Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 203 Ask for it bluntly

"Your pet?" Yue Yuan asked curiously.

"Pet?!" Pierce was stunned, not understanding what Yue Yuan said, but she reacted quickly, and then looked around and found Mo Tuotuo behind her.

By pet, does he mean Mo Tuo Tuo?

Thinking this way, Pierce showed a pious look, pointed at Mo Tuotuo, and asked Yue Yuan: "You mean him?"

"Of course, otherwise, who else could there be?" Yue Yuan asked.

The translation is considered accurate, but the pronunciation of "him" that Pierce said when translated into Chinese is no different from "it", so Yue Yuan is not aware of the problem yet.

Fortunately, Pierce didn't dare to hide anything at this time.

"You have misunderstood this great leader of human civilization. He is also a Kuntai person and an intelligent being. He is not a pet." Pierce answered honestly.

Are you also from Kuntai? !

This answer made Yue Yuan's eyelids twitch, and he suddenly became interested.

His first reaction was that he subconsciously believed that the Kuntai civilization had successfully turned another alien race into one of its own, and that it could also enable two different forms of intelligent life to survive in the same environment at the same time.

So, Kuntai civilization has some kind of biological transformation technology?

"You can actually modify other alien life forms to adapt to the environment. I have to say, it's really surprising." Yue Yuan was really surprised.

Pierce knew that Yue Yuan had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Well, that's not what you think. This Motutuo is not an alien intelligent life, he is a Kuntai man, and I am of the same race, biologically. Same race.”

? ? !

Same race?

How can it be!

Yue Yuan believed that Pierce would not have the guts to deceive him on such an issue, but he still found it a bit unbelievable that the same race could have such a huge difference in form.

This made him more and more curious about the individual Kuntai civilization.

"What a magical race!" Yue Yuan first sighed with interest, but he was too lazy to ask Pierce one sentence at this time, so next, he said directly: "In this way, next we will Send some robots to your fleet to collect data. I hope you will open the cabin and actively cooperate."

Pierce did not dare to have any objection, and she showed a pious look: "Of course, our Kuntai civilization is already a vassal of the great human beings. Things in the Kuntai civilization are the property of mankind, and of course they should all belong to mankind. Don't you It needs our consent.”

Saying such words, Pierce gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart. She never imagined that she would say such humble words.

I endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden for the rebirth of Kuntai civilization. Pierce silently comforted himself in his heart.

Yue Yuan nodded with satisfaction and said: "That's good, but as the leader of Kuntai Civilization, it would be better to inform you of some things so that you can make some preparations in advance."

"We will send a transport ship. After approaching your residential spaceship, our transport ship will release a robot into your spaceship. The robot will carry a data terminal interface to connect with your database.

We need all the data, including your culture, scientific theories, technology, education, ideology, civilization history, and biological characteristics evolution history. In a word, we need to copy the database of your entire civilization. "

In response to such a direct request, Pierce didn't even dare to say no. She lowered her head slightly and made a respectful appearance: "It is the honor of us Kuntai people to be able to contribute to mankind."

He who knows the current affairs is a hero!

Yue Yuan smiled broadly and continued: "Very good, then, I have another task for you, which is to give me a list of all your top scientists within three days, and then gather them together, and we humans will A specially designed residential spaceship will be built for them to provide superior living conditions so that they can better contribute to the scientific and technological progress of our civilization."

Pierce promised: "As you wish, I will make arrangements immediately!"

"Yes." Yue Yuan nodded with satisfaction and immediately closed the communication.

Then, he directly ordered the transport ship to fly to the cluster of Kuntai civilization's residential spaceships to collect all information about Kuntai civilization.

In order to be able to hold the data of an entire civilization, humans specially upgraded the shipboard computer of this transport ship. Of course, in fact, the shipboard computer of the transport ship is used more as a data transfer station, and the database of Kuntai Civilization will eventually be stored in the "Light of the Galaxy".

Yue Yuan was curious about how Kuntai civilization could have two different forms, but he was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had collected the information and knew everything.

After the transport ship set off, Yue Yuan issued notices to scientific teams in various fields of mankind, asking them to prepare to analyze and digest the coming ocean of data and make it completely human.

After that, Yue Yuan supported the victory carnival and sacrifice mourning ceremony, and then human civilization slowly returned to normal.

The residential spacecraft cluster, scientific research spacecraft fleet, and engineering spacecraft that had fled before all returned to Aldebaran-Kong Star to continue mining, continue to exploit resources, and fill human inventory.

To be fully prepared for the next voyage, at the same time, humans need to build a more powerful fleet. There are too few Shan-class battleships, and humans need more to deal with possible crises in the future.

The time of victory always passes quickly.

On the other hand, humans' request for copying the Kuntai Civilization Database is also progressing smoothly.

Groups of robots entered the residential spacecraft from the open hatch of Kuntai Civilization, and then served as data receivers, connected to the Kuntai Civilization system, and copied various data materials of Kuntai Civilization.

Kuntai civilization did not make any resistance to such blatant demands from humans. Of course, some Kuntai people also raised the banner of resistance, but they were suppressed under Pierce's organization.

The operation of requesting data can be said to be extremely smooth.

In this way, the huge data was transmitted to the transport ship transfer station through the robot connection port, and then transferred to the human database for storage.

At the same time, the human science team, which had been prepared for a long time, also became busy when the data was obtained. No expert in all fields was idle.

"It's really miraculous. The universe is really miraculous. Kuntai people actually reproduce asexually!" There was an exclamation in the Biological Research Institute.

"Isn't it? The difference between the two forms is actually due to different genders, and it is also the result of abnormal development. It is really incredible!"

"This is their genetic map. Look at it, it's really amazing!"

"Yes, it's amazing. I think this information will set off a biotechnology revolution in the near future, it will definitely!"

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