Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 225 A hundred years in a hurry

Body enhancement, human body modification, genetic engineering, life potion, human body overclocking.

After setting foot in the starry sky, human beings have mastered one body modification technology after another, and the starting point of these technologies is to allow humans to adapt to the survival of the universe.

Whether it is high-G acceleration and deceleration of spaceships or battleships, long-term life on a battleship, or landing on planets with different environments, human beings are required to have a strong physique.

Human beings have battleships, spaceships, and tactical armors for individual soldiers to wear, but these additional protections are also based on the lower limit of the human body's own strength.

Therefore, human body modification is imperative.

After returning from the Institute of Life Sciences, Yue Yuan soon convened a group of senior officials and held meetings for several days. The main content was to discuss the matter of human body modification.

Other enhancements are basically unanimously supported, but some people are opposed to human body overclocking technology.

Of course, what they object to is not the improvement in overall quality brought about by overclocking the human body, but the scaly appearance.

The reason is that such a change can no longer be called human.

Naturally, some people refuted the views of this group of people. They believed that no matter what form human beings take, they are still human beings. They are not always in a scaly state anyway. Moreover, after the previous powerful transformation of the body, human beings are no longer the original ones. humans on earth.

As a leader, Yue Yuan actually knew very well that those opponents also realized that this technology would definitely be popularized. The reason why they held objections was just to give the new government a warning.

As for Yue Yuan himself, of course he also hopes that this technology can be popularized by all mankind, otherwise he would not waste time organizing meetings and discussions.

The purpose of the discussion is not to go through a process.

As for the appearance changes caused by overclocking of the human body, Yue Yuan thinks it doesn't matter. Just as Yi Kai said, just treat it as a transformed form of human beings.

Besides, this transformation actually doesn’t look ugly. On the contrary, if you watch it too much, you will feel a bit wildly handsome and beautiful.

Well, judging from those volunteers who entered the overclocking mode, this overclocking mode transformation in which the whole body is covered with scales is really the whole body. That is, all indescribable parts are covered with scales.

A proper all-round defense, it has a different flavor when fighting a thermonuclear war.

As for other functions, it is even more powerful. Who doesn’t like improving physical fitness in all aspects? It can be said that after entering the overclocking mode, humans can completely eliminate the need to rely on the acceleration buffer.

In this way, whether it is conducting battleship operations in the universe or driving tactical armor to land on planets, it will be many times more convenient.

Therefore, Yue Yuan plans to open up human body overclocking technology in about ten years and allow all mankind to accept overclocking transformation.

It is true that human overclocking technology has completed clinical verification, but when it comes to the transformation of all human beings, we cannot rush it. More experimental verification must be conducted to ensure that it is foolproof before it can be fully promoted.

Of course, not all overclocking of the human body brings about good things. It will have a huge impact on the ethics of human society, because no technology in history has ever been able to change the appearance of humans so completely.

People must adapt to such changes just as they have adapted to eye-specific modifications before.

In addition, overclocking mode also brings another negative factor that is not a negative impact, and that is energy consumption.

According to experimental data, after the human body enters overclocking mode, its energy consumption is several times greater than in the normal state. The specific amount varies depending on full overclocking or partial overclocking, ranging from five to ten times.

In other words, the energy that humans in the overclocked state need to consume also increases. If a normal person enters the overclocked state without subsequent intake of energy, it can only last for about an hour before returning to normal due to emptiness in the abdomen.

This means that if humans who enter overclocking mode want to maintain the state for a long time, they must find a way to have sufficient energy supply.

The most direct way to supply enough energy is naturally to eat, so there are only two ways before humans, either eating more frequently, or developing some kind of highly concentrated food.

Energy injection is another option, but after entering the overclocking mode, the human epidermal scales are extremely strong in both hardness and toughness. There is no place to inject them, so eating is the most convenient.

The reason why it is planned to be fully developed after ten years is actually the reason for the research on highly concentrated food. Only when highly concentrated food research is successful can the overclocking mode exert its true power.

Human beings should have food that matches the overclocking mode, at least one meal can last a day, but the body can only last for an hour without changing the body.

It is conceivable that such highly concentrated food will eventually become military materials.

As for civilian use, it's enough to be able to transform for an hour. After transforming back, you can just go home and eat and drink. It's not a big problem.

As for the bio-alloy skeleton technology that Yi Kai mentioned before, Yue Yuan does not intend to fully popularize it, because civilian spacecraft do not have such a large demand for high-G acceleration. At the same time, the necessary gap can also maintain the glory of the army and the rule of the new government.

Take the Ministry of Security as an example. As an internal security department, its soldiers naturally have to be stronger than civilians, otherwise it will be difficult to resolve some difficult conflicts.

After all, human bodies have been strengthened nowadays. Breaking a steel pipe to break a door is easy. For those who commit crimes, it is really difficult to perform duties without any physical advantage.

After finalizing these matters, Yue Yuan returned to his daily work life again. The centenary plan is gradually coming to an end in ordinary days.

At the 81st year when the Centennial Plan was formulated, the new Lyra was completed. In the 87th year, highly concentrated food was successfully developed. In the 90th year, bioalloy bone technology made a breakthrough.

It was also in this year that Yue Yuan opened the fully mature human body overclocking technology to all mankind in the name of the new government decree.

In the ninety-seventh year, all planned battleships were completed ahead of schedule.

Today, Yue Yuan, who is rarely free, stood in the porthole of the battleship as usual, looking at the shining stars outside, and murmured: "A hundred years have passed by in a blink of an eye, but the time remains the same. This is technology!"

The battleship Yue Yuan was on at this time was already the New Tianqin. After the battleship was completed, the new government moved here.

The stars shining outside the portholes are actually not stars, but the tail flames of transport ships. They are replenishing materials to the fleet. After the replenishment is completed, humans will set sail.

This time, humans have no clear goal, just that the overall route is far away from the original area.

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