Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 223 Overclocking Mode

After hearing Yi Kai's words, the three of them took a few steps forward.

"Commander/Shuai Yue!"

After stopping, they first saluted Yue Yuan in the stands. As personnel on the Tianqin, of course they knew Yue Yuan, and one of them was a military personnel.

"Well, let's get started!" Yue Yuan also returned the military salute, then nodded and said.

"I'll go first!"

The person who replied was the man whom Yi Kai had just called Lao Tie. As soon as he finished speaking, he took off his shirt and threw it aside. It was not thrown on the ground, because there is no gravity here. After he pushed the top out, it floated away like a clothes hanger not far away, and then was attracted to it by the magnetic buttons.

The shirtless Lao Tie looks about thirty years old in appearance, and his body muscles are very well-proportioned. I don't know if he trained them himself or directly genetically modified them.

When the other two people saw Lao Tie coming first, they also moved a few steps to both sides to make room.

After a while, I saw Lao Tie lowering his head slightly, standing with his feet slightly apart, and his arms hanging naturally, as if he was brewing. After three seconds, he slowly raised his lowered head, and then his body seemed to tremble slightly, and then nothing changed.

Is this the end?

Nothing has changed!

There was a suspicious look on Yue Yuan's face. Could it be that he failed?

At this moment, another volunteer on the side, Xiao Huang, shouted out the answer: "Fuck you, old man, can you do it? If not, do it for me!"

"Don't yell, okay? Isn't this brewing? It takes time to brew. Wait a minute. I'm looking for that feeling."

After being scolded by Xiao Huang, Lao Tie, who was trying to enter the overclocking state, was a little confused. It had been smooth the previous times, but why couldn't it start this time? He didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the big boss.

After eliminating the interference, Lao Tie continued to repeat the previous actions, lowering his head slightly to contemplate, then slowly raising his head and shaking his body like a slight twitch.

This shaking look is a bit... Looking at Lao Tie's appearance, Yue Yuan always felt that this shaking was like shaking unnaturally after urinating.

"Isn't that true?" Yue Yuan brainstormed.

At this moment, Lao Tie's body finally changed.

Yue Yuan stopped his random thoughts and looked intently. He saw a look of pain on Lao Tie's face after the final shake. Then he saw his back arched slightly unnaturally, and he clenched his fists and raised them slightly. arm.

At the same time, a bright color began to appear from his arm. Within a few breaths, the bright color became obvious and began to climb up the arm. At this time, the bright color gradually transformed into bright silver.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Yuan saw that Lao Tie's arm began to show a grid shape. The grid shape was just an transition. After a breath, it became denser and denser, and then it took on a dense crystalline feel.

By this time, Lao Tie's original arm no longer looked like a human arm. From the perspective of a bystander, his arm now seemed to be covered with very dense and fine scales, which looked like snake scales. , if you look closely, it doesn't look like the scales of Kuntai people's "Tai" shape, but there are some differences, it is denser and smaller.

In short, in less than a minute, Lao Tie's arm turned into an arm covered with something like scales.

This is not over yet. This change started from his arms, then his arms, neck, then his upper body, and finally his face, and even his entire head.

Miraculously, the changes have affected the entire head, and the hair has not fallen out.

After all Lao Tie had undergone such changes, Yue Yuan knew that this was what Yi Kai had said.

He checked the time and found that the entire change process took about three minutes.

Seeing such a change, Yue Yuan was about to say something, but before the words came out, he heard Xiao Huang, who just said that Lao Tie was not good, took the lead and said: "Lao Tie, you still need to practice more control. , look at me!”

With that said, Xiao Huang walked up to Lao Tie, who was already covered in scales, and then took off his coat, revealing his inner vest.

Then he was seen raising his hands and bending his arms inwards, making a muscle-flexing movement, and at the same time closing his eyes tightly. After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was no sign of his body shaking like an old man. I saw that his arm had changed like an old man.

And what surprised Yue Yuan was that such changes only appeared on his arms, from hands to arms, and did not completely cover the entire upper body.

"See, this is called Qilin Arm!" After a minute passed, Xiao Huang, who had completed the transformation, raised his arm to show off in front of Lao Tie.

While Xiao Huang was talking, Amei on the side had completed the transformation at some point, or entered the overclocking mode. She also didn't have scales on her face like Lao Tie, but she looked like her arms had changed less. Huang has some changes.

Because she was originally wearing a low-cut dress, you can see that her entire upper body has changed.

Unlike Lao Tie and Xiao Huang who exchanged blows, A-mei seemed relatively taciturn. After completing the transformation, she took a shot of the discus on the side without saying a word, and then, with all her strength, she punched it.

The discus, a good sports equipment, was just hammered out by her into a fist mark.

Seeing that the effect had come out, Yi Kai shouted directly: "Okay, you can change back!"

Upon hearing this, the three of them entered their respective states.

Yue Yuan was also curious about how they changed back.

To his surprise again, Yue Yuan originally thought that changing back would require a trembling preparation like an old iron, but he didn't expect that just a few seconds after Yi Kai finished speaking, he didn't see the three of them doing the same various actions as before. , just stood still for a while, and saw changes in them.

The bright silver scales faded away faster than they appeared. In less than half a minute, the appearance of the three people returned to their original human appearance.

It takes less than five minutes to complete the process of entering the overclocking state to exiting the state, and the appearance change to the restoration process. In such a short period of time, the three of them experienced changes in appearance from human to inhuman and back again.

It's hard to imagine what kind of changes their bodies have undergone in these few minutes.

Rather than being concerned about the so-called hard-to-explain changes in appearance, Yue Yuan was more curious about how these biologists achieved this.

So when he turned around and walked back to the display area, he looked at Yi Kai and said, "How did you do it? I saw that the actions of the three of them entering the overclocking state were different, but they all seemed to have gone through a brewing process, and it seemed that they all went through a brewing process. It seems that old man is not very skilled in this brewing process. Does this thing still depend on talent?"

After watching the entire human body overclocking process, Yue Yuan always felt that it was a bit fantasy.

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