Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 199 The final blow

In order to deal a fatal blow to the Kuntai civilization that would resist in the future, humans held several dialogues with it in the following time, with the purpose of pretending to argue against the requirements of the Kuntai civilization.

For example, the excuse for not fully agreeing with Kuntai Civilization’s request for half of the asteroid belt is that humans still have many mechanical equipment in this half of the asteroid belt and cannot give it to Kuntai Civilization.

Kuntai civilization, which thought it had threatened mankind, certainly disagreed, so the two sides conducted several exchanges and consultations on this issue.

Finally, after intense and in-depth exchanges, mankind was finally "forced" to agree to the revised conditions, that is, the Kuntai civilization in the asteroid belt accounted for one-third. Of course, the moons of the two giant gas planets are still owned by humans.

However, in order to cover up the lies in the communication, this agreed condition did not take effect directly. Instead, a certain time window was left for humans to withdraw the "instruments and equipment" mentioned earlier, which was half a month.

In addition, human warships must also withdraw to the other half of the asteroid belt. There is no objection to this point. Human beings also need to repair the Shan-class battleships anyway, and the two mobile space docks are right next to the residential spacecraft cluster, so they can be evacuated there just in time.

After the matter was roughly finalized, the Tianqin, together with a group of warships, turned its bow and slowly sailed away from the battlefield area. The same was true for the Kunlun fleet.

Three days later, the human warship arrived on the other side of the asteroid belt. After maintenance engineers assessed the damage to the warship, the Shan-class warship began to be repaired in the mobile space dock.

On the other hand, after the human warships withdrew to the other side of the asteroid belt, the Kuntai Civilization Fleet also began their actions.

First, the few surviving warships resurfaced from the asteroid and headed to nearby points, seemingly confirming whether humans had completely withdrawn.

After several days of observation, its residential spacecraft cluster finally began to take action.

To the surprise of mankind, not all of the remaining residential spacecraft clusters of the Kuntai civilization set sail for the asteroid belt, but only a small part of them set sail with the ten battleships.

Due to the withdrawal of the detector, humans did not observe the specific situation, but it is not difficult to guess.

Human beings think that Kuntai Civilization's move may have two situations. One is that it did not prevent the remaining residential spaceships from being taken over by humans. The second is the lack of fuel. The previous few days may have been spent on evacuating fuel and transporting resource mining equipment.

The second possibility is the most likely.

But regardless of that possibility, humans don't care.

Because as long as those ten battleships come, the rest of the residential spacecraft that didn't come can't escape anyway.

At this time, on the Tianqin. The acceleration buffer has been removed, and everyone on the Lyra has returned to their previous state.

"Shuai Yue, Kuntai Civilization is here!" After observing the actions of Kuntai Civilization, the observer immediately reported the situation to Yue Yuan.

"Well, it seems that they have really run out of ammunition and food." Yue Yuan muttered, and then connected to the maintenance person in charge: "How long will it take to repair the damaged battleship?"

"If it is to be repaired to a new state, it will take about five months. If it is just to repair those three warships to the point where they can join the battle again, then twenty days will be enough." The person in charge replied: "Those three warships cannot The main reason to continue fighting is that the main gun or engine is damaged, and we have these things in stock, we just need to remove the broken ones and replace them with new ones."

"Then let's do this. There is no need to restore it to a new state at this stage." Yue Yuan instructed.

In twenty days, Kuntai is estimated to be able to complete part of the asteroid resource detection, just in time before it can obtain hydrogen as fuel.

While humans are working hard to repair warships, Kuntai civilization is beginning to explore the resources of the asteroid belt.

During this period, while humans were repairing battleships, they were also observing the situation of Kuntai civilization from a distance. The distance is a bit far and the specific situation cannot be seen, but humans do not need to see the specific situation, they only need to see a general outline.

Because humans only need to grasp the approximate resource development progress of Kuntai Civilization to judge when they should launch another attack.

Time passes day by day.

While waiting for the fifteenth day, humans discovered that the Kuntai civilization's resource collection progress seemed a bit fast. They seemed not to conduct comprehensive exploration and mining, but to focus on mining hydrogen first.

This can be seen from the presence of many spacecraft near asteroids with relatively abundant helium-3 reserves.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan decided not to wait until the last battleship was repaired. After all, if he waited any longer, Kuntai Civilization would complete some fuel replenishment, which would be troublesome.

And now the seven Shan-class battleships have restored their combat effectiveness. Well, the close-in defense guns have basically not been repaired, but it is enough. After all, Kuntai civilization only has 21 mountain-class battleships.

7 ships versus 21 ships, a sure win.

As for the one that has not been repaired, it is still being repaired in the mobile space dock located on the back of the asteroid.

After repairing it, it depends on the situation to join the battle.

"Let's go! Let us completely eliminate the Kuntai civilization!"

Following Yue Yuan's order, the seven Shan-class warships slowly sailed out from behind the asteroid they were hiding in, then turned around and headed towards the Kuntai Civilization warship group.

This time, Yue Yuan did not take the Callisto-class battleship with him, but only brought a part of the frigates for shuttle detection. After all, the Callisto-class battleship was of little use, so it was better not to take it with him to reduce unnecessary losses.

Naturally, the actions of human warships cannot be hidden from the eyes of Kuntai Civilization. And as soon as the humans were dispatched, they discovered it. After all, the battleship's tail flame was too obvious at this distance.

As expected, the human fleet of seven Shan-class battleships and a hundred or so frigates had just turned around when the Tianqin received information from the Kuntai civilization.

[Human civilization, you know what you are doing! On behalf of Kuntai Civilization, I would like to give you the final advice. Please stop your provocative behavior immediately, otherwise we will immediately import the intelligent broadcast of the Galactic Alliance into our central computer and perish together with you! Human civilization, please do not challenge our determination! 】

The message was very short, so Yue Yuan ignored it and continued to speed up the fleet.

Sure enough, just a while later, the information from Kuntai Civilization arrived again.

[Human civilization, we reiterate it again. Please do not doubt our determination. If your fleet continues to move forward, we will sound the death knell of our two civilizations in five minutes! 】

According to the speed, after five minutes, the human battleship formation happened to enter the effective range of the energy weapons of both fleets.

Yue Yuan still ignored the second warning message.

After a while, the third warning message came.

The content is almost the same, they are all reaffirming and emphasizing one's determination. However, compared to the first two times, the words of the third message were more intense, as if we were going to die together in the next moment.

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