Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 248 Exploration of Gas Planets

As the flagship, Tianqin should be parked in the far orbit together with the residential spacecraft according to usual management, but this time it is different. It led 300 Lake-class battleships to form a battleship detachment, followed by the first batch of engineering-class battleships. The spacecraft and the scientific research spacecraft came together to the synchronous orbit of the rocky planet.

Human civilization is already a second-level civilization, but lake-class battleships, engineering spacecraft, and scientific research spacecraft still cannot penetrate directly into the planet.

Because the scientific research spacecraft is not a small spacecraft, it is a spacecraft as big as Lyra, but it is mainly filled with various laboratories and scientific research institutions, so it is called a scientific research spacecraft.

The same goes for engineering spacecraft.

Huge spaceships are not suitable for direct landing. The reason is that they are too big and have a large size and mass. Once they fall into the planet's gravity well, although it is not impossible to escape, it will be very laborious and may even cause structural damage due to uneven gravity. , completely unnecessary.

Naturally, a large ship like the Tianqin will not land.

They are used only as space platforms.

Those who landed were specialized landing craft and landing ships.

While the rocky planet was busy preparing for detection and landing, the squadron on the other side of the gaseous planet also began to explore the gaseous planet.

A factory spacecraft and a scientific research spacecraft first arrived in the orbit of the gaseous planet, and then launched a probe specially produced for the gaseous planet environment to the gaseous planet.

Today's human detectors are far different from those of the Earth era.

It is said to be a detector, but it actually has no solar panels like small wings, and its appearance is not as crude as an artificial satellite, but a small spacecraft.

"Dr. Niu, the parameters are all fine. We can change the orbit of the detector and carry out gas planet exploration missions." In the scientific research spacecraft, a staff member was working seriously.

As he said that, he picked up something that looked like a VR eye in front of him and put it on his head.

This thing is a remote connection control system.

After putting it on, the staff's perspective will be switched to the detector camera, um... or the camera becomes his eyes.

In this detection mission, he is the manual observer.

The gaseous planet detection mission is mainly to find traces of the existence of its satellites. According to scientists' speculation, if there are satellites and they fall onto a gaseous planet, they should leave some traces on the inner core of the gaseous planet.

This trace is the material composition of the gaseous planet's core.

Scientists want to use spectroscopy, neutrino detection and other detection methods to analyze the specific material composition of the gaseous planet's core, and then compare it with the material composition of the rocky planet.

If the similarity and overlap are high, it is most likely caused by swallowing satellites. Of course, there is another point. Scientists speculate that if its satellite is really swallowed by it, because the rotation of this gaseous planet is already very high, a lot of the swallowed material may still be floating in the atmosphere of the gaseous planet.

In this detection, scientists also want to confirm one thing. They want to know whether the gaseous planet has a solid surface.

Such gaseous planets like Jupiter and Saturn are very common in the universe, but humans have never had time to detect their interiors. Therefore, scientists firmly believe that this detection will bring a lot of data about planetary evolution to humans.

In the past, the main reason why a gaseous planet is a planet is that it is not big enough. From this, it can be seen that its composition is still mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.

But is its core just these two elements?

After all, in the original theory, as long as the gaseous planet is more massive, it is possible to ignite its core under the influence of strong gravity, undergo a thermonuclear reaction, and turn into a star.

So, do gaseous planets have the qualifications of stars? There are still solid surfaces and rocky cores, but only planets.

This kind of research is of great significance to the evolution of stellar systems.

Because almost everyone knows that this generation of stars is basically the third generation. The emergence of this generation of stars is based on the material ejected by the death of the previous generation of stars. So when stars were first formed, why did hydrogen gather together and ignite to become stars, while heavy elements gathered in other places to form stars? Rocky planet?

Since it is an era of chaos, why can't heavy elements and hydrogen elements be mixed together? What exactly did this process go through?

Another point is, could gaseous planets be the result of the evolution of light and heavy elements?

As we all know, the reason for supernova explosions at the end of the evolution of massive stars is that too many elements appear in the core, causing the nuclear fusion reaction to stop. Then they cannot maintain their own gravitational balance and collapse inward. Then they collide violently in the collapse of matter at nearly the speed of light, and finally due to The extreme collision explodes with powerful energy, resulting in a supernova explosion.

So, if at the beginning of the evolution of the star system, the gravitational convergence point has accumulated a large amount of heavy elements, then will the star system be directly unable to be ignited to form stars for this reason? Instead, due to the large mass, it will skip this step. stage, what about explosions directly after the collapse of heavy elements, and finally turning into a black hole?

In other words, do black holes of this origin exist?

If it exists, how is it different from a black hole formed after a supernova explosion at the end of a supermassive star? Is it a primordial black hole? Or a second-generation black hole? Third generation black hole? Is its infinity point a singularity? Or a strange ring? Where is its solid surface?

All kinds of questions may be answered in this mission to detect the core of a gaseous planet.

Once these questions are answered, the gaps in the human evolution model of the universe will inevitably be filled, and many previously blank areas will be filled.

The so-called quantitative changes produce qualitative changes. These things are the accumulation of quantitative changes in human progress. We all know that branches of science and various technologies are actually related. If a civilization wants to move to a higher level, it is best for all branches of technology to go hand in hand.

Because what prompted mankind to discover higher-level civilization-marking technology was probably a certain branch of science that was originally inconspicuous.

Under the remote control of humans, the exploration spacecraft first crossed the strong magnetic field radiation area of ​​the gaseous planet and arrived at the outermost gaseous layer of Jupiter.

At this time, the detection spacecraft adjusted its attitude, turned its butt downwards, and began to use thrusters to resist the strong gravity of the gaseous planet and slow down its fall.

In the past, if humans collected hydrogen and helium elements from gaseous planets, they would basically work at this level. Basically, the collection network is launched here, and then the powerful engine is used to escape the gravity of the gaseous planet, and finally the resource collection is completed.

But this time it was exploration, so after reaching this level, the detection spacecraft continued to sink without any stop.

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