Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 236 The Road to Wisdom

"No, you're wrong."

The awakener's words surprised Yue Yuan, but before he could ask, he heard the awakener continue: "I am just one of them. You can understand it as a pathfinder. Our main civilization fleet still has some time to arrive in the galaxy. .”

? !

"Oh, then you must be the captain of this super battleship." Yue Yuan said clearly.

In the concept of Yue Yuan and even humans, since it is a group civilization, there must be many individuals in such a large battleship, and the person who speaks on behalf of the group is not the highest commander on the battleship.

Regarding Yue Yuan's words, the awakener did not give a positive answer. It seemed that the explanation became more and more unclear as he talked. He just said: "This is not important. What is important is that you are very interesting."

These words immediately made Yue Yuan, who was a little eager in his heart, instantly feel cold water. Being told by an alien that it was interesting was not a good thing.


Yue Yuan was pounding in his heart, but he still had the courage to ask what he had said before: "Can I take the liberty of asking you the reason why you came to the Milky Way?"

He felt that the awakener seemed to have ignored this problem.

"Find the way." The awakener spoke concisely.

But Yue Yuan didn't quite understand what it meant, so he asked doubtfully: "Finding a way?"


"May I ask which way it is?"

"The answer makes no sense to a civilization at your level."

Hearing that the awakener didn't seem to want to say anything, Yue Yuan was about to change the question, but heard the awakener add: "But I think it's pleasing to you, so it doesn't hurt to tell you. Anyway, when you reach the sixth level civilization, you will naturally know. "

Level six civilization? !

Yue Yuan was filled with energy and realized that this awakener was a sixth-level civilization. It turned out that a sixth-level civilization could cross the sea of ​​stars and go from one river system to another.

At this moment, the voice of the awakener reached Yue Yuan's ears again.

"On the road to wisdom, after reaching the sixth level of civilization, we found that the wisdom of intelligent life seems to have reached its limit."

The limit of wisdom?

Yue Yuan frowned.

Sure enough, this thing is too far away.

Although the future is uncertain now, he is still curious about what the so-called limit of wisdom is.

The awakener did not hide it and continued: "We have always believed that as long as it is something that intelligent life can imagine, it must be allowed by the universe, because intelligent life was born in the universe, is a part of the universe, and is a complex product of all rules. ,

Therefore, the wisdom generated by things in the universe itself, no matter how outrageous the imagination, must be within the allowable range of the universe.

However, the opposite is true. We cannot realize what we imagine, we cannot use our knowledge to explain, and we cannot use mathematics to describe what we imagine.

However, we who were born in the universe and are part of the universe cannot escape from the scope of the universe. The imagination of intelligent life is born from intelligent life itself, and intelligent life is part of the universe, so imagination must also fall within the scope of the rules of the universe.

And there is an important fact, that is, intelligent life is very small, and is only an insignificant part of the universe. Therefore, from an inclusive relationship, as long as intelligent life can be imagined, it stands to reason that it can be embodied in the universe.

No matter how outrageous it is, because the so-called outrageous is only for the intelligent life of a certain race, it is not outrageous at all for the universe."

The awakener paused for a moment, and then seemed to be imitating the tone of human emotion: "However, we have realized that many things we can imagine cannot be realized with technology. This is so hopeless. It means that intelligent life will always be bound to rules. Within, forever!”

The Awakener's words were not long, but they made everyone in the Lyran bridge fall into deep thought, because they had never thought about this problem.

The limit of wisdom?

Can anything you can imagine be achieved?

If this kind of thing were said by a normal person, he would probably be regarded as a psychopath. After all, if you talk about other specific super technologies, humans may not understand it, but the expressions of imagination and realizing imagination are basically understood by everyone.

What is imagination?

Biologically, the explanation of imagination is that people process and transform memory representations in their minds under the influence of external stimuli, forming and creating new images. In this series of processes, they show a special Ability, this ability is called imagination.

Simply put, imagination is the ability to recreate new images of things based on past perceived materials.

Therefore, from this perspective, many imaginary images are basically fantasy.

Just like a person imagining that he can fly directly on the spot, imagining that he can do magic, imagining all kinds of gods, imagining various abilities similar to those in movies and TV, and even imagining things that violate the rules of physics.

In human cognition, these things cannot exist, because they are just human fantasies and illusions.

So if someone says that this thing is actually possible, from a rational point of view, he must be crazy.

But now the awakener says that all of these can be realized, because imagination belongs to the universe, and the universe allows imagination to exist, which will also allow new things created by imagination to exist.

Because the so-called "new things" know that to the intelligent life that is "imagining", to the universe, new things are not new.

The awakener is saying that what limits the emergence of new things and images in the wild imagination is the wisdom limit of intelligent life itself.

In the bridge, most people understood what the awakener meant.

However, there are some people who understand it more thoroughly. They are the elite among scientists. Of course, there are also a few people who are flexible in mind and have a wide range of knowledge. Yue Yuan belongs to this category.

They feel that what the awakener says is not actually imagination. Imagination is just an example. What the awakener is talking about should be something that exists in the universe itself and cannot be touched by the wisdom of intelligent life.

Moreover, even what is imagined by the imagination that is the birth of wisdom itself cannot be realized. How can we know the broader universe itself through wisdom?

So what the awakeners mean is that they are looking for ways to break through the upper limit of wisdom!

This answer was unexpected by everyone, including Yue Yuan, because in their impression, the civilizations in the universe were either at war with each other, or on the road of attacking and deceiving each other.

Especially after listening to the Galactic Alliance's broadcast and learning from the gravitational wave signal that there had been a war there, everyone thought that was the case.

But now a guy who calls himself the Awakener suddenly appears, saying that their purpose is not war and competition, but to find ways to break through the limits of wisdom.

To do this, they traveled across a distance of three million light-years to the Milky Way.

For a moment, the human being who could understand the words of the awakener felt as if not all civilizations in the universe were fighting and killing.

The image of the Awakener is like a stream of clear water, slowly flowing through mankind's cruel cosmology.

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