Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 198 Taking advantage of the situation

To be honest, Yue Yuan felt that without Zhao Youqin's research, he might have been forced to agree to Kuntai Civilization's request.

Quite simply, because humans can't afford to gamble.

It is not humanity but the Kuntai civilization that is at the end of its rope.

But having said that, if the situation were reversed, human beings would probably be like the Kuntai civilization, using this kind of fake news to fight to the death or escape.

Yue Yuan, who was in a happy mood, moved his arms and muttered: "Looking at it this way, if the rest of what Pierce said is true, then Kuntai civilization is really unlucky."

Who says it’s not!

That means that when the Kuntai civilization and the Quill civilization were about to win the battle, it happened to be the time of a certain broadcast by the Galactic Alliance.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan could only say: What a coincidence.

By now, he also understands that Kuntai Civilization is still betting that humans will delete the broadcast information as soon as possible after receiving it.

There is another possibility, that is, Kuntai Civilization itself does not know that the broadcast information will disappear on its own after about three days.

Yue Yuan thinks this is possible, because according to the Kuntai civilization information, they are also a new civilization developed from a fleet after the tragedy of their home planet.

In other words, after realizing that the Galactic Center Alliance was not a good thing, they probably also chose to delete the information as soon as they received it.

"Well, so this thing is essentially information fraud, and it seems to be quite useful." Yue Yuan thought secretly: "At least it is useful against low-level civilizations that are not deeply involved in the world. The higher the vigilance of the civilization, the better the effect."

What a deception!

Thinking about this, Yue Yuan already had the answer in his mind on how to reply to Kuntai Civilization's information.

Of course you have to reply. If you don't reply, how can you take advantage of it?

However, Yue Yuan did not reply directly. Instead, he took out his ideas and consulted with everyone. After coming up with a set of rhetoric, he replied to Kuntai Civilization.

[I have to say that your Kuntai civilization is a great civilization. I am very sorry that it took so long to reply to your message. It’s because your suggestions are so pertinent, important, and crazy that we have to consider them carefully.

Yes, we don’t want to die with you, because in our culture, only crazy people do that. Our civilization has a bright future, so we decided after discussion to accept your suggestions.

But we will not provide you with enough fuel to get to the next star system, because in our culture it is shameful to take from others. We believe that your Kuntai civilization is a great civilization, not a shameful civilization, so forgive us for not agreeing.

Of course, as a great civilization, we must have many excellent qualities in common, so we now promise you to divide the outermost asteroid belt to you. I believe that with your technical capabilities, you can certainly make hydrogen Fuel is mined. 】

[To be honest, we are actually in the same boat. We humans, like you, are civilizations that have lost their home planet. There is really no need to fight to the death here.

On the contrary, we should communicate candidly and in-depth, exchange what we have, make progress together, move towards a second-level civilization, climb higher mountains, and explore more unknowns. The mysterious universe has endless mysteries waiting for it. Let's explore. 】

Although it is said that they are using their tactics to their advantage, Yue Yuan's idea is actually very simple. That is to lead the ten battleships of Kuntai Civilization into the asteroid belt, and then rely on the line of sight of the asteroid belt to eliminate them one by one.

In this way, there is no need to fight with it in empty space, thereby minimizing the battle loss rate.

And one thing Yue Yuan knows very well is that the mountain-class battleships of Kuntai Civilization, like humans, do not have the ability to mine resources and energy on their own. Therefore, in order to exploit resources and energy, Kuntai civilization is very likely to drive the remaining residential spacecraft to the periphery of the asteroid belt.

In this case, when the time comes to fight again, the Kuntai civilization will never be able to take care of the residential spacecraft without being distracted. With the mentality of focusing on one and losing the other, human beings will further expand their advantages, and then easily take over the space battle that was still somewhat difficult to deal with. Next, realize the true disarmament of Kuntai civilization.

Admittedly, Yue Yuan also thought about another possibility, that is, the Kuntai civilization only sent a small number of residential spacecraft to exploit the resources on the periphery of the asteroid belt.

But if it comes too little, the mining progress will not be accelerated. Humans can just use this time to quietly pull the Shan-class battleship that was seriously damaged in the war to the space dock for repairs.

Just saying that humans have been here for so many years, the speed of resource extraction and battleship repair is not comparable to that of the Kuntai civilization, not to mention that humans also have a set of mechanical expertise.

The day when those mountain-class battleships are repaired is when the Kuntai civilization will be completely disarmed.

As for the human civilization and culture mentioned, it is all nonsense to reflect the cultural differences of aliens. Yue Yuan also knew that it was okay to talk about culture, but sometimes this kind of weird thinking was easier for aliens to believe.

Even if you don't believe it, you may most likely regard it as a cognitive difference caused by racial differences.

Having said that, when humans send messages, they do not just send a reply verbal message, but also include a star map attachment.

The star map attachment contains areas of the asteroid belt that humans are willing to give up.

The Tianqin was not far away from Pierce's flagship. After the message was transmitted from the Tianqin, it only took thirty seconds for the Kuntai civilization to receive it.

However, Yue Yuan had to wait for a few minutes before Kuntai Civilization's reply came.

When there was communication wrangling before, humans knew that the Kuntai civilization did not reply to messages instantly like the Silver Mist Consciousness, so they thought it was normal.

[Oh times, human civilization! Glad to see your wise decision. As you can see, our Kuntai civilization is a kind-hearted civilization. We have come here only to provide supplies from beginning to end. As soon as we complete the supplies, we will leave here.

But the area you divided for us is too small to meet our supply requirements. Since you are so insincere, why not join the Galaxy Axis Alliance as our two civilizations.

But having said that, human civilization, since you are not willing to transport fuel to us, then we will not force it, but we need half of the asteroid belt, and your warships must retreat to the outside of the other side of the asteroid belt.]

Half the asteroid belt? And threaten him with the Galactic Alliance's broadcast signal?

Haha, looking at Kuntai Civilization who is pushing every inch further, Yue Yuan has a smile on his face. The more he pushes the envelope, the better. Kuntai's civilization is pushing further and further, reminding him of the era of deterrence in the novel.

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