Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 183 I almost drank the soup

In space combat, maneuvering down can be extremely deadly. Because the maneuverability is reduced, it means that the warship is more likely to predict its course and is more likely to be hit twice.

Of course, there is another element here, that is, in this kind of long-distance combat, the close-in defense cannon of the warship has no effect at all, and the light speed characteristics of the laser energy weapon make it impossible to see in advance whether the opponent is pointing at you. fire.

Dodge actions are actually factors of calculation power and luck.

Therefore, after its maneuverability decreased, the Wudangshan ship only used eight shots to hit the Kuntai Civilization warship again.

"Captain, the positron cannon hit the target. There was a big explosion on the enemy ship. The enemy ship's engine has stalled. We have killed an enemy Shan-class battleship!"

"Okay, we got the data. We're sending orders to warships at all levels. Our purpose is to slow down the enemy's advance, not to prove hard steel. We're ordering warships at all levels to keep a combat distance and carry out harassment tactics. Fight while retreating and return slowly. The asteroid belt.”

"Yes, Captain."

There was a lot of excitement inside the Wudangshan ship. One ship was able to kill one ship against fifty ships. This achievement was certainly something to be happy about.

But they also understood that if they did not retreat, they would enter the effective shooting range of Kuntai Civilization's other three formations. Then they would not be facing the forty-nine Chinese warships.

However, just as the helmsman was about to operate, he heard the radar soldier shout: "An unknown target was found quickly approaching the ship. Scanning is being carried out. The target speed has been determined. The target position and direction have been determined. The target has been identified. It is an electromagnetic rail gun!" "

"The number has been determined! Captain, twenty electromagnetic railguns are shooting towards our ship and are expected to arrive at our ship's area in one minute. Supercomputer avoidance parameter reference: **\u0026*\u0026"

The captain of the Wudangshan ship said without hesitation: "Slow down the engine with 50% thrust, full left rudder!"

After a pause, he seemed to consider that these electromagnetic rail guns were a means to force him to change course, so he shouted again: "Full left rudder for thirty seconds, and then negative acceleration 120G."

"Captain, the shipboard computer shows that the left rudder will be hit by an electromagnetic railgun in thirty seconds!" the helmsman reminded.

"Follow it!" the captain of the Wudangshan ship said decisively.

The captain had said so, and of course the helmsman would not refute it.

So under the cooperative operation of the main helmsman and several deputy helmsmen, the vector nozzle of the Wudangshan ship twisted and spewed out streams of bright flames. Under the strong thrust of the battleship's fusion engine, it slowly decelerated and then shifted to the right.

One minute later.

Inside the bridge of the Wudangshan ship, everyone only felt a tremor, followed by a crashing sound.

"Our ship was hit by an electromagnetic railgun on the right side, and we are checking the extent of the damage. A close-range laser cannon was destroyed, and the armor was partially damaged!"

"Captain, the outer layer of our ship's multi-layer armor was penetrated, 73% of the cavity of the second layer of armor was damaged, and some of the circuits were damaged!"

Listening to the damage report, the captain of the Wudangshan ship breathed a sigh of relief. The Wudangshan ship was hit by an electromagnetic rail gun, and the damage was not serious. It was just a layer of skin shed.

At this moment, the correspondent's voice sounded on the Wudangshan ship's internal channel: "A salvo of energy beams was detected, 45 in number, 701 meters away from our ship!"

"Huh! It's true!" The captain of the Wudangshan ship took a look at the traces of the 45-meter energy beam and breathed a sigh of relief.

If you keep the left rudder as before, you will definitely be able to avoid all the electromagnetic railguns, but you will have to take up to four energy cannons.

Kuntai Civilization's volley firepower is really fierce. If you are really unlucky, you will be hit by several energy beams at once.

"Captain, something is wrong." At this time, the scientific officer on the Wudangshan ship suddenly said, and then he quickly started operating on his console.


"The energy weapons of Kuntai civilization don't seem to be positron beams. Captain, wait a minute, let's compare." the science officer replied.

The energy weapons of Kuntai Civilization had hit too far before, and he hadn't noticed it yet, but the forty-five beams of light just passed by from a distance of 700 meters, and he suddenly discovered that the light they scattered seemed to be like an electronic cannon. Something is different.

Both are light, but laser weapons are the scattering of light after it hits the dust in space, while photovoltaic cannons are annihilation reactions between positrons and electrons in dust in space to produce light. The spectrum here is different.

And some virtual photons, vector particles, mesons and the like will be produced.

As a science officer, he knew how to distinguish these spectra, and this was what he was analyzing now.

After a few seconds, the science officer had a strange look on his face and turned to look at his captain: "Captain, their energy beam weapon does not seem to be a positron, but a large-caliber laser weapon!"


"Well, the preliminary data shows that this is the case. It will take a few more observations to confirm." The scientific manager nodded.

The captain of the Wudangshan ship thought for two seconds and then directly instructed: "Send this information to the Emeishan ship and let them pay attention to it. This information is very important to us. After confirmation, it must be sent directly to Commander-in-Chief Yue!"

After a pause, he asked again: "No, those two Callisto-class battleships were destroyed by enemy energy weapons, right?"

"Yes, Captain!"

"If the black box is salvaged"

"Captain, it is too risky and unnecessary to salvage the black box at this time. I believe we can confirm it after a few more observations."


Captain Wudangshan nodded and felt that it was too risky to salvage the black box at this time.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the correspondent shouted to him on the channel: "Captain, Emeishan ship communication!"

Asked about communication, without thinking, he said: "Connect!"

"Captain Lu, what's going on?" After the communication was connected, the captain of the Wudangshan ship asked immediately.

"Captain Shen, my mother's Emeishan ship took an energy beam weapon from an enemy ship and burned our ship for 7 seconds. I thought I would go to see the King of Hell before you, but I didn't expect that it only burned through our ship." The outer armor Kuntai civilization's main gun seems a bit weak." Captain Lu of the Emeishan ship laughed in the channel, seeming to be grateful for his life.

The Wudangshan ship is not far from the Emeishan ship, so the communication is delayed by a few seconds.

"Oh? Captain Lu, our ship's scientific officer suspects that the enemy ship's main gun is not a positron cannon. He has sent the message to your ship. You should have received it. It just so happened that the ship was hit by a shot. How about it? Is it a conventional beam? arms?"

"That's right, I was about to tell you this when you sent the information over. It seems that those alien turtle grandsons don't have positron cannons, or else I would have gone to drink soup just now."

"Soup? What soup?"

"Meng Po Tang Ge, you're always on the wall!" Captain Lu of the Emeishan ship immediately said, "By the way, I have already sent this message to Commander Yue."

"I hope they are not hiding it!" the captain of the Wudangshan ship replied. Since the Emeishan ship that took a shot has been confirmed, it is correct, but he is still a little worried that this is Kuntai civilization deliberately hiding it.

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