Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 229 Powerless

To be able to cause such strong gravitational wave turbulence at such a distance, the so-called advanced civilization must be ridiculously powerful. The most likely possibility is that several civilizations in the Galactic Alliance broadcast have met, and I don’t know which one it is.

With this in mind, Yue Yuan looked at Gan De: "How far away is the gravitational wave source from us?"

"About two hundred light years." Gander handed the data record in his hand back to the staff, and then said a few words, asking all types of detectors to 'look' in the direction of the gravitational wave source.

In fact, at such a distance of two hundred light-years, except for gravitational waves, theoretically, humans must be unable to detect anything using other detection methods. It's really too far away. Even if there are hundreds of millions of warships gathered there, humans can't observe it.

Unless there is an astronomically large event such as a star exploding there, Gander's purpose is to observe these.

Yue Yuan had no objection to this. As he had thought before, human beings could do nothing but continue sailing. What is most likely to be done is what astronomers such as Gander are doing now - try to observe.

If we can see some clues, it can also enhance mankind's understanding of the forces of the universe, that's all.

But that's not what Yue Yuan is worried about. What he's worried about is whether humans will be affected.

Two hundred light years is very far away for humans, but for those advanced civilizations, it is probably no different than walking a few steps.

In this case, if the human fleet is discovered, it will be really doomed.

"Follow Professor Gan's words. In addition, notify all ships and ask them to point their shipboard telescopes in that direction. We need to know what is happening there." Yue Yuan thought for a while, then opened the fleet communication channel to convey own meaning.

After a while, he probably figured it out, and because of the distance, according to time, when the gravitational waves were received by humans, what happened at the source of the gravitational waves was already two hundred years ago.

Two hundred years have passed, and maybe the war over there is over.

But now that humans are still fine, it is very likely that they are already safe. Maybe those advanced civilizations have left.

Of course, this is just a guess. Maybe they are still there and still at war, but they just don't have time to pay attention to other stars, so they don't find the human fleet.

The worst possible thing is that the human fleet has been discovered, but maybe the human ships are just like dust in the eyes of those advanced civilizations, not as important as what they are doing now.

No matter what the situation, all humans can do is pray.

This feels so bad.

At this moment, the joy of becoming a second-level civilization and various biological modification technologies was suddenly diluted.

A short while after the order was issued, relevant scientists arrived at the scene. Yue Yuan was unambiguous and said directly: "What do you think is causing such a strong gravitational wave change?"

"We can now make it clear that the source of gravitational waves must not be generated by natural celestial bodies." The first person to answer was still Gander. He did not stop his work while speaking, "The frequency of the latest detected gravitational waves has exceeded It has exceeded the gravitational wave signal frequency that we know exists in the natural environment of the universe, so we believe that this can no longer be regarded as a gravitational wave signal, but a gravitational wave turbulence."

"Commander, look here!"

Gander completed the work of converting the detected gravitational wave data to the large screen. Then he picked up the moving cursor and pointed to the parameters on the screen for Yue Yuan, and then said: "We found that there is not only one source of gravitational waves." Instead of at many places and points, the gravitational waves we receive are actually interfered gravitational waves, and their frequencies are very chaotic and change irregularly.”

"Gravity bomb?" a scholar interjected.

"Maybe!" The person who took over the conversation was not Gander, but a physicist. He said slowly: "Theoretically, gravity bombs exist. We believe that it is possible for civilizations with the ability to travel at warp speed. Master the so-called gravity bomb."

The physicist did not explain much about the relationship between gravity bombs and warp navigation, because he knew that everyone who could discuss it here at least had a certain scientific literacy and should have some understanding.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, the so-called relationship between the two is actually just the product of human beings combining the imperfect imagination of warp speed navigation with the imagination of time and space distortion. Maybe the real gravity bomb is not like this.

However, what the physicist seemed to want to say was not a gravity bomb. He paused and continued: "According to our current scientific theory, well, if our theory is correct, the gravity bomb should be four The technology mastered by super civilizations, and what can cause such intense gravitational waves, must be several celestial bodies far exceeding the normal stellar mass entangled with each other and disturbing space and time.

Although we are just guessing, I don't think that a mere gravity bomb can produce such violent gravitational fluctuations. You should still remember the Galactic Alliance broadcast.

Do you think that the alliance that can broadcast so unscrupulously and still consider itself the Milky Way is just a mere fourth-level civilization? "

"You mean, those civilizations whose names were mentioned in the broadcast are higher-level existences?" A military personnel asked in a timely manner.

The physicist nodded: "Yes, we cannot determine what level they belong to, but based on the messy gravitational wave turbulence detected now, I can conclude that it must be a weapon more powerful than a gravity bomb, maybe a Weapons that already involve space itself.”

The military personnel who had questions just now frowned: "Space oscillation?! Is there really such a weapon?"

"Why can't there be!" The physicist held his breath, scanned the people present, and then said: "You may still have some questions. You feel that gravitational waves or space-time distortion themselves are not very lethal. In fact, it is true. in this way.

Just like we are in the turbulence of gravitational waves now, if it weren't for the laser interference space antenna array, we wouldn't even be able to feel anything. "

"But everyone needs to be aware that at this moment, you, me, and our entire fleet are actually being stretched and compressed along with the gravitational waves coming from two hundred light-years away.

The reason why there is no strong feeling is first of all because we humans do not have an intuitive organ to respond to changes in gravitational waves, and secondly because when the gravitational waves reach us, their oscillations have become very weak. This is just like us living on the earth. Similarly, the earth or any planet is actually a gravity well, but it is smoother. "

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