Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 207 After the War

Makes sense!

Yue Yuan raised his head and looked at Manyue Mei, then leaned towards the back of the chair: "But in this case, we have to confirm one thing, that is, whether Kuntai newborns have the ability to inherit memory! Regarding this, have you asked Yi Kai Have you taught yet?"

Yue Yuan has been busy with his own affairs recently and hasn't paid much attention to the special information about the Kuntai people, so he still doesn't know whether the Kuntai people are like humans, a race that newborns need to learn from scratch.

The universe is so vast and filled with wonders.

Since Manyuemei mentioned this, Yue Yuan naturally started to think about the racial characteristics of Kuntai civilization.

Although memory inheritance sounds magical, since asexual reproduction and abnormal development can appear in the same race, and it is also an intelligent life, it is impossible to say that it is possible.

"That's not true." Manyuemei shook her head, straightened up slowly, then turned back to sit on the sofa: "I just felt that the way I handled it was a little inappropriate, so I just stopped by."

"Well, I'll talk to Yi Kai personally about this later." Yue Yuan groaned, and then performed a few operations on the computer to transfer a file from the computer to the wireless storage chip on the desktop.

After that, he picked up the chip, stood up, walked to Man Yuemei, sat down, and handed the chip to her: "This is the parameter report of the cold core pulse thruster. Take a look at it later. After the engineering department completes the verification, we will It will be installed on the new detection spacecraft. The detection spacecraft and warship projects belong to the military industry, so you have to follow it."

"Cold nuclear pulse engine, this thing is also found on the Kuntai civilization battleship. I remember that they couldn't use it at first. It seems to be because of the lack of cold nuclear fusion fuel." Man Yuemei took the chip and imported it directly into his personal terminal, and said , "The detailed manufacturing process of cold fusion fuel should be found in their database, right?"

"It's thanks to their choice to surrender. Otherwise, if we destroyed some more warships and spaceships, we would probably have lost some data." Yue Yuan said thankfully.

"It seems that it is not easy to make cold fusion materials. It seems that this matter cannot be completed in a short time." Manyuemei immediately opened her personal terminal and browsed the data given by Yue Yuan just now, while speaking.

"It's really not easy." It was nothing serious at all, so Yue Yuan started to tell Man Yuemei about the cold nuclear fusion thruster. As a military commander, it is necessary to understand the performance of battleships.

Of course, the specific fuel manufacturing process does not need to be clear, but the manufacturing cycle, what raw materials are needed, what kind of factory production is needed, and what kind of technology are needed, these things need to be roughly understood.

The fuel of cold nuclear fusion is a condensed matter, which means that it does not exist in nature and must be artificially produced.

Production requires production equipment, production workshops, and production lines. Therefore, after humans obtain the manufacturing method, they must first solve these problems, and then the problem of raw materials.

Kuntai Civilization has ready-made equipment, workshops, and production lines, as well as design drawings. Humans can just get them directly from them, or make them themselves according to the drawings.

As for fuel, humans need to mine it themselves. Mine according to the material list of Kuntai civilization and separate the required chemical elements.

Yes, cold fusion fuel is not like thermonuclear fusion fuel, where a large amount of protium, deuterium, tritium, helium, three and helium can be collected directly from nature. It needs to be prepared twice.

It is regarded as a form of energy storage. Logically speaking, it should not be regarded as an energy source, but the magical thing is that the energy required to prepare it is much smaller than the energy released by nuclear fusion.

So from this perspective, it does count as an energy source.

Different from the thermonuclear fusion form of star burning, this is an energy hidden by the laws of nature. Only civilizations with sufficient technology can discover and utilize it.

After talking about the cold nuclear pulse thruster, Yue Yuan changed the topic and asked about what happened after the war: "By the way, how is the post-war battlefield cleaning, search and rescue of possible survivors, etc. going?"

Man Yuemei was responsible for this matter. She replied without much thought: "All Callisto-class battleships and frigates have participated in the battlefield cleaning and search and rescue work. The battlefield cleaning is carried out in an orderly manner. Many available services have been found so far. Modular components, but there is little progress in personnel search and rescue.”

Yue Yuan nodded. There was no progress, except that no survivors were found.

Although he knew that in a space war, once a battleship was destroyed, it was very likely that the entire crew on the battleship would be killed, and he was mentally prepared.

But when I heard the exact news, I still felt bad.

In this battle, mankind sacrificed a total of 69,771 people, most of whom died when the Callisto-class battleship was sunk. As for the Kuntai civilization, a total of 14.01 million people were killed, most of whom were residents of the spaceship.

The difference in casualties between the two sides was huge, but Yue Yuan still felt heavy.

Compared with the battle inside the planet, the cosmic war is not fatal. Once there are casualties, it will be the death of groups and organizations.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. A battleship is so big and without so many people, it is impossible to form a combat effectiveness. Although AI can replace many jobs, as of now, human AI technology cannot completely replace human positions. In fact, it is also because of the existence of AI that humans can operate such a huge warship with almost three thousand personnel.

Of course, if it is a crushing game, it is easy to wipe out the enemy with zero casualties.

In the following time, Yue Yuan talked with Manyuemei about battlefield cleaning and fleet matters, and also summarized the preparations to eliminate the remaining Kuntai people.

There is no objection to this.

As long as humans complete the analysis and verification of all aspects of the Kuntai civilization, the next step is to eliminate them all.

Of course, before doing this now, there is another thing that needs to be confirmed.

So after Manyuemei left the office, Yue Yuan got up and went to the Institute of Life Sciences. He needed to confirm this with Yi Kai.

It has not been a short time since the data was obtained. The team of biologists should have moved from the data analysis stage to the verification stage.

As for the research on Kuntai people's bodies, the tone has been set in the internal discussion meeting before. Some of these scientists should have also conducted research on this. I don't know if there are any results in this regard.

After arriving at the Institute of Life Sciences, Yue Yuan showed no bureaucratic politeness. He went straight to where Yi Kai was and asked questions he was concerned about.

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