Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 240 The Invincible Great Sword

Time flies, and one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

But humans have not found any signs of the Awakener stopping. On the other hand, the observation and analysis of the materials of the warp bubble and the Awakener battleship have not made much progress.

Almost everything that can be analyzed through observation was basically seen within a month of the establishment of the working group. After that, there were no results.

This feeling of being carried along without knowing when to stop is very difficult for humans.

Because under such circumstances, it was difficult for Yue Yuan to order a hibernation. Let’s not hibernate. I don’t know how long this route will last.

If humans had enough resources, then living a normal life while awake would not be a big problem. However, resources are limited, there are too many people awake, and scientific research cannot be carried out, which is a complete waste of life.

So, after several months of pause, Yue Yuan finally couldn't help but send another message to the Awakener: "Great Awakener, how long do we have to go?"

After sending the message, Yue Yuan did not have high hopes, but this time, he unexpectedly received a reply.

It was indeed an accident, because this time the reply did not appear directly in the Tianqin internal broadcast system in the form of words like before, but an obvious neutrino communication signal appeared in the human neutrino communication reception In the container.

The signal was transcoded and appeared in front of Yue Yuan's eyes in an instant.

"Hello humans, I am the artificial intelligence of the awakener civilization ship No. 2355. The pilot has taken a rest. If you have anything, you can tell me. I will record it and inform him after he wakes up."




For some reason, when he heard the message saying that he was an artificial intelligence, Yue Yuan felt a chill in his heart for no reason, which immediately caused him to passively trigger part of the goosebumps mechanism, causing his neck and upper demigod to suddenly activate the overclocking mode.

To be honest, because of the Silver Mist Consciousness, Yue Yuan still has some doubts about talking to artificial intelligence. But it was only for a moment. He quickly took a deep breath to calm down and hide the overclocking state.

"Sleep?" Yue Yuan said a little speechlessly.

At the same time, I was also a little confused, why did the waker go to sleep after just a few months of no contact. And how do you say the driver was sleeping? Is it possible that when the driver is sleeping, other living entities cannot be asked to answer?

"Yes, sleep. The master felt that the journey was long and was really bored, so he went to sleep. Now the 2355th ship is temporarily under my control. I will wake the master only when there is danger or special discovery." The awakener civilization ship 2355 Artificial intelligence answers.

According to common sense, for such a powerful civilization, artificial intelligence can definitely be said to be life. After all, the Mok Star civilization, which is a mere third-level civilization, can produce silver mist consciousness, and there is no reason for the reaction of artificial intelligence to be worse than that of living individuals.

But now this artificial intelligence says that the awakener driver needs to be awakened to fight. That means that the individual awakener life controls the battleship, which is more powerful than artificial intelligence.

However, Yue Yuan did not rashly ask relevant questions because of his own speculation. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and asked one of the questions that mankind is most concerned about: "The journey is long. How long do we need to sail?"

Artificial Intelligence: “Ten years.”

"Ten years?!" Yue Yuan was startled. He thought that it would be over after running for a few months.

"Why do you humans always like to ask repeated questions? If nothing happens, I will withdraw." The artificial intelligence seemed a little impatient.

After seeing the Silver Mist consciousness, Yue Yuan no longer thinks that artificial intelligence is rigid, especially those of advanced civilizations.

"Well, something really happened. Can I take the liberty of asking you some questions?"

Yue Yuan said, and immediately waved to the experts and science officers in the bridge, asking them to come over quickly with various questions.

The awakener finally responded, and the opportunity must not be missed.

"Let me ask you a question, why are you humans so verbose? If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, say it quickly. After you ask a question, don't disturb this system's rest. If it weren't for the explanation, this system wouldn't bother to care about you."

The artificial intelligence sounded like an uncle, and those who didn't know thought it was someone who had awakened the time-travel system.

Hearing this, Yue Yuan glanced at the expert who was packaging the data.

This expert is engaged in program cracking. After so many years, there has been no progress in deciphering the warp engine fuel package in the human warehouse. He has a share of 'credit'. At this moment, he is packaging the program data of the fuel package.

Before, I wanted to ask the Awakener to see if he could help crack the program, but the Awakener ignored the human beings without saying a few words. Now I just wanted to ask this artificial intelligence, maybe it can be done.

At this moment, after hearing what the artificial intelligence said and seeing that the data was not packaged, Yue Yuan hurriedly asked the artificial intelligence: "Hello, artificial intelligence of ship No. 2355. Can you tell us what we are doing now?" Speed?"

"213.75 times the speed of light! After ten years of sailing, we can completely stay away from the fighting range of those civilizations. Also, what do you call this? What is the artificial intelligence of the No. 2355 ship? Do you think this system is the kind of mentally retarded artificial intelligence? Is it smart? Please call the full name of this system: Invincible Great Sword."

Yue Yuan: "(⊙o⊙)"

What is this?

While the self-proclaimed Invincible Great Sword System finished speaking, the expert finally completed the data package, so Yue Yuan quickly said: "Hello, Your Excellency Invincible Great Sword, please help us see how to decipher this kind of program. We have studied hundreds of I haven’t figured it out yet.”

Saying that, Yue Yuan did not dwell on the name of the awakener battleship artificial intelligence, but thought about what it said.

213.75 times the speed of light. If you sail at this speed for ten years, it is 2137.5 light years!

It's more than two thousand light years. If humans were to run on their own, it would take at least seven thousand years to run. But now, it only takes ten years.

Is this the navigation capability of a level six civilization?

"You can't even crack such a low-level program. The master also said that you have talent. I think you are stupid. I will send you a set of codes directly, and you can crack it by directly importing it." The Invincible Great Sword System replied, saying Just transmit a long sequence of code programs directly to the human signal receiver.

This method reminded Yue Yuan of some bad memories, such as the Galaxy Alliance broadcast. Suddenly, vigilance emerged from his heart again.

But then I thought about it and felt that I was too sensitive to aliens. If this awakener really wanted to harm humans, then there would be no humans anymore.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency the Invincible Great Sword!"

"You're welcome with just a little effort."

Then, the human scientists who had tasted the sweetness could no longer bear it and began to ask some scientific questions.

However, the answer I got was: I can’t say about the internal regulations of civilization.

At this time, humans have completely given up on the idea of ​​obtaining high technology through awakeners. At the same time, it also echoed what the awakeners said before - there are countless possibilities for the development of civilization, and we awakeners are more willing to see more possibilities.

After the idea of ​​taking shortcuts failed, humans did not push forward.

On Yue Yuan's side, he also made special arrangements for mankind's work in the next ten years based on the answers to the voyage time.

Ten years is not a long time, and he decided not to hibernate.

Human beings work and live normally. As for the future, we have to wait until the warp speed voyage is completed before we can make plans based on the actual situation.

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