Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 241 Ten Years

In the interstellar age, time always flies by.

In just ten years, if it were normal, I might not even be able to cross from one star system to another.

Civilizations like humans, due to limited resources during voyages, basically have to enter a hibernation cycle during long-distance voyages. As a result, the main thing is actually to embark on a journey, and a lot of research work has also entered a semi-dormant state.

So despite the fact that humans have left the solar system for almost two thousand years, most of the time has actually been consumed in this way, and there is not much time for real stable development.

In fact, this is also the normal state of low-level civilization. No, it should be said to be the normal state of low-level wandering civilization.

So ten years is really not a long time at all, but this ten-year voyage is very different from other times, because humans spend it in the "packing" state of the awakener.

Under such circumstances, this decade has been extremely fruitful for manpower.

Since he knew the exact voyage time, and it was shorter than the estimated voyage time of humans themselves, Yue Yuan did not let humans go into hibernation, nor did he put various departments into semi-dormant state, but lived and researched normally.

When humans set sail, they did not expect to encounter the Awakener. Therefore, the supplies carried out in previous galaxies were budgeted based on the voyage lasting more than a hundred years, so this time, there is no shortage of resources.

Under such circumstances, humans can naturally and steadily advance various scientific research experiments as usual. On the other hand, although the intelligent system of the Awakener 2355 ship, the 'Invincible Great Sword', did not directly provide human technology, it occasionally responded to human information.

Of course, humans have not directly acquired technology, but being able to communicate with an artificial intelligence from a level 6 civilization from time to time has also given humans a lot of knowledge.

Sometimes just a word from the 'Invincible Great Sword' can benefit mankind a lot.

It is precisely because of this that this decade has become a small spring for human science.

Humanity is already a second-level civilization. Although ten years have not allowed mankind to reach a higher level, and many things on the technical level have not made much progress, many things on the theoretical level have appeared in these ten years.

For example, quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, mathematics, philosophy, etc., many related novel theories have been proposed. Although it is very imperfect, mankind has at least made progress in scientific theory.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Because all technologies are based on theory.

Of course, there is not any progress in technology. At least the technology that humans have been dreaming about since the days of Callisto has finally been realized.

That is artificial womb technology.

It is called artificial uterus technology. In fact, it does not actually create a uterus, but simulates the gestation process of the uterus and uses scientific and technological means to create a device that allows fertilized eggs to reproduce inside.

It is equivalent to a breeding ground.

Of course, humans do not understand the process of truly creating life, which is the essence of the birth of life. The so-called artificial womb technology is nothing more than a process of imitating the environment.

It can be regarded as a biologically copied technology.

The emergence of these technologies means that the new government has one more option for its population policy.

To be honest, the new government also understands that the population system based on the traditional family unit can no longer keep up with the pace of the interstellar era. However, because these technologies were not available before, this was all it could do.

Because human lifespan has been greatly improved, such a system will most likely turn human beings into forces based on family networks. Over time, it will form a situation where eighteen generations of ancestors gather together.

In fact, after so many years, there are already some signs of this within human beings. Although the new government has legally defined the ancestral relationship, for example, it has introduced some regulations that there is no relationship beyond the third generation. But the foundation of mankind is a group of people who value their ancestors, so privately, they cannot stop this trend.

The emergence of artificial womb technology has allowed mankind to truly reform the population system.

Of course, reform will not be carried out the moment technology appears, nor will it directly abolish the original family system, nor will it allow natural conception.

Therefore, in the past ten years, the new government led by Yue Yuan has only begun to discuss the reform plan.

In addition, the biggest gain from this ten-year voyage is caused by warp speed.

It's not that humans have mastered warp engine technology, but that the warp engine that was recovered from the crashed spacecraft on Callisto can be used.

All this is thanks to the Awakener's artificial intelligence cracking program.

After obtaining the cracked program, it didn't take long for humans to successfully enter the system of the fuel storage device, and in the following years, they also found a way to start the warp engine.

But that's all. As long as the four fuel storage devices are used up, humans will no longer be able to start the warp engine unless humans complete the grand unified theory and then have the ability to manufacture it themselves.

Therefore, this warp engine is a limited-edition version. In fact, from a general perspective, it is of little use to improve human combat power. After all, it cannot be equipped with an entire fleet.

Moreover, it is used by small spacecrafts. Whether it can wrap the entire battleship is still unknown. After all, although humans can activate it, they don't understand the operating rules and specific parameters inside it. Therefore, they naturally cannot judge how big a warp bubble it can generate and how fast it can sail.

If you don’t know, you have to find a way to figure it out.

Therefore, in the new government's plan, after the Awakener leaves, they have to find a place to stop for supplies, and then set up a project to build a spacecraft to install this warp engine and conduct various tests on it.

Four fuel storage devices were originally picked up. According to human speculation, after the experiment is completed, there should be two or three left.

If the experimental results meet the requirements for equipping a warship, then humans will install this warp engine on the flagship in case of emergency.

Although it is a one-time equipment, as long as it is used well, it can sometimes have unexpected effects.

Ten years have arrived as expected.

At the end of the tenth year, the Awakener appeared as expected.

"Little guys, I can only take you here. Goodbye."

Just like the first time before, the sound came from Lyra's built-in loudspeaker. And after hearing the classmates in this way, humans also understood that it was the awakener who appeared and not his intelligent system.

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