Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 196 The fish is dead and the net is broken

[After many requests for you to accept conditional surrender without any news, we understand that you humans have no intention of letting any of us Kuntai people go. We know that war is ruthless and cruel, and we also understand that civilizations have winners and losers, but you humans want to wipe us out.

There is no difference between you and the Quill civilization. In this case, we have to resist to the end. Yes, our remaining battleships are no match for you, and we don’t even have the fuel to fight again, but don’t forget, we can die with you! 】

perish together?

Yue Yuan's heart was pounding, and he continued to look down to see what kind of trouble this Kuntai civilization was going to do now that it was at the end of its rope.

【Galaxy Axis Alliance! ! ! Human civilization, don’t forget the Galactic Axis Alliance. We are both first-level civilizations, and you must also know their broadcasts. To tell you the truth, this is how the mother planet of our Kuntai civilization was killed by the Quill civilization. Of course, they died together.

By the same means, we can also die with you. Hahaha, I believe you have seen it. Yes, we still have the intelligent broadcast program of the Galaxy Axis Alliance. As long as we import that broadcast into our central computer, the Galaxy Axis Alliance will soon send a spacecraft to Biju five.

Just like human civilization did when Quill was defeated by us at that time, do you know how long it took from the time when Quill civilization imported that broadcast into the central computer to the appearance of the Galaxy Axis Alliance spacecraft?

To tell you the truth, they have spaceships that are many times the speed of light, so fast that we can’t even escape from Aldebaran. In other words, as long as we do this, you and we will be picked up by them and become the bottom existence of the so-called alliance, and then forever be deprived of our freedom as a civilization and lose our qualifications as an independent civilization forever. 】

[As long as I import the broadcast into the computer, the people of our two civilizations will no longer be our people, but resources that will be claimed and distributed at will in the alliance. Our scientists will also lose the qualification to explore new things. We The two civilizations will always be able to only exist and perform endless alliance tasks.]

[Yes, we don’t want to lose everything, so after our home planet, the Inquire civilization, was taken away by the so-called Galaxy Axis Alliance, our remaining Kuntai people became the last hope, and we became the new Kuntai civilization. .

But now, you humans want to drive us out, so don't blame us. It would be better to die than just sit there and wait for death. 】

【human civilization! Now, I, Pierce, officially tell you as the leader of Kuntai civilization that we will not surrender. We want you to provide enough fuel to rush to the next star system. We will give you 12 hours to consider it. If you don’t reply after half a day, If you don't agree, we will accept the broadcast from the Galaxy Axis Alliance and die together with you! 】

The content of the message was not long, much shorter than the conditional surrender treaties sent before, but the content of the message was much more exciting than before.

If Yue Yuan hadn't been immersed in the accelerating buffer and couldn't see it, you could still see the slight cold sweat oozing from him.

Unexpectedly, the broadcast of the Galaxy Axis Alliance can actually be played like this.

After hastily reading the message declaration, Yue Yuan hurriedly pulled the senior executives on the Tianqin into an emergency video conference and dumped this message into their personal terminals.

After waiting for a while, Yue Yuan estimated that everyone had almost finished reading the content of the message, so he said: "What do you think of this message? Did Kuntai Civilization really retain the broadcast message, or was it a bluff? What exactly is said here? Is it true, which words are false?”

"Lies are usually half true and false. Only in this way can people believe them to be true." At the emergency video conference, an expert spoke first. Perhaps he knew that time was tight, so he spoke quickly,

"So in this piece of information, we only need to focus on its key points, because other secondary information, such as the rhetoric of the home planets of the Quill Civilization and Kuntai Civilization, and the description of the Galaxy Axis Alliance, are 80% Really. Then our focus becomes whether Kuntai Civilization preserved that broadcast for that long!"

As soon as the expert spoke, another expert agreed: "Yes, we just need to know whether Kuntai civilization is so bold. In my opinion, Kuntai civilization is bluffing!"

The expert first gave his conclusion, and then explained: "Think about it, a first-level civilization that understands the dangers of the universe, after receiving that broadcast, will most likely do the same thing as us humans. They will delete it as soon as possible, or even directly throw away the receiver and blow it up.

Since the Kuntai civilization has experienced disasters on its home planet, it must also be frightened. There is no reason to keep such dangerous intelligent broadcast information for so long. I remember it has been hundreds of years since the last Galactic Alliance broadcast. "

Another scholar shook his head and said: "No, no, no, maybe it is because their home planet was so harmed by the Quill civilization that they deliberately saved the broadcast information and did not delete it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces showed solemn expressions.

It is true that there are madmen who carry unknown and dangerous bombs with them.

"The probability is not high, unless the Kuntai civilization predicts in advance that they will encounter us in the subsequent voyage. Or it is a powerful alien civilization." A sociologist shook his head. He felt that the possibility was unlikely. , but I don’t dare to say it to death.

At this time, the science officer of Tianqin also spoke: "I am not good at analyzing this matter from various relationships, so from the moment I saw this message, I only thought of one question, and that was the intelligent broadcast message , can it be stored for that long?”

Speaking of this, he looked at Yue Yuan's avatar and asked: "Yue Shuai, the broadcast information we received for the first time was deleted directly and the receiver was thrown away, but wasn't there another time later, which was also deleted directly? And threw it away?”

Yue Yuan recalled that it should have been when humans were hibernating and sailing away.

Who was responsible for information work during that time?

Yue Yuan touched his head. He couldn't remember it, but his brain couldn't remember it. Human computers have records.

Without saying a word, Yue Yuan asked the 'Light of the Tianhe' to retrieve the hibernation duty schedule for that year.

As soon as the order was issued, the results came out.

"Is it Zhao Youqin?!"

Yue Yuan glanced at the results, and then looked at the video avatars of the participants, trying to find Zhao Youqin's figure on them.

"Where is Zhao Youqin?" Not finding Zhao Youqin, Yue Yuan immediately consulted the 'Light of the Milky Way'.

"Mr. Leader, Professor Zhao Youqin is currently working on the No. 1 scientific research spacecraft. Do you want to call him immediately?"


Yue Yuan has great power, but he cannot interfere in everything, so he does not know how Zhao Youqin handled the broadcast information after receiving it for the second time.

Just now Yue Yuan checked the duty record, but it only recorded: "Handed in accordance with management."

Yue Yuan felt that there must be something fishy in it, because he remembered that Zhao Youqin submitted a research grant application on the possibility of studying how human receivers can block smart broadcasts.

He felt that Zhao Youqin should have done some research.

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