Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 230 Coming one after another

"As for space oscillation," the physicist said, and found that his body was slowly floating up. Then he remembered that he was in a hurry just now and was using "float" to rush on. He even forgot to open it. Magnetic boots.

After pressing the switch button of the magnetic boots and pulling himself back to the floor, he continued: "As for space oscillation, just like the principle of a gravity bomb, a large enough gravity is generated somewhere so that different positions of the target receive different forces instantly. Just like being destroyed by being pulled, the same must be true for space oscillations. Everyone must be aware of the Roche limit, so I won’t go into details. Perhaps it already falls within the scope of space tearing.”

Listening to the physicist's analysis, everyone felt heavy.

When it comes to space technology, it only exists in science fiction, which shows that such a civilization is so powerful that it exceeds human cognition.

Everything can only be speculation. After all, human information is very limited. Even the Mok people did not mention this existence at the beginning, and the same is true in the Kuntai civilization database.

"Okay, here we go"

Looking at everyone's appearance, Yue Yuan immediately reminded aloud that although humans can't do anything now, they can't really do nothing. For example, turn off the remaining thrusters and try to keep the human fleet in a silent thruster state to reduce the number of thrusters. It is possible to be optically discovered by an alien civilization. Such a thing still needs to be done.

However, before he could say anything, a new change appeared on the screen from the telescope's perspective.

The screen happened to be within Yue Yuan's peripheral vision, but he only noticed that the star-studded image that had been transcoded on the screen suddenly turned black.

Seeing this, Yue Yuan looked up and found that the screen had turned completely black. He quickly asked the staff responsible for the signal: "What's going on? Why is the telescope signal cut off?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yue Yuan felt something was wrong because he saw the icon showing that the signal was normal.

Equipment failure?

Another may have popped into his head.

The answer he got was unexpected. The staff expertly operated on the operating table in front of him for two seconds, and then he said the result: "The signal is normal, the equipment is working normally! The optical telescope, radio The telescope is also functioning normally."


Yue Yuan was stunned. It was normal. Why did the bright starry sky disappear in an instant? Was there something else that cut off the light?

With this in mind, he spoke again: "Where's the neutrino detector? Well, what about the starry sky in other directions?"

As soon as he mentioned the neutrino detector, he rubbed his temples. He was trying to confuse himself. Neutrino detectors are different from optical telescopes in that they need to emit a neutrino beam to detect a target.

But now there is no target, and even if a neutrino beam is emitted in the direction of the gravitational wave source, it will take hundreds of years for a reaction to occur. Of course, it is actually impossible to detect such a long distance.

So as soon as the words left his mouth, he changed his tune.

"Wait a moment, the real orientation is being switched!" The staff member said and directly gave instructions to the shipboard intelligent AI to connect other images to the split screen on the large screen.


Everyone was a little confused by this phenomenon. They all looked at the big screen and the split screen. After the command was sent, bright stars appeared on the split screen.

However, the big screen remained dark.

While everyone was wondering what was going on, the starry sky suddenly appeared on the big screen.

This change made everyone a little confused, including the payroll personnel who controlled the detector, because during the change of the large screen image, they did not issue any commands or perform any related operations at all.

what happened?

For a time, everyone in the Tianqin was filled with questions.

In fact, not only the Tianqin, but also the wisdom centers of other Lake-class battleships had the same reaction. Many captains have already expressed their questions on the communication channels of their respective small formations in the fleet.

The scientific officers and relevant staff of each ship also fell into hard thinking.

"Yue Shuai, this phenomenon looks a bit like the light has been cut off for a period of time. Well, it's like someone blocked the light with a black curtain. If there is no problem with our signal and telescope, I think it should be someone A huge opaque object passed directly between our fleet and the starry sky, or it may be a weapon that can cut off light," a military staff officer said first.

A weapon that cuts light?

What's the principle?

The words of the military staff made the scientists present fall into deep thought. They felt that the staff's analysis was reasonable, but what kind of light-cutting weapon was it? How could there be such a weapon.

Compared to weapons that can cut light, many people actually prefer to believe that the light is blocked by something huge.

But how big does it have to be to block the light from a certain observation direction of the entire fleet?

Starry sky beast?

The word popped out of some people's minds, but they themselves were shocked.

For an instant, they felt that they and even the entire human fleet were in the shadow of a huge creature. The feeling was like the fear of the deep sea creeping into their hearts.

On the other side, Yue Yuan, who thought for a while, seemed to have grasped the key point to distinguish the cause, so he said: "Connect me to the fleet main channel, ask other battleships, and found that the optical observation screen turned black at the same time. Yes, there is still a time difference!"

Yue Yuan felt that if it was caused by some kind of weapon that could cut off the light as mentioned by the staff officer just now, then the human fleet should have observed the black screen at the same time, because only the black screen that covered the starry sky could make all telescopes unable to see the light at the same time. .

If it were another situation, it would most likely be some kind of starry behemoth or some super huge warship, passing behind the human fleet, just like a tengu eating the sun.

Of course, if this is the case, it would not be good, because the starry sky in one direction is so vast, and anything that can block the light must be very close to the human fleet.

Therefore, unlike others, Yue Yuan would rather believe that there is a weapon that can completely block light, because if it is another situation, it means that the human fleet is very likely to be discovered by a certain civilization.

And humans haven’t discovered anything yet.

The staff quickly connected to the main channel according to Yue Yuan's instructions and then verified the situation.

As an executive, this staff member obviously did not think that much. After verifying the situation, he responded without hesitation: "Yue Shuai, I have verified that it is not synchronous. The optical telescope observed this phenomenon from It began to appear in the direction of the No. 776 ship, then the battleship in the middle of the fleet, and then in the direction of the No. 24 battleship. This is the specific time and duration when each battleship observed this phenomenon."

After speaking, he displayed a set of data on a separate screen to facilitate viewing and comparison by Yue Yuan and others. But he didn't know that Yue Yuan's heart felt cold when he heard what he said was out of sync.

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