Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 247 Gearing up

Just as the relevant departments of the new government were planning the particle collider, human detectors also transmitted the only rocky planet data in this galaxy to the human database.

The mass of this planet is 0.59 times that of the Earth, its diameter is 0.8 times that of the Earth, its average surface gravity is 0.69g, and its rotation period is 20 hours, 57 minutes and 33.63 seconds. The calm surface temperature is 36 degrees Celsius, and there is a large amount of liquid water on the surface.

The half-circumference of its orbit is 11.8 AU, the pericenter is 11.426 AU, the apocenter is 12.227 AU, the eccentricity is 0.034, and the Roche limit of the satellite is 6751 kilometers. However, it has no satellite, but it has tidal force, which comes from the gaseous giant star outside. planet.

Humans have discovered that although this planet has no satellites, it does have a ring as beautiful as the rings of Saturn. Under the light of the orange dwarf star, it presents a charming scenery.

Its revolution period is 17.997 years, and one year is almost equal to 18 years of the earth.

The main components of the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, oxygen, ethylene, water vapor, and nitrogen, with a small amount of other gases harmful to humans. Among them, carbon dioxide accounts for the majority, with a concentration of 86%, oxygen 12%, and the rest are other gases.

The rich carbon dioxide gives the planet an excellent insulation layer, with the greenhouse effect reaching 22.4 degrees Celsius and the atmospheric pressure reaching 7 standard atmospheres.

This planet, like the gaseous planets in outer orbit, has no satellites.

One probe after another came to the orbit of this rocky planet. Some of the probes formed a network covering the entire planet, while others directly lowered their orbits and then began unmanned landing detection.

Nowadays, human beings are a second-level civilization and have mastered neutrino communication. Many equipment and detectors are also equipped with neutrino communication systems, but electromagnetic wave communication has not been completely replaced.

Many remote controls such as engineering vehicles, mining equipment, and remote robots still use electromagnetic waves, so it is necessary to establish a planet-wide satellite communication network.

After all, this planet is the only rocky planet in this star system. The materials needed for humanity's future supplies, expansion and construction of various types of spacecraft, new warships, and the planned multi-point particle collider in space must also come from here. obtained on a planet.

"Shuai Yue, this is another living planet!"

On this day, Yue Yuan arrived at the Tianqin bridge on time as usual. As soon as he floated into the hall and opened his magnetic boots to fix himself to the floor, he heard a familiar voice.

It was Zhu Pite's voice. Due to the emergence of genetic tailoring technology, this guy's hair loss has been completely cured. Now he is stroking his rich hair and looking at Yue Yuan who arrived with a smile on his face.

"Definitely, this planet is somewhere inside the habitable zone of orange dwarf stars. Although it is a bit hotter for us, it has a pleasant climate. There is a large area of ​​ocean on its surface. It can be seen from the pictures captured by the orbiting detector. , with dense vegetation on its surface, towering mountains and rivers, and abundant water vapor in the sky, it is a vibrant scene.”

The person who spoke was the science officer next to Zhu Pite. When he saw Yue Yuan arriving, he also looked away from the big screen and turned around to greet him.

"How is the detection of the internal situation of the planet?" Yue Yuan asked after standing firm.

It is a life planet. Yue Yuan actually knew it when he came here. What he didn't know was whether there was intelligent life on this planet.

At this moment, after humans separated several scientific research ships, engineering ships and a squadron to go to the orbit of the gaseous planet, the large force was already moving towards the rocky planet.

The purpose of leaving several scientific research ships is naturally to explore the reasons why gaseous planets do not have satellites, while the engineering ships are to absorb hydrogen from gaseous planets.

In the outer space of this orange dwarf star system, human detectors have already detected it, and there are no traces of technological creations. That's why humans are so confident about bringing in large forces.

"The probe has landed. It will take a while before we have results on the situation inside the planet." the science officer replied.

Yue Yuan nodded and asked: "Well, how long does it take for the fleet to arrive at the scheduled location?"

This time, the answer came from the first mate who was sitting in his seat operating something: "About an hour and twenty minutes."

"Okay, where is Manyue Mei?" Yue Yuan took two steps forward and stood side by side with Zhu Pite.

"Commander Yue forgot? Didn't you order Minister Man to lead the squadron to be stationed on the gaseous planet?" Zhu Pite reminded.

"Um, I forgot about this." Yue Yuan raised his eyebrows. He had too many meetings these days, so he forgot about it. Then he said: "Then the fleet will anchor as planned and order those heading to the rocky planet orbit. Get your ship ready."

"Yes!" replied the first mate.

The entire fleet has more than a thousand spaceships and a thousand battleships.

The squadron stationed on the gaseous planet consists of three hundred battleships. The rest came to the rocky planet with Lyra.

However, not all of them will be parked in synchronous orbits of rocky planets, but most of them will be parked in far orbits.

Residential spacecraft, biosphere spacecraft, and a large number of lake-class warships will dock here. Only various engineering ships and scientific research ships will enter synchronous orbit.

Of course, some battleships will still follow them into synchronous orbit.

However, the main anchorage is far orbit.

After that, the engineering spacecraft was mechanically deployed in synchronous orbit and turned into a resource transfer station. As usual, various engineering equipment was transported to the planet through the landing ship and began to exploit resources.

Of course, before that, detectors are needed to transmit back the conditions inside the planet.

With the landing experience on Wolf Star, human landing work is in order.

After the large fleet arrived at apogee, batch after batch of engineering ships and scientific research ships sailed towards the synchronous orbit of the rocky planet.

The space dock that had previously followed the fleet also set out. However, the space dock would not go to synchronous orbit like the engineering ship, but would go to the Lagrange point. Oh, here it should be said to be the gravitational balance point between the orange dwarf star and this rocky planet.

There are many benefits to placing the dock at the gravitational balance point. The most obvious one is that there is no need to waste computing power and fuel to adjust the orbital attitude.

Fifty space docks will come to this area to be mechanically deployed and reassembled to become real space docks. Then, after receiving supplies, they will begin to build new residential spaceships and more lake-class battleships.

Of course, humans now have a thousand Lake-class battleships, and there is no shortage of residential spaceships, so this construction is not as urgent as the last time.

However, not being urgent does not mean that it is not necessary. Humanity is now a wandering civilization, and warships are the only weapons to protect human beings. Of course, the more the better.

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