Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 235 Coming across the sea of ​​stars

It's normal that I haven't heard of them. After all, I basically know about those cosmic civilizations from the Galactic Alliance broadcasts, and that's just the name.

The three words "Awakener" were spoken in Chinese from the loudspeaker. In other words, without anyone noticing, the Awakener has taken control of Lyra's system, and humans are not aware of it.

I don’t know what kind of technology is used to achieve this, but what humans are most concerned about now is not this, but wanting to know everything they are going to face.

Thinking like this, Yue Yuan didn't hesitate to listen or not. He hurriedly asked: "Awakener, where are you taking us?"

The awakener seemed to have finished dealing with the 'trajectory' matter just mentioned, so Yue Yuan's response came as soon as he finished speaking, without any delay, as if two people were talking face to face.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just met you. I gave you a ride. You are the first civilization we encountered after arriving in the galaxy. It's just a convenience."

? ? ?

This short sentence contained a huge amount of information, and everyone on the bridge of the Tianqin almost didn't react.

In a daze, Yue Yuan asked subconsciously: "After coming to the Milky Way? What do you mean by this?"

"Literally," the Waker replied.


Hearing this answer, everyone in the bridge was stunned.

This awakener is actually not a civilization in the Milky Way, and from what he says, it seems that he has not been in the Milky Way for a long time.

It's unbelievable.

You must know that the extragalactic galaxies closest to the Milky Way are the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud, or the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. These two satellite galaxies are about 160,000 light-years and 190,000 light-years away from the Milky Way.

Even the nearest Large Magellanic Cloud is 160,000 light-years away. Although under the influence of the gravity of the Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are only trying to get closer to the Milky Way, it will be hundreds of millions of years before they actually collide.

Now the space between the two is literally nothing.

It’s hard to imagine how the Awakener can cross such a long distance. Has the level of this Awakener reached a point where it does not rely on matter?

People noticed that the awakener called himself "we" instead of "I" as he said before, indicating that it was not just this battleship, or that there were many individual lives in this golden section cuboid.

The awakener's short words immediately made a magnificent picture appear in everyone's mind.

The feat of spanning 160,000 light-years deeply shocked everyone's hearts, but not everyone was immersed in the shock. As the leader of a civilization, Yue Yuan knew that this was not the time to be in a daze, so he forced He calmly said: "Excuse me, um, are you from the Large Magellanic Cloud?"

"The Large Magellanic Cloud?" The awakener seemed a little confused. After a pause, the voice continued: "Oh, you are talking about the satellite galaxy of our Milky Way. It's really interesting to talk about you little guys. In your words, it is the brain. The replenishing ability is extremely strong!”


What a powerful mind. Yue Yuan was startled. Apparently he didn't realize what the awakener meant. But the awakener's next words made him go from being 'stunned' to truly shocked.

"I never said that I came from the Large Magellanic Cloud, nor the Small Magellanic Cloud. Haha, with the brain power of you little guys, you must be thinking now. Since it is not the Large Magellanic Cloud, it must be the fairy "Galaxy"

The Awakener does not seem to be as enigmatic as the advanced civilizations imagined by humans, and this kind of answer also makes humans feel that the person facing him is also a human being.

No way, who made the conversation come from the loudspeaker, and it was still in Chinese.

Of course, the golden section cuboid actually displayed on the big screen told them that the one speaking now was the Awakener.

"Uh" Yue Yuan's mouth twitched. At that moment, he really thought of the Andromeda Galaxy.

"It's not the Andromeda Galaxy, ah. With your imagination, you must be thinking that it must come from a more distant unknown galaxy." The awakener's tone was like a person who has found something interesting: "Actually, No, we came from the Golden River System, which is what you call the Triangulum Galaxy, we crossed the sea of ​​​​stars from the Triangulum Galaxy!"

Triangulum Galaxy! ! !

Yue Yuan's eyes suddenly widened. This time he was really shocked. Many scientists in the bridge also looked in disbelief. Only a few people had blank faces. Obviously, these people probably didn't know where the Triangulum Galaxy was.

The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation Triangulum, about three million light-years from the Milky Way. It is the third largest galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. The first is the Andromeda Galaxy, and the second is the Milky Way.

Compared to the Milky Way, the Triangulum Galaxy is actually closer to the Andromeda Galaxy, and due to the gravitational influence of the huge Andromeda Galaxy, a 'hydrogen bridge' has been formed between it and the Andromeda Galaxy over the long years.

It stands to reason that if the Awakeners are a civilization in the Triangulum Galaxy, then it is actually closer and more convenient for them to go to the Andromeda Galaxy than to the Milky Way.

Three million light years. Human beings have traveled for more than a thousand years and have only traveled more than two hundred light years. These three million light years, even if they travel at a hundred times the speed of light, will take 300,000 years.

Suddenly, a pin drop could be heard in the bridge of the Tianqin.

Scientists do not know what level of civilization this awakener is and how advanced their navigation technology is, but this does not prevent them from looking up to the astronomical scale of three million light-years and their despair in wanting to cross this scale.

They never thought that there could really be a civilization that could cross the vast void and travel from an extragalactic galaxy to the Milky Way.

How advanced a civilization would be to do that? There is nothing in the space between the two river systems!

Yue Yuan took a deep breath to calm down his excited and uneasy heart, then faced the loudspeaker and said respectfully: "Can I take the liberty to ask you the reason why you came to the Milky Way? Also, are you An individual, or a group?”

"Little guys, you seem to have a lot of doubts. We would also have doubts if we were in this situation when we were weak." The awakener seemed to be considering the human language. After a slight pause, the voice continued: "But the questions have to come one by one. First of all, what I want to tell you is that of course I am an individual. Our awakener civilization is just like you little guys. It is composed of living individuals, and I am the one in our awakener civilization. A living individual, so you should be able to understand."

"Yes, we understand." Yue Yuan replied, and then added: "You are the leader of the awakener civilization."

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