Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 215 Undecided in times of trouble

Indecision, quantum mechanics.

Listening to Dao Heiqi's talk, Yue Yuan couldn't help but think of this sentence.

This was a bit of a joke, but Yue Yuan knew very well that what Dao Heiqi said was well-founded and had a corresponding calculation process. He didn't understand the mathematical calculation process, but he could understand it.

So now he has confidence in his heart. If there are no accidents, this experiment will most likely be successful.

In fact, just as Yue Yuan expected, after the experiment started, the results of neutrino detection were quickly displayed on the visual equipment.

Well, it's the screen of the neutrino control terminal, and the computer screens of rows of staff. It's just a string of characters and symbols displayed inside.

Yue Yuan wisely did not look at the first-hand information data, but turned to look at the terminal summary screen. The content displayed on the big screen of the terminal is the result of many scientific researchers summarizing and transcoding various digital signals and analog signals. This is where he can really understand it directly.

After the detection results were rendered by the computer, the scene that appeared in Yue Yuan's eyes was a picture with a star map as the background and various parameters of the target marked. It was probably a human habit. This picture was somewhat similar to a radar scan.

However, unlike the imaginary bright mark, the target in the picture appeared very clear, and even the outline of the battleship appeared on it.

"Why is it so clear because we knew in advance that it was the Callisto ship and the frigate, and then it was rendered by a computer?" Seeing such a result, Yue Yuan frowned. He wondered if it was because he was here that these people deliberately This is how it was done.

"Ah? What?" Dao Heiqi, who was carefully fiddling with the parameters, didn't seem to understand what Yue Yuan said.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan repeated his question again.

After listening carefully, Dao Heiqi replied: "How is that possible? Marshal Yue, look at this."

Dao Heiqi first enlarged the target on the screen until it almost occupied the entire screen. Then he pointed at the outline of the target Callisto: "Look, Commander Yue, the target border is actually very blurry. Not only the border, but also other details are very blurry." It's blurry, as if a layer of ink has been applied.

You know, we don’t have such a low resolution. If you use a computer to deliberately adjust it like this, it would be a waste of time and effort, so these are actually real detection results.

The reason for the blur is also very simple, that is, the error rate of quantum entanglement, well. It is the error of our detectors themselves, not the quantum entanglement itself.

Let's put it this way, it is the observation errors that occur when our detector observes the collapse of entangled states. The more errors there are, the blurr the detection target will be, and vice versa. The target blur we see now is probably caused by the 16% error rate. "

Dao Heiqi paused and seemed to be considering the affixes. After walking around in circles twice, he continued: "The 16% error rate seems high, but the real situation is very low. According to our speculation, there are only 50% error rate." % or above, the detector can recognize the target normally.

The reason lies in the quantum entanglement state. After all, our neutrino detector emits not just one neutrino, but a massive number of neutrinos. In fact, we can have such a high accuracy rate thanks to the neutrino communicator manufacturing process of the Mok civilization. "

Listening to Dao Heiqi's explanation, a smile gradually appeared on Yue Yuan's face. Now, the neutrino detection was truly successful.

"If I remember correctly, neutrino communication and neutrino detection are things that only second-level civilizations can master!" Yue Yuan muttered as he recalled the past.

"Yes, Chief. That's what the nano-consciousness body of the Mok Star Civilization said at the time. If the content comes from the Mok Star Civilization Database, it must be correct." The answer was not Dao Heiqi, but the neutrino detection The second person in charge of the device project is Zhao Youqin.

"We finally took this step!" Yue Yuan nodded towards Zhao Youqin.

As a leader who has an overview of the overall situation, Yue Yuan knows that all this is not easy. From getting the neutrino communicator to humans figuring out the principles and building their own neutrino detectors, this process took hundreds of years.

It is also a neutrino-related technology. Human beings cannot start with the manufacturing technology of one and directly create the other. Instead, we must first go back to the scientific principles. Only after we understand the principles can we find a way to create them.

In this process, the previous neutrino communicator played a certain role, but it was only equivalent to the stair handrail for going upstairs. The stairs for going upstairs still had to be built step by step by humans starting from studying reinforced concrete.

If the neutrino communicator obtained from the Mok civilization before was considered a black technology to newcomers, then this technology is not black now, because humans have understood its scientific principles.

The emergence of these two neutrino technologies also means that humans are already at the level of second-level civilization in terms of detection and communication technology.

With the presence of neutrino detectors, if there is a battle in the asteroid belt in the future, then humans will not need to send any frigates to serve as eyes, but will directly use neutrino detectors for detection.

You can always stay behind asteroids or major planets, and then use shipborne neutrino detectors to scan the surroundings.

At the same time, this thing is also the best detection method inside the star system. All warships hidden behind the meteorites of stars and planets are invisible.

After seeing the power of the neutrino technology tree, Yue Yuan finally realized deeply why high-level civilizations could crush low-level civilizations.

Just in terms of communication and detection technology, they are crushed in all directions.

Not to mention its signature technology, cold and heavy nuclear fusion.

Of these two core technologies, one is to increase the energy level, allowing the spacecraft to easily break through the 15% speed of light limit that is difficult for first-level civilizations to break through. The second is to broaden the source of energy. Originally, the only way to replenish energy was to find giant gaseous planets or to find protium, deuterium, tritium, helium, three and helium four, but it only needs to find stones.

It can be said that with the mastery of these two core technologies, the universe will be filled with energy supply places. A civilization that has reached this level is completely free from energy constraints.

Of course, we still have to rely on the star system.

The success of heavy nuclear fusion and cold nuclear fusion will bring more changes than these, but these will not be truly reflected until humans master heavy nuclear fusion.

According to relevant scientists, if everything goes well, it will take another thirty years for heavy nuclear fusion to occur.

For an aerospace-level civilization, thirty years is not a long time. It is not even enough to witness the entire process of a person from birth to the completion of schooling, nor is it enough to witness the aging of any human being.

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