Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 239 Navigation

Yue Yuan and many scientists wanted to ask the awakener how to use the warp engine in the human warehouse, especially how to crack the intelligent program on the fuel package. However, after the awakener said that, he ignored the human beings again. .

However, he didn't pay attention to it in terms of language, but he didn't throw the human directly out of the warp bubble.

Based on this, Yue Yuan established a temporary working group in the following time to be responsible for observing warp bubbles.

At the same time, Man Yuemei was also put in charge of sending some detectors to conduct close observations of the golden section cuboid.

Of course, before sending out the detector, he took the initiative to send a message to say hello to the awakener. Although he did not receive a response, Yue Yuan accepted it as the awakener.

Well, maybe I don’t care.

"Chief Commander, based on our many days of observation, combined with what the Awakeners said before, that it took them more than seven thousand years to sail more than one million light years, we estimate that the warp speed bubble we are in now should be two hundred times larger. Around the speed of light.”

Almost a month has passed since the Awakened Ones stopped paying attention to humans. Today, Yue Yuan is holding a discussion meeting with the temporary working group every other week as usual.

However, this meeting included more people from the military than the previous ones, all of whom were responsible for observing the golden section cuboid.

There was no special venue. After all, it was just a temporary project meeting, so Yue Yuan held this small meeting directly in the main hall of the command center.

So everyone got some magnetic stools, and then everyone gathered together to discuss.

The person who spoke just now was Liu Miyan, a physicist who was transferred from the Academy of Sciences to serve as the leader of the temporary team. After he said this, he opened his personal terminal and began to introduce to the audience the work of the temporary working group over the past period of time. work progress.

There were not many people attending the meeting, only about a dozen people.

"Although we cannot observe the situation of the universe from the warp bubble, we can find some clues from the distorted starlight." Liu Miyan placed his terminal on the conference table in front of him, then stretched out his fingers to tap After a few clicks, it seemed to be calling up research information.

He continued: "However, because it is too distorted and it is the first time we have observed this phenomenon, there is no data to refer to, so we can only briefly analyze the warp bubble from the spectral changes."

Everyone listened to Liu Miyan's introduction and nodded secretly.

They all understand physics. According to human physics principles, the so-called warp engine is a navigation method that changes the front and rear curvature of the spacecraft.

How to change, what kind of technology is used to change, what form of energy is required, and how much energy can be used to change? These are actually unknown to humans.

And humans do not have the ability to directly detect the space itself, so they can only explore the warp bubble through indirect methods.

In the past month of observations, the temporary team used the central supercomputer to restore the distorted starlight into stars based on spectral changes, and then compared it with the star map in the human database to confirm the current observed in the warp bubble. The starry sky, where is the starry sky? What stars are those passing by on the surface of the warp bubble?

This is not easy, because the farther a star is from the warp bubble, the slower it will move on the warp bubble, and it is also necessary to ensure that the human database has specific data about the star, such as this star type , spectrum, metallicity, size, etc. etc.

This tests the richness of star data in human databases.

It was also this temporary work project that made some people who didn't understand why humans send out a large number of detectors to detect main sequence stars in every star system understand the significance of doing so.

The more star data there are, the more accurate human star maps will be. Compared to now, humans can more accurately calculate their current position and speed of movement.

"In addition to spectral analysis, we also found some clues from the gravitational wave detector, that is, the gravitational wave detector did not receive any space-time fluctuation signal." Liu Miyan continued: "However, there is no signal, in fact, it is A kind of signal. Because the gravitational wave detector has no signal, we have confirmed that our current warp speed voyage is indeed wrapped in a certain 'bubble'.

We believe that it is this ‘bubble’ that isolates the weak gravitational waves that distort space and time, and everyone should be able to imagine it.”

Of course, it is conceivable that although humans are only a second-level civilization, they are ahead in various theories, although it is not yet certain whether those theories are correct.

As with warp sailing, humans often use the metaphor of a paper boat coated with soapy water.

Although the real universe is not that simple, it is very vivid, so everyone knows that a boat coated with soapy water will produce ripples when it moves.

And this ripple should also exist in the space and time of the universe. After all, it is the movement of distorted space and time. Since space and time are distorted, there must be gravitational waves.

However, the human laser interference space antenna array did not detect it, which means that the space area within the warp bubble has not been affected by the gravitational waves generated by warp navigation.

To be honest, humans didn't get much from their observations of warp bubbles, but no one thought it shouldn't be done.

After Liu Miyan finished speaking, he went to General Manyue Mei. She mainly talked about the observation of the Awakener battleship. If there are no major findings, the regular work meeting is actually just a work report.

Therefore, such meetings do not last long.

After the main person in charge has finished speaking, other participants will speak and discuss, and finally Yue Yuan will summarize. The whole process takes more than an hour.

After the meeting, Yue Yuan left the command center and came to the porthole to look out the window. The huge rectangular parallelepiped was reflected in his pupils.

The Awakener is very close to the Tianqin, and its hull can be directly seen with the naked eye. Although the granite-like appearance on it cannot be seen, it does not affect Yue Yuan.

Because at this moment, what appeared in Yue Yuan's mind was what the Manyuemei Working Group showed at the meeting, which was a close-up photo of the appearance of the Awakener battleship.

I thought I could determine its material through spectrum, but I never expected that with every photograph and every observation of the Awakener battleship, humans would get different spectral patterns.

It seems that they are all granite, but there are such changes, and the spectrum obtained every time is different and completely irregular.

Except for equipment failure, humans even suspect that it was intentional by the awakener.

Although humans did not expect to know the material of the Awakener battleship through observation, it was a bit frustrating to not get anything.

The material technology of level six civilization is completely beyond what humans can understand now.

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