Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 189 Unable to beat

The two named warships directly adjusted their posture according to the parameters of the small formation's flagship. However, before the three warships could complete their weapon charging, a hesitant voice sounded in the bridge of the three ships.

"S-Captain, that human warship seems to be fine!"

"It's okay, what do you mean it's okay?" The captain in the acceleration buffer asked doubtfully, and then shouted: "Transmit the image of the enemy ship over and increase it to the maximum multiple."

You must know that 18.9 light seconds is 5.66 million kilometers, which is 14.9 times the distance between the earth and the moon.

The detection methods on the battleships of Kuntai Civilization are not only optical telescopes, but a combination of radio, infrared, ultraviolet and other detection methods. Only in this way can they 'see' clearly that 18.9 light seconds away, a ship with only a thousand A battleship of five hundred meters in length.

However, the so-called 'seeing' clearly does not mean that you can see every detail of the battleship, but the overall structure. Through various scientific parameters, the situation of distant warships can be judged.

"Huh?!" The Kuntai captain took a look at the screen and found something strange. The human warship that was hit showed no signs of power loss at all, and there was no explosion as expected when it was hit.

She felt a little uneasy at this.

It stands to reason that no matter how strong the armor of a human warship is, when it is hit by the main gun, even if there will not be a big explosion directly, at least there will be partial damage.

Such local damage can be observed by the Kuntai civilization's detection methods. This was already proven when the Chinese military formation hit the two human Quaker-class warships.

But what's going on now that no damage can even be observed?

Did it miss?

The captain didn't think the observer would be joking at a time like this.

"Demonstrate the hit process again." The captain hesitated and ordered again, and then looked at the screen carefully, frame by frame.

She quickly noticed that when the screen progress jumped to the time when the laser energy weapon hit, there were indeed two high-temperature spots on the human warship inside, which made her sure that two cannons had indeed hit the target.

But after the high temperature point appeared, the picture going down did not show the explosive light observed in the past.

"We... didn't even penetrate the opponent's outer armor?!"

Seeing such a situation, the captain was a little confused. She could understand if the human Quaker-class warship was not destroyed by one shot. After all, the Chinese fleet had already encountered it, but there had to be a small explosion anyway.

But there wasn't even an explosion.

"What kind of armor is this? Could it be an alloy with excellent thermal conductivity? That's not right, it's impossible!"

Naturally, the scientific team on the Kuntai Civilized Battleship also saw this situation, and for a while the channel was filled with various speculations.

"It can't be a thermal conductivity problem. No matter how good the thermal conductivity is, it can't be faster than the energy beam is applied. It's impossible."

"Yes, it's impossible to have a material that can conduct away the rapid local temperature difference caused by laser energy weapons instantly. It's impossible."

"That's a high-temperature resistant material!"

"High temperature resistant materials? Our main gun can instantly heat the target to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius. It can penetrate any material we can make. We are both a first-class civilization. How can humans have such powerful materials? Technology, this is not scientific!”

"Is it the same as the positron cannon, some kind of derivative technology of theirs? Why is it like this?"

For a time, the battleship's internal channel was filled with all kinds of incredible sighs.

"Shut up, everyone, now is not the time for speculation." The captain shouted first, and then said with gritted teeth: "Send this discovery to the captains of each ship, and then all the battleships that have not sunk, come to me The ships came up together, and the guns were all pointed at the battleship just now!

If you can't hit it from far away, if you get close enough to hit it, if you can't hit it with two shots, then give me ten shots, fifty shots and one hundred shots. This kind of battleship is obviously different from the previous two. This shows that this battleship must not have many humans. , or even only one. As long as we kill it, victory will belong to us. If I didn't guess, it should be the real main force of human civilization, maybe their flagship! "

Following the captain's order, the remaining nineteen warships of Kuntai Civilization's fourth formation immediately accelerated their advance.

Of course they know that speeding up the advance means they are more likely to be hit, but if they delay it, not only will they not be able to sink the enemy, but they may also be killed here.

However, humans who have long known that Kuntai civilization is short of fuel cannot see it.

As a result, the Kuntai civilization accelerated its advance and wanted to get closer to fight. The human warships relied on the asteroid and fought it back. They relied on their superior acceleration to always stay at a certain distance.

At this moment, Kuntai Civilization finally understood that not only were the main guns and armor of human warships stronger than its own, but they were also better at maneuvering.

Yes, the final speed is the same, but the acceleration of human warships is stronger than that of Kuntai civilization, which allows humans to fire a shot with ease, then slow down and move or distance themselves.

In fact, it was indeed the Tianqin, the flagship of human civilization, that took two hits before.

When being shot, the crew members on the Tianqin were also quite nervous, because they were not sure whether the opponent had a positron cannon. However, after finding out that nothing happened, everyone knew that the one who hit the Tianqin was Conventional energy weapons.

The Lyra's armor is better than that of other battleships. It is almost entirely made of materials obtained from studying alien spacecraft. It will never burn through at temperatures below 150 million degrees Celsius.

As for the main guns of Kuntai Civilization, the Wudangshan Ship and Emeishan Ship have already obtained data.

So as long as it's not a positron cannon, Lyra can basically go sideways.

Basically, it is because if a large-yield hydrogen bomb is blasted against the surface, it can still melt. After all, the explosion center of the hydrogen bomb can instantly generate a temperature of more than 150 million degrees Celsius.

However, it is simply a dream to hit a warship with a large-yield hydrogen bomb at such a long distance.

Of course, even if Yue Yuan knew that the Tianqin was so powerful, he did not directly order the Tianqin to rush forward, but still used the original blocking tactics.

Because there is no need. Anyway, looking at the current posture of Kuntai civilization, it must rush inward. Human beings should fight and flee, relying on asteroids as bunkers to block, which is the way to minimize losses.

There are not many humans, and everyone is precious. Yue Yuan does not have to risk their lives just for a moment of passion.

The Tianqin is powerful, but other warships still cannot withstand the bombardment of Kuntai Civilization's main guns.

After discovering that the remaining battleships of the Kuntai Civilization were targeting the Tianqin, Yue Yuan was even more certain of this. He felt that this would be a good opportunity to create a more comfortable shooting environment for the Huangshan and Lushan ships.

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