Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 184 No positron cannon?

What he could think of, Yue Yuan naturally thought of it too.

After the news reached Tianqin, Yue Yuan was thinking about this issue.

"Commander Yue, in my opinion, this possibility is unlikely." An expert from the headquarters came to Yue Yuan's side and then analyzed: "It stands to reason that if we can build a solar electron cannon, it is impossible that the Kuntai civilization cannot. , But Yue Shuai, think about it, don’t we also have the cold fusion technology that Kuntai civilization has?

I think this may be caused by differences in technological development. They may be too focused on nuclear fusion technology and invest all their scientific research efforts there. That's why cold fusion appeared, which should have crossed over to the second level civilization. Technology,"

"Secondly, what we can be sure of is that the Kuntai civilization is short of resources and energy. In this case, there is no need for them to hide and tuck in, because it will not do them any good. If the shot the Emeishan ship received was Positron cannon, we have now lost a Shan-class battleship."

Yue Yuan nodded. A mountain-class battleship like the Emeishan ship was hit by a positron. Although it would not be sunk directly, on a battlefield where the enemy was outnumbered, the losses caused by the follow-up blows, the Emeishan ship It must be impossible to escape.

As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one finger than to injure ten of them. Kuntai civilization cannot fail to understand this truth.

Seeing Yue Yuan nod, the experts from the headquarters continued: "Besides, the Kuntai civilization outside the asteroid belt has revealed their intentions. They know that they are short of fuel, so they have made a plan to fight with us quickly. action, so the Emeishan ship’s judgment that the Kuntai civilization does not have positron cannons is most likely true, and the Wudangshan ship also sent back the same news a few seconds ago.”

After the expert finished his analysis, other people also participated in the discussion.

Listening to the discussion of these experts and scholars, Yue Yuan touched his chin, turned around and sat down in his seat to meditate.

He also preferred this to be true.

After all, Yue Yuan is not a leader who turns a blind eye to various facilities and weapons and equipment on battleships. Compared to the conclusive report on the Emeishan ship, he instead focused on the report on the Wudangshan ship.

Yes, the Emeishan ship confirmed that the energy weapon that hit it was a conventional energy weapon, but the news from the Wudangshan ship mentioned that the forty-five salvo beams were also conventional energy weapons.

If this is the case, then it is really possible that the Kuntai civilization did not have a positron cannon.

Because humans can analyze the gun caliber of the Kuntai Wenmingshan-class battleship from the data obtained from observations and shots taken by the Emeishan ship.

It would be impossible for a large-caliber cannon to punch a hole in the Emeishan ship with one shot at a distance of 18 light seconds. As for such a powerful cannon, a mountain-class battleship can accommodate at most one, which is the main gun of the battleship.

This is also the reason why human warships do not install both electromagnetic rail guns and positron cannons on one warship.

It can be seen from the efficiency of long-range combat that the hit rate is actually very low. In this case, if the caliber is small and cannot sink the enemy ship with one or two shots, then it will be a scraping competition. Large-caliber warships can risk being hit multiple times by small-caliber warships, continue to approach, and then take them away with one shot.

These things are all data obtained through actual experiments when humans are building ships.

Then there is no doubt that the Kuntai Civilized Warship can blow a hole out of the Emeishan Ship with one shot at such a long distance, and this gun is not a positron cannon.

"This is good news!" Yue Yuan raised his head and said, obviously he accepted the statement.

After everyone calmed down, Yue Yuan continued: "But we cannot take it lightly and order each formation to proceed according to the original plan. Now that we have obtained the important parameters of Kuntai Civilization's naval gun, we will order the Wudangshan Ship and Emeishan Ship to withdraw from the asteroid. Just bring it and let the self-exploding drone intercept the local detector."

"They have already withdrawn Commander Yue." Hearing what Yue Yuan said, the correspondent replied directly without sending the order.


As soon as Yue Yuan said hello, the staff officer on the side frowned and looked worried: "Commander Yue, I saw that the Kuntai Civilization Fleet was divided into four, and it was coming menacingly. It seems that its determination is not fake, and it behaves like this. When the asteroid belt is still in the fog of war for them, if they are not reckless, they may already know the location of our residential spacecraft. Only in this way can we explain why they made such a desperate move."


Yue Yuan was startled and muttered: "It shouldn't be. We have never shown that we are a whole civilization here from beginning to end, and before the Kuntai civilization entered Aldebaran, our residential spaceship had been hidden long ago. With the giant gas planet behind us, how could they know that we have a habitable spacecraft? And also know the location?"

The first contact between humans and Kuntai people, spies can be ruled out.

In addition, if the Kuntai civilization really knew, then the only thing Yue Yuan could think of was that the detector had come in, and it would not have been detected so quickly. Moreover, the Wudangshan and Emeishan ships did a good job, and no detectors leaked in at all.

"Could it be the back?"

Thinking like this, Yue Yuan asked the science officer: "Where was Aldebaran B six months ago?"

The science officer answered him with a star map displayed on the big screen, um... a star map from half a year ago.

Yue Yuan looked up at the star map and saw the relative position of Aldebaran B and the giant gas planet. Then he pressed the button to fast forward, allowing the star map to complete half a year in just ten seconds.

In half a year, the position of the Aldebaran B red dwarf star has not changed much because of its extremely long semi-axis. The main reason is that the giant gas planet is changing. But from the beginning to the end, Yue Yuan did not see that the back side of the giant gas planet where humans were located had turned to face the red dwarf star Aldebaran B.

Because before this, humans have observed that a Kuntai civilization probe went to the red dwarf star Aldebaran B, so since it has not turned to the front side, it should not be exposed.

Moreover, based on the solar wind intensity of the orange giant star Aldebaran A and its relative distance from the giant gas planet, the place where the human habitation spacecraft is located should be within the influence of its surging solar wind. In such an environment, observation from the outside will, to a large extent, affected.

Therefore, even if you turn to the front of Aldebaran B, the Kuntai civilization detector there should not be able to see it.

"This" staff officer also looked at the star map with Yue Yuan, and naturally knew Yue Yuan's purpose of calling up the star map. It was precisely because of this that he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"No matter what, this Kuntai civilization seems to have a clear purpose as you said." Seeing this, Yue Yuan did not press, but thought about it and said: "Could it be that they are just relying on guesswork?!"

Yue Yuan felt a little ridiculous when he said this. Using speculation to guide war operations sounded so unreal.

"Perhaps the Kuntai civilization has some information that we don't know." The staff officer also felt that it was unreliable to rely solely on speculation to guide war operations, so he said this.

At this time, another expert analyzed: "There is another situation, that is, the Kuntai civilization has assigned all the warships with positron cannons to the other three squadrons. If this is the case, then the squadron with positron cannons is Kun The main attack route of Thai civilization.”

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, come and vote. It’s the end of the month.

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