Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 250 Beautiful Scenery

As long as we get there, humans can eliminate the interference of various environmental factors and verify what elements the core is made of and what form it exists in.

In this way, the theory of gaseous planet evolution can be completed.

Although neutrino detectors based on quantum entanglement can detect them, they are not very accurate. Moreover, humans want not only neutrino detection data, but also various parameters such as spectra, electrical properties, magnetic properties, etc. need.

So when only neutrino detection was left, the mission had been declared a failure, but scientists still wanted to see how deep the detection spacecraft could dive so that they could make improvements next time.

Sure enough, not long after, the internal mechanical structure of the propeller of the detection spacecraft broke. The propeller stopped instantly, and the descent power of the detection spacecraft was instantly lost.

At the same time, due to the density difference between the detection spacecraft and the environment, the loss of power detection spacecraft was like a bottle filled with air that was pressed into the water and then suddenly let go. It was suddenly squeezed by the liquid metal hydrogen, and the up and down pressure The difference caused the detection spacecraft to be pushed upward at an extremely fast speed like a cannonball.

In the end, it jumped out from the surface of liquid metallic hydrogen like water from an empty bottle, and then drew a parabola, sinking and floating in the thick hydrogen clouds, and was finally enveloped by the thick hydrogen clouds, and surrounded together in the atmosphere of the gaseous planet.

At this time, the detection spacecraft is in a state of balance between gravity and buoyancy.

It took a total of three days from the time the probe spacecraft entered the gaseous planet to when it bounced back. During these three days, humans collected massive amounts of data about the interior of the gaseous planet, and also obtained many parameters related to the performance of humans' own spacecraft.

This mission was a failure, but scientists will continue to improve the detection spacecraft based on this failure. They have to consider the issue of force transmission. After all, they have found the reason for the failure of this mission. At the same time, they also have to consider the issue of optical detector placement, because it is no longer feasible to place optical detection equipment outside the detection spacecraft.

Humanity's alloy No. 2 is made of alloy with a high temperature resistance of up to 280 million degrees Celsius. Logically speaking, such a powerful high temperature resistant material will not be melted even if it reaches the core of the sun, but now it cannot even reach the true core of a gaseous planet. .

Yue Yuan, who was on the Tianqin, couldn't help but feel a little silent after receiving the news that the mission had failed.

Originally, Yue Yuan thought that with this kind of material, humans might be able to have a head-on collision with stars like the sun, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

If you want to enter the interior of a star, high-temperature-resistant materials alone are not enough. Other technologies must also go hand in hand. Yes, the No. 2 alloy material of mankind can withstand such high temperature and pressure, but if it really enters the interior of a star, it will just become a piece of plate floating there.

Regarding this failure, Yue Yuan did not make any comments. Failure is a success, and the subsequent improved experimental tasks will be presided over by that group of scientists.

After handing the mission report back to the assistant next to him, Yue Yuan looked back at the big screen in the bridge of the Tianqin.

What is now displayed on the big screen is a split screen, and inside the split screen are scenes of scenes on a rocky planet.

These are images taken by orbiting satellites and the first landing probes.

Now humans have 100% confirmation that this is a planet with thriving life.

As can be seen from this set of pictures and videos, this rocky planet has towering mountains, snow-capped mountains, countless towering trees, and dense forests everywhere. It has vast continents and turbulent oceans.

Of course, except that the snow-capped mountains are white, the plants and oceans here are different from those on Earth.

The plants on Earth are mainly green, but here they are mainly purple. In addition to the different colors, the plants here are generally thicker than those on Earth, which may have something to do with the high carbon dioxide concentration.

Although its sky is also blue, it is much lighter than that of the earth. It can be said to be very clear. There are some differences from the blue sky on Earth. The reason why the sky here appears blue is due to atmospheric scattering and atmospheric molecules, but there is no ozone layer.

When the light from the orange dwarf star in the sky shines on the planet, the light will be scattered randomly due to the tiny particles in the atmosphere, making the light more evenly distributed, and the intensity of the scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength, so Short-wavelength blue light is more easily scattered.

Therefore, the sky appears light blue.

Of course, there is no ozone layer, and the composition of the atmosphere is very different from that of the earth, so this blue appears very clear, almost visible to the naked eye from outer space.

As clear as the sky is the ocean. The sea reflects the color of the sky, and humans can even see the lower parts of the continental shelf in ocean images taken from high altitude.

Animals wandering in the shallow sea are also clearly visible.

Since the rocky planet has no moons, it doesn't have periodic, powerful ocean tides like Earth does, but it's not without them either.

Whenever this rocky planet moves to form a three-star series with its main sequence orange dwarf star and outer orbiting gas planet, it will also cause tidal phenomena to varying degrees in its oceans.

Based on the orbital periods of the two planets, this tidal cycle is about 24 Earth years. The orbital period of this rocky planet is 17.997 years, which is just over one year.

The ocean's tidal cycle is so long that its oceans are calmer than those on Earth. Basically, the causes of various ocean movements are temperature differences.

Judging from the scenes, this planet can indeed be called a planet with beautiful scenery. To be honest, if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was not too high and there were some toxic gas components, humans might have been able to transform it into a planet suitable for human life in hundreds of years.

Unfortunately, the concentration of carbon dioxide is too high, and humans do not have the species and plants of the earth's biosphere. Once the atmospheric structure is changed and the concentration of carbon dioxide is reduced, the greenhouse effect will inevitably be reduced, resulting in a sharp drop in temperature, which will eventually destroy the planet's ecosystem. .

Things like environmental modification affect the whole body at once. It is impossible for planetary creatures to survive after changing the composition and structure of the atmosphere.

After humans arrived, this rocky planet was randomly registered in the database with a name called Orange Dwarf-1. However, after various pictures came back, many people wanted to name it after the environmental characteristics of the planet. But some people think that it is better to wait for a while to see if intelligent life exists.

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