Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 226 The Vast Sea of ​​Stars

The Centennial Plan changed the size of the human fleet from a few mountain-class battleships to a thousand lake-class battleships. Including other types of spaceships with various functions, the total number of human spaceships is about 1,300.

This is only the Lake-class battleship. If you include the Mountain-class and small frigates, the human fleet has reached two thousand ships.

During this period, humans also upgraded the residential spacecraft. Well, it is not an upgrade, but because of the improvement of shipbuilding technology, larger residential spaceships were built.

One new residential spaceship can accommodate half a million residents. It can be said that a ship is a town. Humanity has one hundred and fifty such spaceships, and one hundred and ten of them have been filled.

That is about 55 million people, plus the number of soldiers on each battleship, the human population has now reached almost 60 million.

The scheduled sailing time soon arrived.

Yue Yuan also returned to the built-in bridge of the Tianqin, preparing to give the sailing order.

Prior to this, humans had packed up all engineering ships, scientific research ships, biosphere spacecraft, and various ground facilities.

As early as a year before the grand fleet set sail, a group of unmanned detection spacecraft had set off first. The large fleet is the entirety of the new human civilization, but we can't just hit the road rashly. It is very necessary for the detection spacecraft to go first.

"Connect the entire fleet's communications and issue a sailing order!" On the Tianqin, Yue Yuan turned around and floated to the commander's seat, and said to the communications staff at the same time.

He has already done the sailing mobilization and so on. In fact, in the current state of mankind, there is no need for sailing mobilization at all. He just said a few simple words to express a sense of ceremony.

As the order was issued, the huge fleet adjusted its posture one after another to keep pace with the entire fleet.

The ship's crew returned to their positions as before, preparing for the coming acceleration impact.

Because it was a normal start, the fleet did not pay attention to the acceleration buffer, nor did it enter the overclocking mode. After all, the preset acceleration was not large, and humans could fully withstand it with their own hard bodies.

The moment the fleet set sail, the long tail flame of heavy nuclear fusion first illuminated the surrounding asteroids, followed by the explosive pulse propulsion of the cold nuclear pulse engine.

"Goodbye, Aldebaran!" Many people said silently in their hearts as they watched Aldebaran gradually shrinking on the outdoor screen.

Humanity's huge fleet, driven by two propulsion technologies, slowly increases its speed from a relatively static state: 1% light speed, 2% light speed, 10% light speed, 15% light speed.

Amidst the flashing cold nuclear pulse explosions, the fleet easily broke through the 15% light speed that the first-level civilization could not break through, and then continued to accelerate, 16% light speed, 20% light speed, 25% light speed, until 30% light speed, the fleet It has just begun to enter the stage of constant speed sailing.

Of course, it stands to reason that if the thrusters continue to be turned on, the fleet can still continue to increase speed. However, since it has almost reached the maximum speed of the retropulsion particles of the cold nuclear pulse, the cold nuclear pulse can no longer provide much power to the battleship. Of course it is possible to continue to accelerate with light pressure, but the 'no working substance' thrust brought by that little light pressure is already a drop in the bucket for a huge battleship.

Therefore, 30% of the speed of light, just like the 15% of the speed of light of the first-level civilization at that time, became a thick speed barrier standing in front of all second-level civilizations.

As the dual-core engines gradually shut down and the secondary engines maintain thrust, it also marks that humans will once again enter a long voyage.

In such a voyage, humans can naturally live a normal life, but among the vast sea of ​​stars, the safest thing is to hibernate. Because all the supplies and fuel on the warships are prepared for sailing, not for normal life.

In order to reduce unnecessary damage, hibernation is naturally the most suitable.

Of course, this is also related to the purpose of the new humans to run to farther star fields.

The duty rotation system was once again activated.

Humanity, no, it should be said new humanity, has once again embarked on a long journey to the stars.

New humanity, since the overclocking mode technology was fully opened, humans have realized that they are really different from before, so they gave themselves the name of new humanity.

He is indeed a new human being. As far as Yue Yuan himself is concerned, he now not only has the strength of the first physical enhancement. When the overclocking mode became popular among the people, he also gave himself an overclocking mode transformation.

Speaking of which, Yue Yuan's control talent in the overclocking mode is quite good. Just after completing the transformation, he can easily control the entry and exit of the state freely.

After several days of training, he has mastered the switches of each part. Of course, because it is activated through the 'goosebumps' mechanism, this 'parts' will not be accurate to a small area, and at most it will be a small area. Just big parts like the lower body, hands and feet.

In addition to the overclocking mode, Yue Yuan also underwent bioalloy skeleton modification like other soldiers.

This transformation stage of transformation is different from the overclocking mode that completes energy supply through injections and overeating. Since it is a skeletal change, it is more troublesome.

The person who carries out the transformation must carry out the first phase of genetic transformation, so that the body can generate certain cells that can utilize metal elements. Afterwards, you'll have to inject yourself with a metal-rich injection at regular intervals over a long period of time.

This injection lasts about one to two years.

In fact, the original plan was longer, but later scientists suddenly had the idea to combine the Kuntai people's 'abnormal development' technology into this bone metabolism transformation, which shortened the transformation time to two years.

The bio-alloy bone modification technology is naturally derived from Wolfe's biosphere research, and is based on the biological genes with a steel appearance.

Of course, as a human body modification, it cannot be transformed into a real steel skeleton. After all, steel is too easy to attract magnets.

So after countless experiments, the new humans came up with many deformations, the best of which was an alloy with a high titanium content.

It's a titanium alloy.

When undergoing this transformation, the original human calcium skeleton will slowly be replaced with titanium alloy. Those who complete the transformation will have a titanium alloy frame.

Coupled with the overclocking mode, it is truly superhuman.

Of course, the transformation of the alloy skeleton cannot only involve the skeleton. After all, the skeleton has changed, and the weight has naturally increased. Of course, the ligaments and the like that were originally used to drive the calcium skeleton will be overwhelmed, so this kind of The transformation actually involves the skeleton and various parts connected to the skeleton.

The technical difficulty is very high.

However, in the past hundred years, a new spark has been created between the New Humanity's accumulation of research on the Wolfe Biosphere and the research results of the Kuntai people's biotechnology, which has enabled the New Humanity to make rapid progress in human body modification technology, singing along the way. Various related human gene modification technologies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, allowing humans to master these various body modification technologies.

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