Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 195 The advantage is mine

The advantage is mine.

It has only been three days since the autonomous warships joined the war. Humanity has completely turned the battle situation from a disadvantage into an advantage. It is still the kind of advantage that can win if you rush in and fight.

Because of Kuntai Civilization's hidden strategy, humans did not want to rush in, so the war that lasted for three days suddenly fell into a short lull.

On the Tianqin, Yue Yuan and other personnel who had soaked in accelerating buffer for three days did not remove the buffer. They had soaked for three days anyway, and they did not care about soaking for a few more days.

The acceleration buffer contains nutrients, so you don’t have to worry about starvation.

The main components of the so-called nutrients are actually simple sugars such as glucose that can be directly utilized by the human body. Therefore, when absorbing the energy required by the human body from the acceleration buffer, humans do not need to worry about food residues. Without food residue, there will naturally be no residue excretion.

This also makes it less troublesome for people who are in the acceleration buffer.

Of course, there is still urine, so people in the acceleration buffer basically wear a set of equipment on their lower bodies. There are some ergonomic pipes in the equipment connected to the excretory organs.

This set of organs will automatically detect the real-time storage capacity of the human bladder, and then automatically adjust the pressure difference to export urine out of the body. There is no way, the human body cannot feel the urge to urinate in a vacuum, so it must be done regularly or there must be such a system.

At this moment, Yue Yuan let the robotic arm carry him forward a little, then clicked on the file and took a rough look at the human battle damage.

On the human side, so far, two Shan-class warships have been sunk, namely the Danxiashan ship and the Songshan ship of the Kunlun ship formation.

In fact, as for the Tianqin formation, if the Kuntai civilization had not mistakenly focused its firepower on the Tianqin at that time, the Lushan ship would probably be gone. As for the Huangshan ship, it is still in a semi-disabled state, and the main thruster was blown out. , can only rely on a few auxiliary thrusters to move, and has lost the ability to continue fighting.

So essentially, the Lyra formation is now one versus six.

The losses of the Callisto-class battleships were even more severe. There were only twenty ships left out of the original sixty.

Because the frigates basically did not participate in actual battles and only engaged in tasks such as detecting and blocking detectors, they did not suffer much losses.

Seeing such battle damage, Yue Yuan suddenly felt that there seemed to be no need for humans to build so many types of warships.

Like the Callisto-class battleship, it seems to be of little use.

Being unable to sink the Shan-class battleships after being hit again and again will play a role in harassing them. The key point is that they are too easy to sink. Basically, one cannon can not block the main guns of the Shan-class battleships at all.

As for the detection effect, it is not as good as a small frigate.

However, to operate a Callisto-class battleship, a very large number of personnel are required, almost half of the number of people on the battleship. If you calculate it this way, the loss of personnel caused by the battle damage of the Callisto-4 battleship is actually the largest.

Forty Callisto-class battleships were sunk, directly causing the death of 60,000 soldiers, while two Shan-class battleships were sunk, which was only 6,000 people, a difference of ten times.

If this were applied to humans who had just escaped from the solar system, they would all be exterminated.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan felt that it was necessary to have another discussion on the fleet structure after the war. Maybe there would be no need for the Callisto-class battleships in the future. Even if they were to be built, they would probably be used as large transport ships.

Compared with the Callisto-class battleship, the role of the small frigate is actually greater. It is the main force in battlefield vision and detector interception, and it does a very good job. The key is that the number of crew members is also small. Even if it is only responsible for vision and enemy detector tasks in the future, it will not need to be manned and all will be unmanned.

After recording the matter for the time being, Yue Yuan paid attention to the current situation again.

The remaining battleships of Kuntai Civilization have all been hidden behind the asteroid. The Lyra has also opened its distance and retreated to 30 light seconds away, and has also reached the back of the asteroid.

You hide and I hide.

Seeing that the Callisto-class battleships were seriously damaged, Yue Yuan then gave instructions to the captains of the Kunlun battleships and the Tianqin battleships to keep their distance in the subsequent war and follow them. The frigates work together for intelligence detection.

Now that the situation is under control, the Tianqin can kill the remaining Kuntai civilization warships without the need for the harassment and attack cooperation of the Callisto-4 warships, so Yue Yuan plans to be conservative and minimize the losses.

In the raid on the Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft, humans also achieved full results. Two thousand self-exploding shuttle boats and 20,000 self-exploding drones destroyed a total of 208 Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft.

Of the ten Callisto-class warships involved in the raid, six were sunk during the harassment mission, resulting in heavy losses. The open space there and the absence of asteroids as shelters was one reason, but so was the Callisto ship itself.

Thinking about it now, Yue Yuan felt that there was also a strategic mistake involved.

If a Shan-class battleship had been sent there, it is estimated that not so many Callisto-class battleships would have been sunk. But there was no such thing as if, and at that time, I didn’t know that the Kuntai civilization was so decisive, let alone that the group of residential spaceships actually ran out of fuel.

If he knew this, Yue Yuan would not have chosen to raid the Kuntai Civilization's residential spaceship at all. Anyway, as long as its fleet was defeated, the residential spaceship would not be at the mercy of others!

Of course, at that time, Yue Yuan was also worried that the human mountain-class battleships would not be able to defeat the Kuntai civilization fleet. After all, the numerical gap was too big. Who would have thought that the Kuntai civilization did not have a positron cannon.

At this moment, the crew member in charge of communications called out on the internal channel: "Shuai Yue, there is news from Kuntai Civilization."

"Ignore it. Just let the frigates and detectors continue to stare at their remaining warships." Yue Yuan responded without even looking.

The correspondent did not silence his voice, but insisted: "This, I think, you should take a look! This message from Kuntai Civilization is somewhat special."

special? !

At this point, what else can Kuntai Civilization do? It is nothing more than some surrender agreements. Yue Yuan was a little confused, but since the correspondent said so, of course he would not blindly refuse again.

However, when he saw the content of the message, he was shocked, because the message was not a surrender agreement at all, but more like a declaration of death.

[Human civilization, I have to say that your warships are very powerful, but if our army is not short of resources and runs out of fuel, it is still unclear who will win. Indeed, you won, but I have to tell you not to underestimate the determination of any civilization to survive. 】

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