Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 194 The Last Choice

"Lord Pierce, maybe we still have a chance." Motutu said reluctantly: "We can pretend to surrender on the grounds of lack of fuel, and wait for the human warships to approach, and then give them an explosive attack. They are here There is only that flagship, as long as it is destroyed, victory will still belong to us."

"Fake surrender." Pierce sighed with a grimace: "Motutuo, you have to understand that wars between civilizations are different from internal wars. Whether humans will accept surrender or not is a matter of debate.

Moreover, once the false surrender is discovered, we will face crazy revenge from mankind. At that time, our people will be deprived of even the chance to survive, and our Kuntai civilization and our Kuntai people will truly disappear from the universe. "


"No but, remove the acceleration buffer, drive the battleship behind the asteroid, and then send a signal to human civilization." Pierce's tone was full of helplessness.

There were fifty-two battleships, and in just three days, there were now only seven left, but the humanoid flagship was still so invincible.

During this period, Pierce saw the flagship hit by energy beam weapons more than once, but it had no effect except making the hull of the battleship slightly hot.

It can be said that with every hit on the flagship, Pierce's despair increased.

Pierce found it ridiculous. She should be happy when she hit the enemy, but she felt desperate. She really couldn't figure out why the armor of human warships, both of which were first-level civilizations, were so outrageous.

She lamented in her heart more than once: It would be great if we also had positron cannons.

Yes, positrons are the antimatter of electrons. No matter how powerful the armor is, as long as it falls within the scope of normal matter, there must be outer electrons, and if there are electrons, there will definitely be an annihilation reaction with the positrons.

Therefore, if Kuntai civilization has a positron cannon, no matter how powerful the armor is, it will definitely be destroyed after being hit so many times. However, there is no if in the world. Kuntai civilization would not exist without positron cannons.

The remaining Kuntai Civilization battleships followed Pierce's instructions to find asteroids to hide. At the same time, a communication message was also transmitted to the Tianqin.

Human civilization and Kuntai civilization had communicated for a long time before, so the content of the message was easily translated and presented to Yue Yuan.

Yue Yuan took the time to glance at the general meaning of the message.

It probably means that Kuntai civilization is willing to surrender, but please do not kill the remaining Kuntai residents.

To be honest, Yue Yuan really didn't expect Du Kuntai Civilization to surrender at this time, so he was obviously stunned when he saw the content of the message.

But that's all.

In fact, Yue Yuan had no intention of killing all the Kuntai people, because he believed that although the Kuntai civilization was an evil alien, their scientists were still useful.

But he did not reply to the message. The reason was that the Kuntai Civilization Fleet still had seven warships, so surrendering at this time was a bit false.

So after receiving the information, the Tianqin's actions remained the same, and it was necessary to fight.

At this moment, a report sounded on the Tianqin's internal channel: "Shuai Yue, the warships of Kuntai Civilization are hiding behind the asteroid!"


Yue Yuan raised his eyelids and looked at the screen in front of him. Sure enough, he saw the remaining seven battleships of Kuntai Civilization adjusting their attitude and heading towards the asteroid closer to them.

"What are you doing standing still? Hit me!"

Yue Yuan's first reaction was that this was the best time to judge the enemy ship's route. If he didn't take the opportunity to fire a few shots, he would be really sorry for his comrades who died in the war.

As he shouted, the Tianqin fired a positron cannon, and sure enough, it hit and killed another battleship.

Then, the Tianqin fired several shots at other warships, but Kuntai Civilization performed various maneuvers in advance and missed.

After the remaining six Kuntai civilization battleships hid behind the asteroid, the voice of consultation sounded in Yue Yuan's ears again, "Shuai Yue, the six enemy ships have hidden behind the asteroid, and the main guns have been lost. Enemy ship target, do you want to continue maneuvering to find the target?"

The so-called continued maneuvering to find the target does not mean getting close to or going around the back of the asteroid where the enemy ship is hidden, but just doing a lateral maneuver at a certain distance. Because the so-called hiding in the asteroid belt does not mean that the warships are all hiding against the asteroids, but that they are maneuvering to a position where the asteroids are blocking the line of sight between the target and the target. Of course, there are also those that are relatively close, but this situation is relatively rare. .

"No, since they want to play hide-and-seek, let's play with them." Yue Yuan raised his hand and slid twice on the screen in front of him, then clicked on an asteroid in the star map and pulled it to a position that represents the helmsman system.

Following his movements, the Lyra system automatically converted the asteroid into numerical coordinates, transmitted them to the helmsman system, and were then received by several helmsmen.

After that, Yue Yuan continued unhurriedly: "We will hide here and wait for them to show up. In addition, we will tell the Kunlun fleet not to pay attention to any Kuntai civilization formation. Our combat goal has not changed. We are still aiming to destroy its fleet. The primary goal is to wait until the Kuntai Civilization Fleet is destroyed for the rest."

Communication negotiations, surrender, all came to this, Yue Yuan didn't even think about it.

Anyway, as long as the Kuntai civilization fleet is wiped out, humans will not be able to do whatever they want from now on, so there is no need to argue at this time.

Dawn is just around the corner, but it's still night and humans shouldn't let down their guard.

Moreover, Yue Yuan felt that even if not all the Kuntai people were killed, all the Kuntai civilization fleets would have to be wiped out, leaving even one behind.

An unarmed alien civilization is a kind alien civilization. As long as it has guns and cannons, it must be an evil alien.

Now the Kuntai Civilized Fleet is at the end of its tether, and its fuel is really running out.

It was just right to hide, and Yue Yuan didn't mind delaying it for a few more days. It would be better to delay it until all the remaining warships of Kuntai Civilization lay dormant.

The most important thing is that after the Kuntai civilization hid, the Tianqin could still detect their situation. This is because the asteroid belt is the home field of mankind, and many asteroids have been equipped with observation stations in advance. The other is frigates. Human frigates are not the main force in the war, and they do not pose any threat to Kuntai civilization warships, but they can serve as the "eyes" on the battlefield.

In addition to firing a few random cannons to harass them, they looked for asteroids to avoid, and then popped up from time to time to observe the situation of the Kuntai civilization fleet. Because of this, the remaining six Kuntai civilization warships cannot escape human detection at all.

It is true that humans have neutrino communication, and it is true that they can communicate across meteorite planets. But that is communication, not a neutrino detector. It cannot detect enemy warships like various electromagnetic wave band detections.

In other words, the neutrinos emitted by humans can be received by their own neutrino communicators, but they still pass directly through the hiding Kuntai civilization battleship just like passing through the planet.

Therefore, for detection, we still have to use the conventional detection methods of a first-level civilization.

After the Tianqin also hid behind the asteroid, news came from the Kunlun fleet.

As of now, the battle on the Kunlun formation has also come to an end, and the reaction of the remaining five Kuntai civilization warships is almost the same as that of Yue Yuan.

Two of the original five Shan-class warships in the Kunlun fleet were destroyed, namely the Danxiashan ship and the Songshan ship. However, during the battle, the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan ship supported the Kunlun ship formation, so the Kunlun ship formation now still has five Shan-class warships.

Five versus five, victory is guaranteed.

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