Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 216 Chapter 215 Second Level Civilization

However, the changes brought about by quantitative changes to qualitative changes have made mankind truly feel how powerful the second-level civilization is.

Of course, scientific ascent is never achieved overnight.

Humanity's realization of heavy nuclear fusion is also the result of countless years and the accumulation of countless related technologies. The process of taking off the crown of heavy nuclear fusion technology was also achieved step by step.

Over the past eighty years, mankind has continued to climb on the basis of helium nuclear fusion.

The first thing to be achieved is the fusion of carbon into neon.

Using high-temperature and high-pressure-resistant materials as fusion furnaces, humans relied on materials copied from the crashed alien spacecraft on Callisto to withstand the high-temperature environment where carbon fuses into neon.

However, when neon is fused into oxygen, this material cannot withstand it, because the temperature required at this stage has exceeded 150 million degrees Celsius. And this temperature is obviously beyond the melting point of this metal.

Fortunately, humans have not foolishly continued to use materials to resist. Instead, they use this material as a basis to build equipment and high-temperature and high-pressure resistant components, and then use ultra-strong magnetic fields to restrain the fusion materials.

With the participation of magnetic fields, there is no need for materials and equipment to directly carry high temperature and high pressure.

This is easy to imagine, because the high temperature and high pressure required for fusion is not the high temperature and high pressure on the inner wall of the container, but the high temperature and high pressure on the fusion material itself.

Under magnetic field constraints, nuclear fusion can occur as long as the environment in which the fusion material itself is located satisfies the fusion environment.

Humanity also took advantage of this to achieve the breakthrough of fusion of neon into oxygen.

Oxygen nuclear fusion is the fusion of oxygen nuclei into magnesium. The minimum temperature is 200 million degrees Celsius and the pressure environment generated by the gravity of ten suns.

For humans, it is obviously easier to increase the temperature than harsh pressure environments.

Coupled with the previous experience of neon fusion, humans quickly thought of a solution, or a way forward.

That is to continue to strengthen the magnetic field, and then continue to increase the speed of the plasma jet to increase the temperature. As the temperature increases, the pressure requirements will naturally decrease.

Finally, after seventeen years of struggle, mankind broke through this step.

The breakthrough in magnesium nuclear fusion was actually the time when human scientists said it would take another thirty years.

Students who have memorized the periodic table of elements all know that after magnesium is aluminum, and after aluminum is silicon. Silicon fusion is the goal of human heavy nuclear fusion.

It is more difficult to create pressure to support pressure than to increase temperature to support temperature, so human scientists decided to use the old method and route to continue to increase the temperature and the speed of the plasma flow.

Raising the temperature and increasing the speed of the plasma flow sounds simple, but in fact it is very difficult.

As we all know, nuclear fusion raw materials are not thrown directly into the fusion furnace. Instead, the material used as fuel is heated first and vaporized into plasma before being pumped into the reaction chamber.

Because only plasma is subject to magnetic field constraints, not normal uncharged matter.

One can imagine how high the technical requirements here are.

First of all, humans must have sufficient ability to vaporize matter into plasma. Here, confinement fusion technology plays a key role.

As for the so-called pumping into the reaction chamber, this process requires humans to have a super powerful magnetic field to accelerate the plasma to the extreme. Only an ultra-strong magnetic field can ensure that the reaction chamber created by humans will not be penetrated by ultra-high-speed plasma.

Therefore, most of the thirty years mentioned at the beginning were actually budgeted for research on how to increase the strength of the magnetic field and how to control ultra-strong magnetic fields.

How to obtain a super powerful yet stable and controlled magnetic field has become a subject that humans have been studying diligently for the past thirty years.

So how to enhance the magnetic field?

The answer lies in Maxwell's equations.

First, current. The magnetic field produced by passing an electric current through a conductor is an electromagnetic field, so the strength of the magnetic field can be increased by increasing the intensity of the electric current.

Second, the solenoid. Wrapping the wire around the solenoid and passing current through it can also create a strong electromagnetic field. The more layers of wire, the stronger the magnetic field obtained.

Third, the reflector is also called an electromagnetic wave reflector. The principle is to reflect electromagnetic waves through a reflector, thereby enhancing the strength of the magnetic field.

Fourth, laser, the use of laser can create high-frequency electromagnetic waves. High-frequency electromagnetic waves gather together to produce extremely strong magnetic fields.

Fifth, high-voltage discharge. Using high-voltage discharge, an extremely strong magnetic field can be generated in the surrounding environment. However, this method is generally only used to study the behavior of electromagnetic fields in different environments.

There seem to be many ways, but in the final analysis it is still current and coil.

And this returns to the issue of materials science and the development of superconducting magnets with ultra-strong magnetic fields. Only superconducting magnets can allow humans to obtain ultra-strong magnetic fields with very small changes in magnetic field intensity and remain stable. Because of the material characteristics of superconducting, it can generate a stable magnetic field in the eternal current mode, and it will not be affected by ultra-strong currents. And worry about conductor heating problem.

So how to obtain superconducting magnet materials?

Well, this is not a big question. After all, as early as the 21st century, scientists used refrigerator conduction cooling to make superconducting magnets, which can generate a magnetic field exceeding 10T without using liquid helium. Some countries have even successfully established laboratories with strong magnetic fields exceeding 20T through research on superconducting magnets.

T, Tesla, the unit of magnetic field.

A magnetic field strength of 1T is roughly the magnetic field strength of a magnet inside a 13KG large loudspeaker. The MRI machine in the hospital is about 3T. The magnetic field strength of sunspots is approximately 10T.

The laboratory equipment that can levitate a frog in the air has a magnetic field strength of about 16T.

In the 21st century, the Chinese Academy of Sciences had developed a strong magnetic field of 45.22T, which once broke America's 23-year record.

This magnetic field is 900,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field.

However, the strength of these magnetic fields is far from enough for today's new humans, and it is not enough to restrain super plasma in a heavy nuclear fusion environment.

You can imagine how difficult it is.

God has paid off for his hard work. Humanity has stood on countless steps of science and technology. After thirty years of dedicated research, it has finally overcome this difficulty. Humanity has finally made progress on its way to climbing the electromagnetic force, the second most powerful force in the universe. step.

Humans have finally achieved the super strong magnetic field that can restrain super plasma in a heavy nuclear fusion environment.

This marks that mankind has finally jumped into the ranks of second-level civilization.

At this time, humans were surprised to find that the super-strong magnetic field they had worked so hard to develop could not only be used to restrain heavy nuclear fusion reactors, but could also be improved and placed in other locations on the battleship, through several super-strong magnetic fields. The magnetic field generators are arrayed and then formed into a magnetic field shield.

After the realization of heavy nuclear fusion, the technology researched for the realization of heavy nuclear fusion was transformed into a magnetic field shield generator for battleships, and everything fell into place.

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