out, it would lose the terrain advantage of the asteroid belt, and the forts and turrets placed on the asteroid would also be useless.

The method of advancing at the same time and then braking suddenly can take into account both the large and small fleets of human civilization, and has the effect of turning passive into active. This should be regarded as the best tactic.

"Okay, notify the rest of the squadron and implement this tactic." Seeing that no one else had any objections, Pierce immediately made a decision.

"Order the other three squadrons to continue to distance themselves. Motuo Tuo, you summarize our conversation and the tactical plan, and immediately send it to the other three squadrons. Order the left and right squadrons to be the first echelon and execute it immediately.

Everyone, the victory or defeat of Kuntai civilization depends on this. May the God of Kuntai bless us! "

A group of Kuntai people followed and shouted: "May the God of Kuntai bless us!"

On the battlefield, every decision made by each side affects the direction of the entire war.

Naturally, humans did not know that Kuntai Civilization was already gambling. They only saw that the Kuntai Civilization fleet was divided into four squadrons and rushed together.

It is precisely this situation that puts human beings in distress.


Seeing this situation, Yue Yuan couldn't help but made a vulgar comment in his heart.

"What are you afraid of? It's clear that we are in the fog of war, why is Kuntai civilization so dumb?" Yue Yuan paced back and forth in the bridge of the Tianqin, his mind spinning crazily as he thought about countermeasures.

He felt that if the four squadrons of Kuntai Civilization entered the asteroid belt from four directions together, it would be worse than entering in a group.

Because the Kuntai civilization fleet is so widely separated, humans simply cannot defeat them individually. If the time comes to lose sight of one thing and let some warships leak in, then the residential spacecraft will be in danger.

"what to do."

While Yue Yuan was deep in thought, the correspondent's voice rang out from the bridge: "Commander Yue, the Kuntai Civilized Fleet has entered the effective range of the Wudangshan and Emeishan fleets, and the two Shan-class warships are conducting a probing attack on them according to the original plan. , In addition, Callisto-class battleships and small frigates are still scattered everywhere to prevent the opponent's second wave of detectors from penetrating deeply."

Yue Yuan looked at the star map and thought for two seconds, then said: "Order, the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan ship should not be eager to fight and maintain long-distance maneuvers. However, if they hit the enemy warship and get the corresponding data parameters, they can retreat as appropriate. The asteroid belt.”

"In addition, order the Kunlun ship formation to release the space carrier, cooperate with our space carrier formation, and self-destructive shuttle boats, and conduct the first wave of self-destructive raids on the Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft cluster!

Furthermore, 10 Callisto-class battleships and 100 frigates from the Kunlun fleet will be deployed to form a second wave of long-range assault detachment, and orders will be awaited. "

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