Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 246 Planning the Collider

If human scientists can find the real reason why this gas planet has no satellites, then humankind's theory of stellar evolution will be perfected again.

This kind of research may seem unimportant, but anyone who understands science knows that there is no such thing as unimportant research. I don’t think it’s important, it’s just that at a certain period, people haven’t realized it or the research success hasn’t been clearly applied to reality.

As a civilization that has set foot in the stars for more than two thousand years, it is naturally impossible for human beings not to know this.

Therefore, the team of astronomers attaches great importance to this research and even established a special scientific research and exploration project.

When the expression report came to Yue Yuan, Yue Yuan naturally agreed with a wave of his hand, because he not only knew the importance of exploration and research, but also understood that humans would stay in this galaxy for a long time.

After meeting the Awakener, humans really need to find a place to digest all kinds of information. At the same time, Yue Yuan also wanted to come up with the construction plan that he had put aside for more than many years here.

To this end, after he approved the application of the astronomer team, he immediately convened a meeting of particle physicists.

At the meeting, Yue Yuan got straight to the point and threw out the document titled "Construction Plan for a Large Particle Collider" and let everyone get into the meeting content directly.

In fact, Yue Yuan received this document when humans were still on Wolf Star. However, the primary purpose of humans at that time was to survive and stay as far away from the star field where the Silver Mist Consciousness Body was as possible, so there was little time to do it.

Of course, it was not appropriate at that time. After all, humans were only a handful back then and did not have the ability to build a large particle collider.

Later, they encountered Kuntai Civilization again, and the broadcast threat of the Galactic Alliance has not been eliminated, so it has been suppressed and not taken out.

Now, the time has really come.

The emergence of the Awakener finally allowed mankind to get rid of the dangerous star field through bad luck, and years of development also allowed mankind to move from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization level, and the population also increased.

If the construction plan for the large particle collider is not restarted at this time, it will undoubtedly waste mankind's precious development time.

At this moment, Yue Yuan was sitting in the conference room, listening to the physics discussions.

"I don't think a linear collider is suitable. Although a linear collider is the easiest to manufacture, its construction length is not affected because it is in space. It can also be packed and moved in a segmented modular manner, and because of its Without synchrotron radiation, the center-of-mass system can have very high energy and adjustable accuracy, but its brightness is limited and it is not scalable."

The speaker was Liu Miyan. Although Yue Yuan initiated this meeting, he was actually the host.

"Since Academician Liu thinks that the linear collider is not suitable, then only the circular collider is left." As soon as Liu Miyan finished speaking, another physicist spoke up.

"Yes, there is only a circular collider." The physicist who was speaking only said this and then stopped. Another physicist who held the same view as him had to add: "With our current technology, There is absolutely no problem in building a large circular collider. According to data, in the Earth Age, people did not initially intend to build a circular electron collider larger than the International Linear Collider.

The reason is that the electron mass is too small. As the energy of the center of mass increases, synchrotron radiation will lose more energy. However, after the discovery of the Higgs boson, humans noticed that its mass was not very large, so they used ring-shaped It would also be possible if the collider could be used as the Higgs factory.

Just like the considerations in the Earth Era, if we build a circular accelerator, the circular tunnel can also be used to upgrade the next generation hadron collider. "

Hearing what the scientist said, the doctor in particle physics opposite him asked: "Since we want to upgrade, why not just build the next generation collider?"

"Do we have such technology?" the physicist just said back.

The next-generation particle collider he talks about refers to a large collider that integrates a photon collider, a muon collider, an electron collider, and a hadron collider.

This collider is different from the traditional conventional two-point particle collider. Its design concept is three-dimensional and multi-point.

The difference between the two is that the traditional two-point collider can only produce two-dimensional or on-screen collisions in the same space. Its space utilization is low and the collision energy is also low.

In the Earth era, the most typical and most powerful collider of this type is the European Large Hadron Collider, with a circular orbit length of 27 kilometers.

If humans created it in space, it would be a ring with a diameter of 8.5 kilometers. Humanity's current largest battleship, the Lyra, is only 5 kilometers long. Just imagine how big it is.

However, what these scientists want to build cannot naturally be the particle collider of the Earth era. What they want is a larger and stronger particle collider.

That's why some people say whether humans have the ability to build a new generation of particle collider capabilities.

Seeing that the venue fell silent, Yue Yuan, who had been silent until now, looked at Yu Nanfeng, a figure in the field of engineering, and said, "Academician Yu, what do you say here?"

Although physicists are the main force in this discussion, whether humans have such construction capabilities still depends on those who actually do engineering.

"I've seen the plan for particle physics," Yu Nanfeng touched his beard and said, "The new generation of particle collider should be the so-called space multi-point particle collider, and it also requires the realization of many types of particles. Collision."

"When I got the plan the day before yesterday, I discussed it with my colleagues and thought that with our current superb mechanical technology, it would be very difficult to build it, but it is not impossible.

But as for the specifics, you still need to finalize the final plan, and then give our engineering department at least three years to demonstrate and test the feasibility. "

Hearing this, Liu Miyan immediately showed a smile on his face: "In that case, what other types of collider should we discuss? Our current living environment is completely in space, so we must go directly to the space multi-point particle collider! "

"Yes, we must create the best." One participant echoed.

Then, there was another discussion with the congregation. In the end, after consulting with Liu Miyan and other scientists, Yue Yuan made the final decision: "Okay, if everyone has no objections, then let's do it."

This meeting is actually just a preliminary meeting to discuss the construction of the collider, and to determine the direction. In the next few days, there will be many meetings about the collider.

In such meetings, Yue Yuan just takes the lead and attends the first one to set the direction. However, with his professionalism, he does not need to attend subsequent meetings.

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