Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 182 The First Battle

Yue Yuan paused and continued: "At that time, your formation will only have Kunlun, Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, Huangshan, five Shan-class warships plus a space carrier, barely six, and the enemy There are 20 ships, 6 versus 20. Do you have confidence?"

Six minutes later, Manyuemei's avatar began to speak on the big screen in the bridge of the Tianqin. Yue Yuan knew that this was a delay in communication.

"Please rest assured, Commander Yue. We have the asteroid belt as our support and the geographical advantage is mine. On the surface, it looks like 6 to 20. In fact, we can use the advantages of neutrino communication and the line-of-sight blocking effect of the asteroid belt to achieve 6 to 6. Then 6 versus 6, then 6 versus 3, versus 3

Besides, there are still six ships in my formation, but there are only three ships in Yue Shuai's formation. How can I say I am not confident? Soldiers fight on the battlefield and die, so there is no need to say more. "

Man Yuemei is right. As long as the formation is properly commanded, the twenty mountain-class warships of Kuntai Civilization can be divided according to geographical advantages.

Because humans have neutrino communication, they can communicate regardless of asteroids and various meteorites in the asteroid belt, but Kuntai civilization cannot, and Kuntai civilization is not familiar with the terrain yet.

Yue Yuan did not believe that Kuntai civilization had such a chance encounter and mastered neutrino communication.

"Okay, then after Kuntai Civilization's four-pronged advance into the asteroid belt, we will arrange it like this." Yue Yuan nodded, then stared at Manyue Mei on the screen, and said with confidence: "Victory must belong to us!"

As soon as Yue Yuan finished speaking and the communication screen was closed, another announcement came from the bridge of the Tianqin: "Commander Yue, the Wudangshan and Emeishan ship formations are engaging the enemy and are engaging in a firefight with the Kuntai Civilized Chinese Army formation. The firepower of the ten capital ships was too fierce, and the two-ship formation had begun to retreat towards the asteroid belt."

At this moment, Wudang Mountain Ship.


Everyone had secured themselves firmly to their seats and had filled their hoods with acceleration buffer.

The captain of Wudangshan was sitting in the middle of the bridge. His whole body was filled with accelerating buffer fluid, and there was something obviously not his skin stuck to his throat. It was an intra-ship communication chip, specially designed for people in this situation. Used to speed up human communication in buffer.

His throat was crawling: "Left left 145 degrees, full engine rudder, maximum thrust, positive acceleration 150 G, recharge the positron cannon! Damn it!"

Science Officer: "Corrected declination angle***, environmental dust concentration 0.0000124, microgravity intensity 0.0000000, correction parameter formula.!"

Fire controller: "Target, 7782, 4579, 46687 angle correction completed, positron cannon charged 67.9% 88.4%"

As the shipboard computer inputs parameters one by one into the battleship's main gun system, the main gun located at the front of the Wudangshan ship extended forward for some distance, and then the positron-binding magnetic field deep in the gun barrel began to expand again. It gradually became brighter from darkness.

During the charging period, the positron cannon did not appear to have a plasma-wreathed muzzle like on TV, but it still only shone with the unique light of metal as usual.

Because the energy binding of positrons occurs in the deepest part of the barrel, which is the strong magnetic field binding device of the positron cannon.

Countless positrons are led here by the diversion magnetic field from the generator, and are then pressed into the space of the restraint device under the constraints of the strong magnetic field. During this process, the positrons are strongly restrained by the strong magnetic field and are running at high speed. Some positrons collide with each other in the process, producing some other particles such as mustard seeds and photons.

So if someone could see the situation here through the body of the positron cannon, he would find that there is nothing here except a group of light that emits a faint blue light. But if he observed carefully, he could find that the light became brighter and brighter, and finally disappeared suddenly.

It disappeared because the fire controller pressed the firing button of the positron cannon.

Howling positrons shot out from the gun barrel and rushed towards the Kuntai Civilization warship 20 light seconds away.

"Full rudder up, flip down!" After firing a shot, the captain of the Wudangshan ship shouted again, asking the Wudangshan ship to change its attitude.

The positron cannon has a cooling time of thirty seconds, and the Wudangshan ship will have to wait until forty seconds to see whether the shot just fired has hit.

During this period, the Wudangshan ship did not maintain its original course. Instead, it immediately raised its bow with full rudder, flipped 360 degrees, and then flew downwards.

Why not just use the vector nozzle to tilt upward and then push the hull down?

There are two reasons. One is that humans can withstand higher positive acceleration than negative acceleration. Second, the battleship has more power to flip upward and turns faster.

Many warships are oriented with the direction of human feet inside the ship as the downward direction. The propellers below are larger and have more thrust. This design actually takes into account the difference between positive and negative acceleration that humans bear.

The so-called positive acceleration is simply the equivalent force experienced when riding in an elevator that accelerates upward, while negative acceleration is the opposite.

During negative acceleration, human brain tissue is subject to greater vascular pressure. Even with the assistance of acceleration buffer, this law based on physical facts cannot be changed.

"Captain, the electromagnetic railgun has been filled!" The bridge of the Emeishan ship was also busy.

However, unlike the Wudangshan ship, the Emeishan ship's main gun is not a positron cannon, but a large-caliber electromagnetic rail gun.

"When you have finished charging, let me cum. Do you want me to help you? Shewan quickly adjusts his posture. He is facing fifty mountain-class battleships. If you don't want to be hit, don't show it to the alien dog thieves opposite. Our Emeishan ship still maintains its original posture!" Captain Emeishan was also soaked in the acceleration buffer.

"Hey" the fire controller didn't say anything, he just started shooting with a snap. He knew that his captain was not usually like this. Once he got into a tense situation, he started talking nonsense. He was used to it.

"Captain, the energy trajectory of the enemy ship has been detected, the declination angle is 9964, and it is 24 kilometers away from our ship!" an observer reported.

What she detected was not the energy beam that was about to be shot, but the energy beam that had already passed by the Emeishan ship not far away. After the ability-type weapon passes through the vacuum, due to the presence of trace amounts of dust in the vacuum, part of the light will be scattered and then observed by warships near it.

However, what was observed was only a faint trace of light.

If you see a bright light, there is no doubt that you have been hit.

"Captain, two Callisto-class battleships in our formation were sunk."

"Hey, right rudder, let's move back toward the asteroid belt. Tell those bastards to pay attention and know where to move. Otherwise, I'll die without even firing a shot!" Captain Emeishan He clenched his fists and shouted on the ship's channel.

His father had just made contact with the enemy, and the enemy had killed two Callisto-class battleships. It seemed that they were able to shoot one at a time.

Facts have proved that the armor of the Callisto-class battleship is like paper in front of the main gun of the Yama-class battleship. If it is equipped with various defensive secondary guns, it can still resist for a while.

The humans had just sunk two Callisto-class battleships, and good news came from the Wudangshan ship: "Haha, Captain, the positron cannon hit the enemy's side chord thruster! There was a big explosion on the enemy ship, and the power dropped. !”

"Good boy, the shot was very accurate, give me some last-minute hits!" Although more than a dozen blank cannons had been fired in front of him, the captain of the Wudangshan ship still gave the fire controller a thumbs up.

"Got the order!"

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