Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 231 Space

As he had thought before, the most likely cause of this situation was that it was blocked by something.

You must know that the human fleet is now among the stars, and there is nothing natural to block the view. Since it is not a natural phenomenon, it can only be the creation of a certain civilization.

But what on earth could have such a huge size!

Yes, it could also be the starry sky beast I just mentioned. The idea of ​​giant beasts is hard to accept, mainly because we cannot conceptually understand that there can be living things wandering in space. However, the universe is so vast that it is full of wonders. Many things that humans think are abnormal may not necessarily be abnormal to the universe.

Taking a deep breath, Yue Yuan immediately shouted: "Send the order, the entire fleet will enter the red alert state, and the fleet formation will become a spherical formation with the residential spacecraft and other engineering spacecraft as the center!"

"Yes, Commander Yue!" The person responsible for delivering the order responded, and then inserted Yue Yuan's words into the fleet channel.

"Chief, what's going on?"

The suddenly issued order confused several scientists in the Tianqin command center who were detecting gravitational wave signals through the laser interference space antenna array, because as soon as the fleet moved, the laser interference space antenna array disappeared.

Regarding the scientists' questions, Yue Yuan simply stated his guess.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire Lyra command center became heavy.

"Shuai Yue, could it be a natural phenomenon?" The scientific officer of the Tianqin was a little hesitant and seemed unsure.

Yue Yuan shook his head. He never thought it was a natural phenomenon, but it seemed that the science officer had an idea, so he said, "What do you think?"

"This situation is most likely caused by a giant object. As Yue Shuai and Staff Officer Liu said, it is either a certain civilization or some kind of starry sky behemoth." The science officer first confirmed that Yue Yuan and the previous staff officer speculation, and then he began to state his opinion,

He faced Yue Yuan with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "I think it is not impossible that it is a natural phenomenon. For example, our fleet may have passed through a strange space. The characteristics of the strange space make it so that when we pass by Or when passing through it, it is impossible to observe the universe through any observation means, which can also explain the situation where the fleet does not appear simultaneously."

"Strange space, what strange space? Is it the legendary four-dimensional space?" Hearing what the science officer said, Staff Officer Liu immediately showed an expression of disbelief. He said one after another: "You mean our entire fleet just passed through A four-dimensional space? Or a naturally existing four-dimensional space? And we didn’t notice it when we passed through it? This is impossible!”

Staff Officer Liu just felt that this science officer had read too much science fiction.

"No, no, no, it's not a four-dimensional space. It may be some kind of strange space, three-dimensional." The science officer denied the idea of ​​a four-dimensional space.

Then the science officer turned to look at Staff Liu, seeming to see his thoughts from his face, so he went on to explain: "Although we don't know much about the four-dimensional space, we don't understand anything. In the scientific theoretical system of China, there are still some descriptions of high-dimensional space.

If there is nothing wrong with our scientific theory system, then we will not be able to enter either the lower-dimensional two-dimensional space or the higher-dimensional four-dimensional space.

Because theory shows that the Coulomb force in two-dimensional space is inversely proportional to the first power of distance. As a life in three-dimensional space, once it enters two-dimensional space, let alone other space characteristics, the Coulomb force is enough to change and maintain us. The physical laws of the body and all three-dimensional things,

Our bodies and other three-dimensional things will be compressed because the Coulomb force changes from being inversely proportional to the quadratic power of the distance to being inversely proportional to the first power, causing the structure to be destroyed from the level of physical laws. "

At this point, the science officer spread his hands, meaning that the laws of physics have changed, and that person must be gone.

Then he added: "The same goes for entering four-dimensional space. The Coulomb force in four-dimensional space is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance. Any life or thing in three-dimensional space that enters will inevitably be disintegrated from the regular level due to changes in physical laws. Therefore The strange space I am talking about is not a high-dimensional space or a low-dimensional space, but some kind of three-dimensional space that we have never recognized."

The scientific officer's statement seemed to subvert the average person's understanding of high and low dimensional space, so some people couldn't help but say: "Well, let's talk about what those movies describe, where a person can destroy the interior of a three-dimensional object at will after entering the four-dimensional space. Isn't that right? Isn’t that nonsense?”

"It's not nonsense. Just think of the person in the movie who is protected by some kind of super technology so that he can maintain a three-dimensional structure." The science officer glanced at the questioner.

He said it wasn't nonsense, but in fact his words already made his point clear.

Unless you master some kind of technology that can maintain your own spatial characteristics, there is only a dead end whether you enter a high-dimensional space or a low-dimensional space.

In the same way, if a civilization lives in four-dimensional space, they cannot directly attack three-dimensional creatures. From an optical perspective, you can indeed see the inside of three-dimensional creatures, but if you want to attack this three-dimensional creature, they must attack them. The thinking space we live in is pulled down onto the three-dimensional biological space. Only after the two spaces overlap each other can it be possible for four-dimensional civilization to directly penetrate the three-dimensional biological space.

Rather than four-dimensional space civilizations running directly out of the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional space, because they cannot come to the three-dimensional space at all, and they will die by reducing the dimension when they come.

Unless they have some kind of technology that maintains their spatial identity.

The same goes for three dimensions versus two dimensions.

If the paper-plane creatures we usually call regard paper as a two-dimensional space, then the so-called paper they see is not an independent two-dimensional space, but a piece of paper that exists in a three-dimensional space and maintains its own two-dimensional space characteristics. dimensional space.

If there is a creature on it, then the two-dimensional creature cannot stand up directly from the paper. If they want to stand up, the only way is to let the paper stand up. This is the so-called space overlap.

Of course, it is also possible to master some technology that can maintain its own spatial characteristics.

Seeing that the two of them were talking about space technology and space cognition, Yue Yuan quickly interrupted: "Okay, now is not the time to discuss these things. The most urgent thing is to think about what to do! "

Yue Yuan shook his head, and every time he put forward a bunch of guesses, a bunch of conjectures, but none of them could really solve the problem.

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