Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 221 Kuntai people’s medicine

When the time came to the 42nd year of the Centennial Plan, a piece of good news reached Yue Yuan's ears.

The person who delivered the good news was not his assistant, but the chief scientist in charge of the project, Yi Kai, who had always been the number one in the field of life sciences with his outstanding talents.

When Yi Kai found Yue Yuan, Yue Yuan had just returned from the space dock and was about to return to the office to continue working.

However, he entered the Tianqin from the spaceport, and before he returned to the office, he met Yi Kai who looked happy.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan waved to several soldiers who were protecting him to stop, and then walked up to Yi Kai with his magnetic boots: "Old Yi, what can you do to summon you in person?"

Yi Kai is still the same, looking like an old man in his sixties or seventies, but his posture is still upright and his spirit is good. Because of the life potion, the years have not left any traces on him.

In fact, before getting off the shuttle boat just now, Yue Yuan received a call from Yi Kai, otherwise Yi Kai would not have known that he had just returned to the Tianqin.

However, during the call, Yi Kai did not directly say what the good news was, but only said the great news. He kept it secret and said that he would elaborate on it in person.

It stands to reason that if you have any good news, just say it directly on the phone, or ask others to send a message. If Yi Kai comes in person now, it must be really great news.

After Yue Yuan finished speaking, thinking about Yi Kai's previous betrayal, he was no longer anxious, and then said with a smile: "Old Yi, don't tell me yet, let me guess what great news it is!"

As he spoke, Yue Yuan started to think a little, and at the same time followed Yi Kai, walking down another passage.

Yi Kai came in person, it must be related to life sciences and biotechnology, so Yue Yuan did not rush back to the office, but went to the Institute of Life Sciences with the former.

After taking a few steps, Yue Yuan turned to Yi Kai beside him: "I guess the Kuntai people's genetic project has been researched!"

"Haha, the president has a keen eye. It is indeed the Kuntai people's genetic research project that has been completed, and there is another surprise. This surprise may not be guessed by the president." Yi Kai showed a very genuine smile.

Yue Yuan could clearly feel such a smile. It was completely different from the Yi Kai he had seen a few times before. Although he had smiled before, this time it gave Yue Yuan a different feeling in his mental state. It seemed really Happy.

"Has the clinical trial of human overclocking been successful?" Yue Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe!" When Yi Kai heard this, he suddenly showed an expression that you really couldn't guess. He then raised his right hand and snapped his fingers briskly. He looked like a boy from the 21st generation.

As the sound of snapping fingers echoed, Yi Kai's words continued: "Of course the human overclocking clinical experiment was successful, but this is included in the Kuntai human genetic research project. It is considered a practical technology with research results and is not included in the scope of another surprise. Inside."

"Oh, could it be that there is progress in research on the Wolfe biosphere? Have we successfully cracked the secret of left-right rotation?" Yue Yuan was stunned, but he quickly thought of another project.

Yue Yuan basically knew all the projects related to life research, and the most important ones that could make Yi Kai personally run over and pull him over to see the results were probably these two.

"Well, that counts, but it's not a surprise, it's a matter of course." Yi Kai touched his thick hair, and then stopped being pretentious: "It's a potion of life!"

"Is the No. 3 Life Potion ready?" Yue Yuan said in surprise. If the No. 3 Life Potion is ready, it would be a big surprise indeed.

After all, the combined number 1 and 2 life potions of human beings can only extend human lifespan by 600 years, which is still too short for the vast interstellar space and the pace of life on a cosmic scale.

Human beings are still mushrooms and crickets.

However, before Yue Yuan could be happy, Yi Kai directly denied it: "No way!"


Yue Yuan rubbed his head. If it wasn't this, he really couldn't think of what it was for a while.

Fortunately, Yi Kai also knew how to measure. He did not continue to divide one sentence into ten paragraphs. Instead, he walked towards the Institute of Life Sciences and slowly said: "This is the life potion of Kuntai people. Chief, you know that we The reason why we have been unable to use that kind of life potion before is that after we made a breakthrough in the Kuntai human gene project, we also solved this problem."

Yue Yuan nodded. He really knew this. It was actually the Kuntai people's reproductive method that was causing trouble. He still remembered the report, which said that the life potion of the Kuntai people only works on asexually reproducing creatures, obviously not humans.

In fact, it was also at that time that human beings understood that the life medicine was not universal for all life in the universe, but also targeted asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. In other words, it might be because the reproductive method of Kuntai civilization was too special.

It was also at that time that Yue Yuan realized how lucky he was to have inhaled the gas on Callisto. Perhaps the civilization that crashed the spacecraft belonged to some kind of hermaphroditic life.

As for the Kuntai people, of course they also have their own life potion, otherwise they would not be able to adapt to the cosmic environment as a normal life cycle.

After obtaining information about the Kuntai people, humans have learned that the life cycle of the Kuntai people is actually very short, much shorter than humans. Their half-life cycle from birth to metamorphosis is only twenty-five Earth years. In other words, Their theoretical lifespan is only fifty Earth years.

This is true in theory, but in reality it is even shorter, just like in theory everyone should live a long life, but in reality almost all of them die of illness.

The same is true for the Kuntai people. In the era before they entered the interstellar world, basically no one could live to be fifty years old.

However, it is precisely because of such a short life that they have been forced to work hard on lifespan research, so that in the field of lifespan technology, Kuntai civilization has achieved quite good results.

According to the Kuntai Civilization Database, their life potion can extend their life span by nearly 800 years, which is as long as Peng Zu’s life span.

The time period when the Kuntai people used the life potion was not surprising. They only used it after they had gone through abnormal development.

At that time, human scientists were excited for a long time when they read this content in the database. They thought they had obtained a new life potion, but they did not expect that it could not be used on humans because of its completely different reproductive methods.

Now that Yi Kai said that the other surprise is this, it must mean that this medicine can be used on humans.

"Okay, it is indeed a big surprise. In this way, the life span of us humans is expected to exceed about 1,500 years." Yue Yuan also showed a satisfied smile on his face, 800 plus 600 is 1,400 , but his calculation was correct, because this is the time for cheating genes, plus the normal birth, aging, illness and death of human beings, it is almost fifteen hundred years.

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