Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 242 Leaving

"Goodbye, great awakener." Yue Yuan came to the bridge as usual. He first replied like this as a polite farewell, and then asked casually: "Can you tell us where you are going? "

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt that he shouldn't ask like this. After all, there is no way to ask other people's whereabouts. Moreover, even if he knew, what could he do? Wherever a sixth-level civilization goes, humans can't find it.

Just when Yue Yuan was about to change his words, he heard the awakener reply with an indifferent expression: "After getting your information ten years ago, I contacted my main civilization. Not long ago, I just received other reports that arrived in advance. Information from the Milky Way’s pilots has now confirmed that those civilizations belong to level six civilizations.”

"So next, I naturally walked around the galaxy and explored the reality of those civilizations."

The Awakener doesn't hide anything, and he doesn't know whether he cares about humans or not.

Yue Yuan nodded. Humanity has done a lot of analysis on the Awakener in the past ten years, so he also gained some concepts about the so-called 'path of wisdom' mentioned by the Awakener.

Although human beings are only a second-level civilization, they also understand what kind of 'wisdom road' the awakeners want to find when they first arrive in the galaxy. Since only a sixth-level civilization is qualified to embark on a long voyage, the best way is to start from Start with the top civilizations in the galaxy.

At the same time, as a civilization that is new to another river system, its first priority is of course to obtain enough information about this galaxy.

"Can we meet again in the future?" Yue Yuan asked again, with some emotion in his words.

Somehow, Yue Yuan, who had always wanted this awakener who was pressing down on mankind to leave, suddenly felt reluctant to let go.

At the same time, I also felt a little lonely in my heart.

This feeling is very similar to the feeling of going back to your hometown for a reunion during the holidays in the Earth Age, and then the work time approaches, and others leave their hometown one by one and go back to work, leaving you alone in the end.

"Maybe, who knows what will happen in the future!" After the awakener answered, he continued: "Okay, I can only send you here. The starry sky here is far away from the battlefield. The starry sea is vast, even for a sixth-level civilization. , it is difficult to find a civilization at such a long distance, you are safe for the time being.

And it’s time for me to leave. There are still many fallen civilizations in the galaxy waiting for us to save. We really have to say goodbye to human civilization. "

"Goodbye, great Awakener." Yue Yuan replied respectfully. This was the first time he heard an Awakener so formally call humans 'human civilization' instead of 'little guys'.

Such a change of title made Yue Yuan feel that the awakener seemed really different.

Maybe the Awakener is really a well-intentioned civilization! he thinks.

The Awakener is gone.

At the moment Yue Yuan said goodbye, human detectors observed that the layer of warp bubbles wrapped around the human fleet disappeared without warning.

Human beings have once again gained normal vision of the starry sky. The galaxy shines brightly, and the light of the stars returns to normal.

Immediately afterwards, the golden-sectioned cuboid that had been standing above the human fleet for ten years disappeared into the void after enveloping the human warp bubble, and then disappeared into the void like a ghost.

The Awakener disappeared as quickly as he appeared. From a human perspective, he seemed to appear and disappear out of thin air.

In fact, after learning that the Awakener was leaving, the human fleet had already entered a state where the detectors were fully activated, and all the detection methods that humans were proud of were focused on the Awakener overhead.

But no detector can detect how the awakener disappeared.

From the perspective of the optical detector, the awakener in the previous frame is still there, but after refreshing to the next frame, there is nothing there.

The same goes for neutrino detectors.

However, the laser interference space antenna array detected some clues.

After the awakener disappeared, human scientists discovered a slight change in the interference wave from the interferometer of the laser interference space antenna array.

And it is this fluctuation that makes people understand that the awakener may have left with some kind of space technology, or of course he may have directly entered the warp state at an extremely fast speed.

I won’t go into details about space technology. The reason why human scientists think it is a direct warp state is because after entering the warp state, in the eyes of humans who do not have super-light detection methods, it is actually the same as disappearing.

Because if you want to talk about detectors or neutrino detectors from electromagnetic waves, and 'see' the awakener, you must have photons fall on the awakener and be reflected back, or neutrino particles must pass through the awakener. But once the awakener enters the warp state instantly and then quickly moves away at two hundred times the speed of light, these photons or neutrinos will not be able to catch up with the awakener.

This phenomenon is that the awakener suddenly jumped outside the human light cone.

Within the light cone, everything is destiny. Outside the light cone, everything is illusion.

Human beings cannot detect any events outside the light cone. The moment the awakener instantly enters two hundred times the speed of light, it is an event outside the light cone for humans.

Leaving is not the same as approaching.

In the previous description of Kuntai Civilization, I saw that the Galactic Alliance spacecraft came into view with a 'regression' phenomenon. That was because the spacecraft broke into their light cone from outside their light cone.

The universe is like this. The emergence of many things that exceed the speed of light is always accompanied by things that subvert people's cognition.

Perhaps, one day when humans have super-light detection technology, they will be able to truly 'see' the spacecraft leaving in this way.

The Awakener left so neatly that many crew members in the bridge of the Lyra did not react. They were in a daze for a while, and only after repeatedly confirming that the golden section cuboid representing the Awakener on the big screen was really a trivial matter, did they react. Wake up from the dream.

"Chief, what should we do now?"

The person who asked the question was the second mate of the Tianqin. As he spoke, he and the first mate looked at Yue Yuan.

At this time, Yue Yuan still kept his hands behind his back and looked up at the big screen. He said: "The fleet is temporarily suspended, and let the scientists of the astronomical team determine the unknown situation we are in as soon as possible, and then send a group of The detector will detect the star systems near this star field. After the detection results are available, we will select a suitable star system to dock."

The Awakener did not tell humans exactly where they were taken, so human scientists can only rely on their own observations.

As the position changes, the observed starry sky will also change.

In fact, if you think about the differences in the starry skies observed in the northern and southern hemispheres, it is easy to understand that the starry sky observed after humans set foot in the universe has long been completely different from that of the earth.

But this does not trouble astronomers.

After receiving Yue Yuan's order, they began to use telescopes to search for the stable neutron stars in the starry sky that were recorded in the human database.

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