Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 181 Avoid the truth and turn to the imaginary

Yue Yuan knew that there were ten Shan-class battleships at the Kuntai Civilization's residential spaceship, but he only sent self-destructing drones and self-destructing shuttle boats in the first wave of attacks, while the second wave consisted of Callisto-4 class battleships and self-destructing shuttle boats. The frigates formed a formation and did not let the mountain-class battleships go.

Because the raid was not to kill the ten mountain-class battleships of Kuntai Civilization, but to specifically select residential spaceships to attack.

Although there are ten mountain-class battleships guarding there, as long as they cooperate well, they should be able to suddenly sink the defense circle and sink the residential spacecraft.

His purpose of doing this is very simple, which is to let the large forces of Kuntai civilization break into the asteroid have nothing to worry about and prevent them from focusing on the asteroid belt.

As for the Wudangshan and Emeishan ships, after conducting exploratory attacks and obtaining the armor and artillery parameters of the Kuntai Civilization Mountain-class battleship, they will return to the asteroid belt, and then join the Kunlun Mountain formation and the Tianqin formation to attack the upcoming entry The Kuntai civilization fleet in the asteroid belt fought.

Humanity has too few mountain-class battleships, only ten. However, the Kuntai civilization now wants to break into the asteroid belt, with one hundred and ten ships, which is equivalent to one battle against eleven.

According to mankind's own simulated confrontation parameters, it takes almost a hundred Callisto-class battleships to defeat a Shan-class battleship. Therefore, the gap in numbers is the most difficult part for Yue Yuan now.

Coupled with the fact that Kuntai Civilization has now carried out four simultaneous raids, Yue Yuan's heart really feels a little chilly.

"What should we do? Should we divide the ten warships into four squads? To block the four Kuntai civilization fleets respectively?" As soon as this idea came up, Yue Yuan himself rejected it.

If you do that, it will really be a 1 vs. 11 battle. Only the terrain advantage of the asteroid belt is left. Thinking about it, you feel that you can't win.

"Shuai Yue, the first wave of self-destruction attack clusters has been triggered. It is expected to enter the effective range of the energy weapons of the squadrons on both sides of Kuntai Civilization in 3 minutes!" The correspondent broadcast the situation information and quickly recorded this information in the combat system in real time with both hands. middle.

"Order the second wave of raids to set off in ten minutes. At the same time, all the remaining 1,500 self-destructing shuttle boats will follow the second wave of raids. Tell the captains of the ten Callisto-class battleships to disrupt me as much as possible. The situation over there does not require a head-on confrontation with the enemy's ten mountain-class warships, but I want to see the fireworks from the Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft." Yue Yuan immediately issued a second order.

"Yes!" The correspondent responded and sent out Yue Yuan's order.

Because the communication delay from the Tianqin to the Kuntai civilization's residential spaceship reached 3.6 hours, Yue Yuan definitely could not give any specific tactical instructions for these two waves of raids.

After the raid, success or failure can only depend on the talents of the captains of the ten Callisto-class battleships.

"Bring up the star map!" Yue Yuan shouted immediately.

After saying that, he turned around and looked up at the big screen.

Looking at the four flashing moving icons marked with the Kuntai civilization battleship squadron, he then glanced at the position of the Kunlun ship formation, the position of the Tianqin formation where he was, and the backside of the giant gas planet where the human habitation spaceship is located.

After a few seconds, Yue Yuan looked at the science officer on the Tianqin, and while gesturing on the star map, he said: "Old Liu, if my formation merges with the Kunlun fleet, concentrate on blocking the enemy's Chinese formation first. , and then we will make a detour to support the Aldebaran-Kong star orbit and build a second line of defense. Is there still enough time?"

The science officer who was looking at the star map with Yue Yuan understood what Yue Yuan meant. Without saying a word, he directly entered various parameters according to the route drawn by Yue Yuan.

After the parameter input was completed, the central computer mounted on the Tianqin immediately gave the answer, so he replied: "Shuai Yue, theoretically it is in time, but we must defeat the Chinese army within three hours, otherwise according to the speed, they will be left The next two formations will arrive at the Aldebaran-Kong star orbit before us."

"Three hours? The enemy's Chinese formation has a Fifty-Shan class battleship, and the flagship is also there. I'm afraid it won't be easy!" Yue Yuan shook his head.

Seeing this, the science officer continued: "Furthermore, Commander Yue, where our Tianqin formation and the Kunlun ship are now, if we block the opponent's Chinese formation first, we will have to carry out a lateral movement of three million kilometers." If you maneuver, you will be exposed to the enemy's sight before engaging in combat."

Hearing this, Yue Yuan took a few steps inside the bridge, obviously he was also very anxious.

It is indeed as the scientific officer said, because the previous position deployment of the Kunlun battleship formation and the Tianqin battleship formation were based on the enemy's separation of small teams to carry out exploratory attacks from the left or right side.

But now the enemy is advancing in four directions, and if they fall back to block the Chinese army, they have to run a distance before they can enter the shooting range.

"Damn, this bastard like this Kuntai Civilization is crazy!" Kuntai Civilization was so reckless that Yue Yuan couldn't help but curse his eighteenth generation ancestor in his heart.

He originally sent the Wudangshan Ship and the Emeishan Ship out, in addition to being a visible formation, in order to make the Kuntai civilization worry about a large number of ambushes on the shortest route in the middle. , but unexpectedly, Kuntai Civilization seemed to not only ignore it, but also became a reckless man who did not care about anything to lure the enemy in.

"Commander Yue, do you want to make tactical changes?" The science officer asked tentatively when he saw Yue Yuan's troubled expression.

These words also awakened Yue Yuan from his meditation.

"No, wait for an attack according to the original plan." Yue Yuan shook his head and said this, and then shouted to the correspondent: "Receive the Manyuemei communication for me."

"Shuai Yue?" After a while, the voice and image of Manyuemei's sister appeared on the bridge screen of the Tianqin.

"Well, the enemy unexpectedly divided the fleet into four squadrons to advance together, and we were unable to use our capital ships to block the attack at the same time. Therefore, our army also needs to make some adjustments. In this regard, I want to attack two, drag one, and release one."

Because there was about a three-minute communication delay between Man Yuemei and Yue Yuan, Yue Yuan did not wait for an answer before saying anything, but finished the strategy in one breath: "The so-called attack two, drag one, and release one, that's it." Your formation is responsible for blocking the twenty enemy Shan-class battleships on the left, and our Tianqin formation is responsible for blocking the twenty enemy Shan-class battleships on the right.

In addition, the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan formation, plus the 100 frigates and 20 Callisto-class battleships of their formation, plus the Callisto-4 battleships and frigates of my and your two formations are ordered to serve as backup to Kuntai civilization. The Chinese army's 50 Shan-class warships carried out harassment and delaying tactics.

As for the formation of 20 mountain-class warships on the other side of Kuntai Civilization, let them enter first, lead your formation and mine to complete the blocking mission, and then turn around and fight back. "

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