Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 245 Bare Gas Planet

Orange dwarfs are K-type spectral main sequence stars. The mass of this type of star is between G-type and M-type dwarfs. The lifespan of orange dwarfs is longer than that of solar-like yellow dwarfs.

In a family of stars, the smaller they are, the longer they live. It has a longer lifespan than the sun, which means it has a smaller mass than the sun.

The fleet composed of more than a thousand spacecraft of various types and a thousand Lake-class battleships finally turned on the steering engine. The engine that had been silent for fifty years was started again. When a ray of light illuminated the dark space, the fleet officially entered the deceleration stage.

Turning to the engine adjustment vector nozzle, the dust accumulated on the engine nozzle, battleship shell and various external equipment due to more than fifty years of constant speed sailing was shaken off.

Suddenly, under the illumination of the nozzle fireworks, the huge warships seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist.

Under the control of the coordinated command system, a thousand Lake-class battleships emitted bursts of mechanical bite sounds from the heavy nuclear fusion vector nozzles at the tail, and the long tail flames began to change from horizontal spray to downward spray. At the same time, the front section of the battleship The steering engines spray upwards in unison, and other auxiliary engines also adjust the injection volume at all times under precise AI control.

The battleships turned over in the starry sky, and after a while, they switched heads and tails, changing positions up and down.

There is no distinction between up and down in the universe. After the attitude adjustment of the battleship is completed, the original upper position is changed to the lower position by the humans in the battleship.

After this, the tail nozzle was adjusted to a straight jet again, and then a larger and brighter jet appeared from the engine nozzle, engulfing the previous jet. At the same time, the cold nuclear pulse thruster also erupted bursts of nuclear pulses.

Under the combined action of the two thrusters, the speed of more than a thousand spacecraft of various types and a thousand battleships dropped rapidly. Such a scene looked like a group of fireflies with flashing lights, entering the target star system in a flash. .

Before the fleet broke into the target galaxy at a reduced speed, the advance probe had already transmitted all the summary data of the target galaxy to the Lyra.

Judging from the data returned by the detector, this galaxy with an orange dwarf as the main sequence star has only two planets in it. The outermost planet was discovered first and is a gas giant planet.

Because it stands out.

This type of planet is very common in the universe.

In the theory of stellar evolution, its formation is the same as other planets. It is formed from the gas and dust remaining in the main sequence star during the birth of the main sequence star.

The sparse material failed to form stars, so it became a series of large gaseous planets.

It is conceivable that in the evolution of stars, the same is true for the formation of binary star systems and triple star systems.

It's just that in a binary star system, the original material distribution is relatively even, so that the gravitational force generated by dust gathering is not much different. In the end, both stars are ignited by nuclear fusion and evolve into a binary star system.

Of course, the mass must be sufficient, otherwise it is likely to evolve into a binary system of two intertwined but not stars.

In theory, this kind of binary star system similar to two Jupiters orbiting alone in the universe exists, but humans have not yet found traces of this type of binary star system.

The reason is that this type of binary star system is too special, the formation conditions are too harsh, and because it does not emit light, it is difficult to be discovered like stars.

So as of now, such binary star systems still only exist in theory, and humans still have not found any trace of them.

If one day humans discover that there are such binary stars or triple star systems in the universe, then humans' theory of stellar evolution will be further improved.

This is true of other scientific theories.

Generally, when a theory is proposed, its original purpose is actually to solve a certain scientific observation phenomenon. When a theory first appears, it can only solve a specific phenomenon. But as people learn more about the observed phenomena, the theory will gradually be improved, and it may be able to explain more and more phenomena.

Later, human beings use this "possible" guidance to search for corresponding phenomena in a purposeful and targeted manner, thereby verifying the theory or even incomplete theory, and finally turning the theory into a certain theorem or a certain formula.

The fleet slowly approached the orbit of the gaseous planet, and people were awakened from hibernation, preparing to start a new phase of their lives in this orange dwarf star system.

Yue Yuan came to the bridge of the Tianqin as usual, but this time he did not stare at the planet information on the big screen like before. Instead, he directly observed the planet outside through the outside viewing window with his naked eyes. Gas planet.

This gaseous planet is smaller than Jupiter and does not have the rings of Jupiter. It is a very clean gaseous planet.

It's so clean that there isn't even a satellite.

A gaseous planet without satellites is really beyond the expectations of human astronomers. Because in the list of gaseous planets that humans have encountered in the past, there will be at least two or more larger satellites, and there are countless small satellites that are not spherical.

But this gas planet doesn't even have a satellite.

It stands to reason that this kind of discovery is normal. If a non-professional sees it, he will just take a few glances at it and be done with it. If he has some basic knowledge of astronomy, he will think it is a bit magical at most.

But for astronomers, it's really strange.

So after the detector returned data about the gaseous planet, the team of human astronomers came up with three views.

The first view is that at the beginning of the formation of the star system, there were actually many satellites. However, in the long history of stellar evolution, due to the gravitational battles of multiple planets, the orbits of each satellite became unstable, and finally over the long years Here, one by one fell into the gaseous planet.

However, this argument cannot explain why gaseous planets do not have planetary rings.

The reason is naturally the Roche limit. If the satellite was originally swallowed by a gas planet due to its fall, you should be torn apart by the unbalanced gravity when you break into the Roche limit of the gas planet. In this way, these torn materials will form a ring in the orbit of the gaseous planet over time.

The second view is that at the beginning of the birth of the star system, this gas planet also had many satellites, but at a certain time in the universe, an alien civilization came and mined all these planets.

The third view belongs to the natural evolution wheel, saying that at the beginning of the birth of the star system, this gas planet had no satellites.

In order to find the answer, astronomers launched more than a dozen detectors to the orbit of the gaseous planet before the fleet really slowed down completely, specifically to explore this phenomenon.

These probes will conduct various experiments in the orbits of gaseous planets, including dust cloud collection and analysis in various orbits, low-orbit exploration, and drop tests, etc.

The so-called drop test literally means dropping a special detector into a gas planet, and then collecting various information during the fall.

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