Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 204 Biologists’ demands

Seeing the two morphological changes of Kuntai people, human biologists are like seeing rare treasures. They are like babies who are curious about everything, and they are very interested in the transformation of the Kuntai people.

The offspring must be male, and after metamorphosis, they must become female and give birth to offspring at the same time.

Such a model is simply unheard of.

They had thought about the existence of many alien forms, but most of them were based on the union of the two sexes. They had never thought of such a creature that reproduced asexually but was clearly divided into two sexes.

This is simply amazing and completely breaks the traditional thinking of human biologists on biological evolution.

It was also at this moment that humans realized that the 'tail' in Kuntai's 'Tai' form was not actually a tail.

It's no wonder they were so excited, after all, this was the first time that humans had actually obtained alien body data.

It was also the first real contact with individual aliens.

In the past, the Moke people only had image records, which was completely different from the entire database now. The difference is like the difference between seeing a picture of a person and getting a human genetic map.

No wonder some scientists say that this will set off a biological revolution.

In addition to being excited by biologists, our information on Kuntai has also aroused great interest among sociological researchers.

Because they discovered that the main body of Kuntai people is actually "Tai", which is the stage after metamorphosis. Almost 80% of the positions are occupied by Kuntai people in the "Tai" form. Compared to the 'Kun' form, the 'Tai' form has a larger body, a stronger body, and a smarter brain.

Of course, there are also some intelligent beings in the 'Kun' form, but they are relatively few.

And the most interesting thing is that after the Kuntai people undergo abnormal development, their intelligence level will be further improved.

From the Kuntai Civilization Database, humans can easily understand the extent of this change.

If you are a fool in the 'Kun' form, then after abnormal development, you will become a normal Kuntai person with normal intelligence. If she is a normal Kuntai person, then after metamorphosis and development into the 'Tai' form, her intelligence will be fully improved and she will become a very smart Kuntai person with a good memory.

If he is already very wise in the 'Kun' form, then after metamorphosis, the probability of this Kuntai person becoming a great scientist is very high.

This is true mentally and physically.

It can be said that after abnormal development, the overall quality of Kuntai people has improved by an order of magnitude.

Humans think this is a very magical phenomenon.

When biologists looked up information related to the Kuntai civilization, they found that the Kuntai people also did some research on this phenomenon.

They believe that the root of all changes lies in the process of metamorphosis.

However, at this stage, the Kuntai people, like humans, are not able to fully understand every secret of their own race.

They only know that all changes in Kuntai people are completed in the metamorphosis stage of development, and if they want to biologically strengthen themselves, they must also be carried out at this stage.

The more biological research experts learn about it, the more they feel that there is some kind of biological evolution secret hidden in it.

In this case, Yi Kai, as a leader in life sciences, immediately made a video call to Yue Yuan.

"It's Lao Yi, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Yue Yuan was carefully browsing the history of Kuntai Civilization, from which he learned about the existence of Quill Civilization.

"Chief, we can't kill all Kuntai people, we have to leave a group for us to do life science research." Yi Kai got straight to the point.

Hearing this, Yue Yuan immediately shook his head and put on a serious face: "Professor Yi, I know what you are thinking, but that is too dangerous."

"No, no, no, Chief, you may have misunderstood me." Yi Kai obviously refused to give up. He waved his hand and explained: "We do not need to provide any living environment specifically for the Kuntai people, nor do we need them to serve as a The group continues to exist, we just need to have samples when we study it."

"You mean freezing?" Yue Yuan immediately understood what Yi Kai meant.

"Yes, Chief." Yi Kai groaned, and then said: "We only need to freeze a sufficient number of Kuntai people in hibernation cabins, and wake them up when they are needed to cooperate with life science research. Because For their special form changes, we even only need to freeze the Kuntai people in the 'Kun' form."

Faced with Yi Kai's proposal, Yue Yuan thought for a moment and then directly replied in the affirmative: "Yes, yes, is ten thousand enough?"

Ten thousand people, Yi Kai seemed very happy: "Great, we just need to prepare some hibernation cabins for these Kuntai people. It is best to make them according to the Kuntai people's own hibernation cabins. We all have the data! I guess Now, it’s probably enough to just make one ring of space in the scientific research spacecraft.”

It is very safe to freeze Kuntai people using hibernation, but it requires certain operations.

Now the Kuntai people still have 96 residential spaceships, and each residential spacecraft has about 70,000 Kuntai people. In other words, if we do not count the Kuntai people who died on the battleship, in this war, 13.79 million Kuntai people of Kuntai civilization have died due to the destruction of the residential spacecraft.

There are probably more than six million people left.

It is easy to find 10,000 people out of more than 6 million people to hibernate.

Ten thousand people is not too small, not to mention that the Kuntai people's reproductive model has an advantage, that is, there is no worry about inbreeding due to the scarcity of the population, because they reproduce asexually, and genetic mutations also occur during the metamorphosis stage of development.

While Yue Yuan was communicating with Yi Kai, another human scientific team was also in excitement.

"Okay, it's really cold fusion technology!"

"It's not just technology, but also a whole set of theories. What a gift! Academician Xu, look what this is!" A researcher opened an article and shouted to Xu Zhenyi.

"Research Report on the Relationship between Cold Fusion and Condensed Matter"

Xu Zhenyi leaned over and looked at it seriously.

In addition to this report, there are many materials research papers on cold fusion in the database, and of course there are also mature technical details for manufacturing cold fusion materials.

It’s so detailed, there are even process parameters. Seeing these technical information, Xu Zhenyi knew very well that mankind had obtained cold nuclear fusion technology.

"Condensed matter physics? This is how the cold nuclear fusion technology route originally developed." Xu Zhenyi completely devoted his mind to the history of Kuntai civilization's research on cold nuclear fusion technology.

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