Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 206 A great harvest

Xu Zhenyi, Liu Miyan, Yu Nanfeng and other top human scientists in the fields of materials, particles, power and other fields have been fascinated by the scientific data of Kuntai civilization. In a few days, they and the scientific teams they led have devoted their energy to massive of scientific information.

Their task is onerous.

Not only to browse and study, but also to identify these materials for humans.

Browse, classify, screen, review.

It is impossible for humans to completely trust the information obtained directly from a civilization database, so a group of scientists need to review it and then verify it.

Compared with browsing, classification, screening, review and other procedures, verification is much more complicated. It requires human scientists to learn this knowledge and at the same time create corresponding physical objects based on the descriptions of Kuntai civilization's scientific and technological data, and then proceed. Actual verification.

Well, it is a verification of technology.

This process is necessary. Although Kuntai civilization should not dare to tamper with the scientific and technical data in its database at this time, humans must do this process whether it is for safety reasons or just in case.

As long as the entire human race's own science and technology review mechanism is completed, these things obtained from the Kuntai Civilization Database truly belong to humans.

When humans copied the Kuntai civilization database to the 'Light of the Galaxy', not only these scientists, but also scientists in other fields were very busy.

There are surprises in basically every field.

Either they discover something that humans don’t have, or they discover something that can be learned from and verified by each other.

After knowing the original knowledge of the classification of civilization levels by nano-consciousness bodies, humans have speculated on such a proposition.

That is, the basic laws of the universe are universal. If this is the case, then the basic laws of the universe displayed in front of intelligent life, or the technology that can be leveraged and realized by relying on a certain level of energy level are also universal, and they are also within a certain range. inside.

Then, you can judge.

The technologies that technological civilizations can master at each level, or the technological paths they take, are also universal, which is consistent with the description of civilization levels by the Mok Star civilization.

In this way, there will be the marking technology of the first-level civilization, the marking technology of the second-level civilization, and the marking technology of the third-level civilization.

However, humans have always had a question, and that is whether different civilizations will have advantages in a certain technological route because of their own racial characteristics.

The characteristics of a race of intelligent life can be the initial scientific cornerstone of this race's knowledge of the world based on its own senses when it was born with wisdom, and then built on its own knowledge.

Based on this, the differences between different races will lead to the development of some special technologies, or the phenomenon of being very good at a certain field.

Now it seems that this doubt has been confirmed and verified.

The senses of Kuntai people are different from humans. They communicate with ultrasonic waves. Their naked vision is better than humans, and the visible light bands their eyes feel are also different from humans.

Under this condition, Kuntai people's feelings about the same real things are different from humans.

Therefore, starting from their sensory conditions, the initial perception of reality developed is also very different from that of humans.

Many things that humans find intuitive and do not require explanation or detailed data recording are difficult for them and require specific descriptions in scientific language to understand.

On the contrary, what humans think is abstract, they think is very intuitive, and they can understand it without explanation at all.

This gap means that the two races will show different talents for the same technological research discovery.

Take ultrasound as an example. Kuntai people can directly conduct ultrasound detection on individuals based on their own characteristics based on the fact that their speech is ultrasound. This detection can be medical or biological positioning.

From this point of view, it is conceivable that Kuntai's medical system is completely different from humans.

Because they can use the ultrasonic waves emitted by their mouths to measure distance, speed, clean, and even weld, crush stones, and sterilize specific areas and targets.

From the Kuntai Civilization Database, humans learned that this function is the same as human ventriloquism.

They are both carbon-based creatures, but they have such a big gap. What such a big gap brings to the two races is the so-called racial talent, or specialties in a certain field or shortcomings in a certain field.

Extremely short, the antonym of extremely long.

What the Kuntai people can do on their own, humans cannot do. What humans can do on their own, the Kuntai people cannot do either. Science is a tool for the two races to make up for their own lack of knowledge.

The use of this tool also allowed the two races to take different paths in understanding the universe.

Of course, they all achieve the same goal by different paths, and they all achieve controllable nuclear fusion, but the routes they take and the technical details are different.

Therefore, after integrating the Kuntai Civilization database, mankind has had a great harvest.

Although the database of Kuntai Civilization does not seem to be very complete, it is a good supplement to the loss of various technologies caused by human beings losing their home planet due to the explosion of the sun.

In a word, it is a huge gain.

In these days, good news came from every field, which made Yue Yuan feel a little complacent. After all, victory and harvest are always joyful.

Today, he was about to start arranging personnel to handle the demands of the previous group of biologists. But just as he was about to give the order, there was a knock on the door of his office.

The person who walked through the door was an old acquaintance, Manyue Mei.

As soon as she entered the door, she went directly to the sofa in front of Yue Yuan's desk and sat down. Then she crossed her legs and asked straight to the point: "Shuai Yue, I saw the announcement on the intranet of the headquarters that you want to keep 10,000 Kuntai people. For biological research?"

Yue Yuan raised his head while working at the office and looked at her with eyebrows, just in time to meet her eyes.

Glancing at this beautiful face that has not faded due to age, Yue Yuan nodded and said: "It is true, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, otherwise I wouldn't come here to find you." Manyuemei spoke very directly, which can be said to be outspoken.

Yue Yuan didn't care. He thought about it, hesitated for a moment, and stared into Manyuemei's bright eyes: "What? Do you think it's inappropriate? Kill them all? It's not impossible to kill them all, but that won't work. Fa and the biologists explained that it was under the banner of human life science research, and it’s hard to refute the truth.”

"It's indeed inappropriate!" Manyuemei nodded first, and then made a twist: "But I don't mean to kill them all, I just want to come up with an improvement plan!"

"Oh? But it doesn't matter!" Yue Yuan asked curiously. The previous decision was entirely based on the opinions of biologists, and then he agreed when he thought it was okay. Maybe there were real shortcomings.

Manyuemei stood up, took two steps forward, and then put her hands on Yue Yuan's desk. This action really showed her proud posture.

Manyuemei lowered her voice slightly and said: "There is still a risk in freezing ten thousand Kuntai people, because those people must be selected from among the current Kuntai people, even if they are only men among the Kuntai people. The 'Kun' form also has risks.

Because they witnessed the entire process of us annihilating their fleet, and even later annihilating their living spacecraft, even if they didn't see it, they would find it when they were thawed and woke up, so there must still be hatred buried in their hearts!

Where there is hatred, there are risks. So I think we don’t need to freeze those people, but find some Kuntai people who are about to enter the ‘Tai’ form of metamorphosis. After they enter metamorphosis, directly take away their new offspring, and we freeze their discarded Belong to the descendants of a blank sheet of paper, only in this way can all hidden dangers be eliminated. "

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