Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 190 Dilemma

"Damn human civilization, despicable and shameless!"

After two more battleships were destroyed by positron cannons, the flagship captain of the fourth formation of Kuntai Civilized Battleships let out a furious voice.

But there was nothing she could do.

We cannot retreat. If we retreat, we will have no chance to enter the asteroid belt again.

It is possible to rely on asteroids for long-range mutual shooting like humans, but doing so goes against the strategy formulated by Pierce, the leader of the Kuntai civilization.

So he could only move forward bravely, but in the process of moving forward, one warship after another was sunk by humans, and the tactics he had planned to target the flagship of human civilization were completely ineffective.

After hitting the flagship of human civilization eight or nine times, she felt that this tactic was the worst decision in her life.

Because it can't be penetrated at all, it can't even be done by burning that kind of armor red.

Humanity took advantage of this gap and once again sank seven warships of the Kuntai Civilization. That was really sinking one ship with one or two shots.

When the news reached the flagship of Kuntai Civilization's Central Army, the entire top management of Kuntai Civilization fell silent, and Pierce's heart sank to the bottom.

The firepower can't be matched, the mobility can't be matched, and the armor can't be matched.

Pierce discovered that the only thing that Kuntai civilization could surpass human civilization was the number of Quaker-class battleships. She guessed this right.

But to no avail.

The twenty Quaker-class warships of Kuntai Civilization's fourth formation were beaten by three human warships and were unable to fight back. Under the cover of the complex asteroid belt environment, the Kuntai civilization did not even sink a single human Quaker-class warship.

Pierce even felt that if humans broke out of the asteroid belt, Kuntai civilization might not be able to win, because Kuntai civilization did not have even a single cannon that could destroy the human flagship.

At this moment, Pierce found that he was really at his wits' end.

The third and fourth formations that were separated are now at an absolute disadvantage, and they don't know how long they can advance or how long they can hold on.

"As soon as the two formations broke into the asteroid belt, they encountered two human blocking formations. One of them also owned a nearly invincible warship. This should not be a coincidence." Pierce's mind raced and he quickly thought of countermeasures.

Although she now understands that Kuntai Civilization is at a disadvantage, she will not give up until the next moment.

"If that invincible battleship is the human flagship, then humans must have seen through my tactical layout, but how did they see through it? Hmm."

Pierce couldn't understand, so she stopped thinking about it, because the facts were already in front of her, and it would be a waste of time to think about it anymore. She murmured: "No matter what the reason is, if the fourth formation's guess is correct, that battleship must be It is the flagship of mankind, which means that mankind has dispatched the main force in order to block the fourth formation.

So is it a coincidence that the Zhongjun Road and the other road where I stopped happened to be empty? No wonder the two battleships retracted directly into the asteroid belt. No wonder humans have been doing their best to intercept our detectors! "

The more Pierce thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. She pondered for a moment and asked, "What is the situation of the third and fourth formations now?"

"Your Excellency Pierce, the third formation encountered five human Quaker-class battleships, as well as several other sub-class battleships and small battleships. Their tactics were almost the same as those encountered by the fourth formation. They were all relying on asteroids to cause turmoil. War of annihilation!

Now the third formation has been inserted into the middle of the asteroid belt, but due to frequent harassment and obstruction by the enemy, the losses have also been very heavy. So far, eleven warships have been sunk, and we have sunk only seven small human warships. There were eight sub-class battleships of that kind, but only one Quaker-class battleship was damaged."

"The situation of the fourth formation is even worse. Our main guns cannot penetrate the human flagship at all, and we cannot close the distance with it. If this continues, the fourth formation may not be able to last long."

"How long have the third and fourth formations been in contact with the enemy?" Pierce asked in a deep voice.

"Two hundred and fifty-two, Mr. Pierce."

This answer once again made Pierce feel a little confused. According to previous calculations, the battleship's fuel condition could fight 533 叵 at full power. It was not even there yet, and the third and fourth formations had already lost more than half.

If this continues, they will be sunk without even running out of fuel.

Pierce, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said loudly: "We can't wait any longer. Our ship formation and the second formation immediately accelerated and charged forward, at the highest speed, the target is a gaseous planet!"

"Your Excellency Pierce, now?" Motuo Tuo was stunned for a moment.

"If not now, why don't we wait for the main human force to return to the army before we go in?" Pierce was unceremonious. She immediately connected the communications of the main formation and the second formation of the Chinese army: "Send my order and the entire ship will form a spherical formation to attack the giant Gaseous planet! During the raid, ignore the human warships. If you can't keep moving forward and fight back, then rush forward!"

There is no way to retreat. If they retreat, the efforts of the third and fourth formations will be in vain.

Pierce judged that the main force of the human blocking force must happen to be at the third and fourth formations, or be attracted there.

Although it is different from what was imagined, no matter what, now is the best time for the main formation of the Chinese army to launch a surprise attack. Once missed, there will be no chance again.

"Your Excellency Pierce, the fleet of humans attacking my residential spaceship cluster has entered the range of my remaining fleet, and my remaining fleet is currently conducting an interception operation!" At this juncture, a report sounded in Pierce's hearing organ again.

"Don't worry, as long as we can break into the human habitation spacecraft, they will not dare to kill our habitation spacecraft. Moreover, with those small warships, it is impossible to break through the defense circle of my remaining fleet in a short time!" Pierce He said resolutely: "The survival of Kuntai civilization depends on us!

If we raid a gaseous planet and find a cluster of human-inhabited spaceships, the Kuntai civilization will survive, otherwise it will perish! Dear gentlemen! Success or failure depends on this move, follow me! "




Replies came one after another, ringing in the internal channel.

The next moment, the fifty warships of the Kuntai Civilization Army and the twenty warships of the second formation once again started to move slowly and began to speed up. At the same time, the formation also began to transform into a spherical shape.

The spherical formation is a good formation for surprise attacks under enemy harassment. It is also a common formation for close combat on space stations.

This formation will protect part of the warships inside, and when passing through the enemy's position, counterattack firepower can be achieved in all directions.

Of course, it's not like forming an array and then charging straight away. That would be no different from a target. During the charge, the battleship formation will still move laterally to a certain extent to avoid possible pre-judged moves.

In fact, the Kuntai civilization has not accurately observed that the human civilization's residential spacecraft is hiding behind the gaseous planet, but Pierce has no choice. She can only choose to launch a final raid based on the speculated results.

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