Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 222 It’s hard to explain in one word

"That's what it is, but the method of use is a bit special." Yi Kai confirmed at first, then the smile faded from his face, showing a look that didn't know what to say.

"Huh?" Yue Yuan was keenly aware of this change in his face.

"It's hard to explain clearly in a few words. Chief, I'd better go to the Institute of Life Sciences and see for yourself." Yi Kai spread his hands and said that there is a lot of content here, and he will read it in detail when he gets to the Institute of Life Sciences.

As he spoke, he increased the frequency of his steps.

Yue Yuan naturally called on the few soldiers behind him and the scientists, technical officers, assistants and others who had previously inspected the early space dock to follow him.

While walking, these scientists and technical officials were still exchanging their inspection experiences. This must be discussed because they will have to go back and write a report later.

Of course the report is not for Yue Yuan, but for their department.

It can be heard from the content of their discussion that the target that Yue Yuan and I just went to inspect was the new flagship of mankind.

The name has not changed, it is still called Tianqinhao.

After the new manufacturing is completed, the human military and political center will also be moved to the new Lyra.

This new Tianqin is larger than the Dongting ship, and the manufacturing process also adheres to the concept of building a flagship, all of which are the best and most advanced.

The armor configuration is naturally the same as that of other Lake-class battleships. After all, the No. 2 alloy material has been produced. It cannot be said that it is not allowed to be used if it is not a flagship. Therefore, the best and top craftsmanship refers to those that humans have the ability to build. , but it has not yet reached mass production.

This thing is like a special one and cannot be installed on a thousand Lake-class battleships.

For example, the core bridge armor is made of No. 1 alloy material for other Lake-class battleships, while the flagship uses No. 2 alloy material. The No. 2 alloy material is stronger, but also heavier, which makes the flagship have a greater mass than other warships. The greater the mass, the higher the thrust of the engine must be.

This way you won't become an old turtle.

And greater thrust requires a larger engine, which makes the flagship much larger than other warships. It has basically reached the pinnacle of human technology today.

The new Tianqin has a total length of 5 kilometers, a width and height of about 3 kilometers and 3 kilometers respectively, which is almost a full circle larger than the earliest experimental ship Dongting.

As for other conventional Lake-class battleships, they are larger than the Dongting ship, but not by much. Basically, the length, width and height are about 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2.5. The difference is due to the different types of main guns. The smile gap that appears is not that big of a difference in performance.

Of course, there is another main reason why the New Tianqin is so huge, that is, it has three main guns, one is a super large positron cannon, one is a super large gamma light cluster cannon, and one is a super large electromagnetic Railgun, three guns arranged in a triangle, mounted on its head.

Judging from the finished model, this layout makes the new Lyra look like it has a Gatling in its mouth when it bares its fangs and fires.

Of course, under normal conditions, the weapons on its head are wrapped in the hull by external movable armor, so it looks like a rather streamlined and beautiful battleship. The same is true for other Lake-class battleships.

Having said that, amid the discussion, Yue Yuan and his party quickly arrived at the Institute of Life Sciences. After entering the gate, Yi Kai led everyone directly to the finished product display area.

The so-called exhibition area was actually a spacious cabin. Yue Yuan glanced at it and found that there were some staff walking around here, holding workbooks in their hands. On one side of the wall, there are various things displayed just like a normal exhibition hall.

Looking away, Yue Yuan saw Yi Kai striding forward, and at the same time said loudly: "Xiao Shi, take out the contents of box No. 7 and show it to the chief executive."

"Ah? Ah! Oh, okay, wait a minute." A girl's voice sounded, as if she had just woken up from her immersed world of thoughts.

She is said to be a girl, but she is actually not too young, but she still looks like a girl.

This situation is very common in human society. A girl who looks nineteen or twenty years old may be already three hundred years old.

The same is true for this girl now. She looks only nineteen years old, but in fact she is almost two hundred years old.

When he was scanning the display area just now, Yue Yuan noticed this girl because she was somewhat different from other staff members. The other staff members seemed to be busy walking around, but she was the only one standing there blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Looking at the reaction, I was really a little stunned.

It was the first time for Yue Yuan to meet him, but Yi Kai was obviously used to it.

Perhaps noticing Yue Yuan's curious expression, Yi Kai explained: "This girl's name is Shi Lifen. Don't look at her blank look. In fact, she is very talented in the field of genetics. This time she can defeat Kun." It is difficult to use the life potion of Thai civilization, and she has to bear eight of the blame.

And don’t be fooled by her appearance. She often looks like this inadvertently in her daily life. When it comes to researching genetics, she becomes a completely different person! "

Oh, it turns out that I am naturally stupid! Yue Yuan nodded secretly, finally understanding.

After a while, Yue Yuan took what Yi Kai said from the dumb-looking Shi Lifen.

It's the size of a bucket. It's a transparent container full of technological packaging. From the outside, you can tell it's very thick. The liquid inside is blue. The container itself has a light that makes it look like a movie. Something to store important liquids in. It is also very heavy, about ten kilograms. However, whether it is Yue Yuan or Shi Lifen, they both lift their weights with ease.

There is also a long list of words written on it. The largest words are "Human Overclocking (No. 1)", and below it is a long list of instructions.

At this time, Yue Yuan heard Yi Kai's voice ringing in his ears: "Chief, this is the human overclocking agent. All clinical trials have been successful. Several volunteers have been injected as recipients, and it is very successful. I think .After observing it for a few more months, it can be promoted in the military."

Yue Yuan held up the 'Human Overclocking No. 1' with one hand, making it level with his own eyes, then looked at the faint blue liquid inside and asked: "How many people is this for?"

The bucket was so big that Yue Yuan thought it was for multiple people.

"One person." Yi Kai immediately answered and explained at the same time: "Chief, the state of the human body's overclocking is somewhat unexpected. To use the life potion of the Kuntai people, you must first inject the overclocking potion. In other words, only those who have the human body's overclocking Only capable humans can use the life potion of the Kuntai people. After using it, it will still take effect after exiting the overclocking state."

Yue Yuan nodded and said: "This is not a big problem. The body enhancement technology we developed was originally intended to be used by all mankind."

As if he felt that he had not expressed clearly, Yi Kai continued: "That's true, but the appearance of human beings in the overclocked state of the human body is a little uh, special. Hi, it's hard to describe in words. A few volunteers are in front. The chief comes with me. Take a look Then you’ll know.”

What does it mean to say that it is difficult to describe, but it can also turn into a monster?

Does it have a 'tail' like the 'Tai' form of the Kuntai people, or does it have a rickety back like the 'Kun' form?

Out of curiosity, Yue Yuan and everyone followed Yi Kai to the other end of the exhibition area. It was blocked by a handrail, and there were seven or eight steps leading to a spacious area, where three people seemed to be playing with various fitness equipment.

The fitness equipment on Tianqin are all made of electromagnetic and magnetic field related technologies. After all, there is no gravity here.

Yi Kai did not walk down, but put his hand on the railing, and then shouted to the three people in front: "Xiao Huang, Lao Tie, Amei. Let the chief see your overclocking status."

You can tell from Yi Kai's call that they are two men and one woman.

Of course, there are actually more than just these three volunteers, there are others, but the others are far away at this moment, so Yi Kai called the nearest three.

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