Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 251 Pangea

Before the safety of the planet is confirmed, humans are not in a hurry to land, but continue to wait for detection information from various detectors.

Now, artificial satellites have completed the global network, and various unmanned detectors have begun to land on the surface of the planet. It will not be long before those things hidden under the clouds and dense jungles will be discovered by humans.

And, of course, there’s the depths of the ocean.

Human flight probes not only need to land, but also enter the seabed to detect, trying not to miss any corner of the planet. This is a basic operation.

As deep-water probes enter the ocean one after another, the ocean profile of this planet has also been unveiled by humans.

Countless strange aquatic creatures have come into view. They have all kinds of strange looks, but most of them follow one characteristic, which is a streamlined body.

With the experience of exploring the Wolfe biosphere, humans understand that streamlined bodies are the result of natural selection. Basically, those living in water will become streamlined when they evolve to a certain stage.

Compared to the scientific detection of gaseous planets, people prefer to see the various pictures returned by detectors from rocky planets. The reason is that life is flourishing.

Therefore, many people on the bridges of various battleships were watching the scenes on their screens. These pictures are first-hand information. After a day or two, they will be broadcast to the residential spacecraft at the discretion of the Propaganda Department.

The information that ordinary people can get from the residential spacecraft will naturally be later than the government departments responsible for landing detection, but it will not always be concealed.

"It looks like a fish, let's call it an alien fish," a person on a certain spacecraft said, pointing to a group of aquatic creatures in the picture.

Another person pointed to the split screen next to him: "Wow, what kind of animal is this? It's really big. It looks a bit like a mosasaurus in the history of Earth's biology."

"Fuck, I'm scared, what a bloody mouth." One person saw that a creature with a round mouth suddenly opened its mouth towards the detector, as if it regarded the detector as prey.

Yue Yuan, who was on the Tianqin, also watched for a long time and found that the creature that looked like a mosasaurus seemed to be the largest marine creature.

Judging from the images and annotation data returned by the detector, the creature is about 19 meters long and its estimated weight is in the range of 20 to 30 tons.

It has limbs that have not yet completely turned into fins, or may be fins that are in the process of becoming limbs. One limb and a tail that swings up and down drive swimming.

This is the largest marine creature discovered by humans so far, but it is not yet certain whether there is a larger creature.

Although artificial satellites have been networked and many detectors have been sent out, a planet is too big, especially on the seabed. Hundreds of detectors dive at the same time, and it is impossible to detect all sea areas in a short time. complete.

Detection on land is relatively easy, but it is not possible to see everything as soon as the satellite is turned on.

After all, the environment of a planet includes not only plains, but also various landforms such as mountains, rivers, vegetation, and forests. Many creatures that live in jungles or caves are difficult to see directly from outer space.

Therefore, methods such as near-Earth flight detection by small detection spacecraft and ground detection by unmanned detector robots must also be carried out.

Under such detectors, many terrestrial creatures have also been discovered by humans. They look very different from earth creatures, but they have one thing in common, that is, most of them have four limbs, not six or eight limbs. .

There are also flying creatures, but there are no flying creatures covered with feathers. What the detector sees are basically flying creatures with one fleshy wing.

These flying creatures are much larger than those on Earth. Human beings have just begun to conduct near-Earth exploration and have discovered several flying creatures with a wingspan of five or six meters.

Whenever a small exploration spacecraft flies over the jungle-covered sky, it will always startle groups of these flying creatures.

According to the earth's terms, this planet can be said to have all kinds of birds, animals, fish and insects. Not only is it rich in species, it also shows an explosion of biological diversity.

As one kind of creature after another is discovered, this planet gradually gives humans the feeling of a Cambrian biological explosion.

"What a treasure house!" Yue Yuan couldn't help but sigh while looking at such scenes of prosperous life.

Then he looked at the overview of the planet and found that its land area and ocean area were almost half each, and what was magical was that, except for some scattered small islands, its land was almost a single piece.

Such a large continent all stuck together is called Pangea.

The entire continent spans the equator and runs through the north and south poles. There are vast oceans on the east and west sides of the continent. And this geographical environment has also formed a corresponding environment for this continent.

There is sufficient water vapor around the continent and lush vegetation. The closer to the center of the continent, the drier the climate and the sparser the vegetation. Therefore, in the middle of the continent, there are basically vast deserts.

However, it is somewhat different from the desert landscape that people know. The deserts on this planet are not all connected to the city. Instead, they are isolated by some towering mountains and mountains and are divided into deserts.

The highest mountain on the planet is located in the desert, with an altitude of about 15,000 meters. The area where the highest peak is located is an endless mountain range covered with snow.

Precisely because the highest peak is located in the continent, the snow melted and flowed downwards. When passing through the desert area, it washed out a large river that was more than 4,000 kilometers long on the continent.

The small probe spacecraft flew over the vast desert and found that it was almost a restricted area for life, and it was rare to see any large creatures.

After crossing the barren area in the center of the continent, we gradually came to an area with lush water and grass. At first glance, it was full of forests, stretching from the front of the detector to the horizon, all in purple.

It's completely two extremes from the center.

The transition area between these two extreme areas is an area with moderate vegetation density. In the flat terrain of this area, human detectors have discovered many large animals.

Animals the size of elephants abound. Countless creatures of all sizes are in groups, some are eating vegetation, and others are performing scenes of hunting scenes.

All kinds of pictures make people feel like they have returned to the Jurassic era, because these animals are really big, bigger than the mosasaur-like creatures found in the ocean before, but unfortunately they don't look like dinosaurs at all.

"No traces of intelligent life have been found yet. Could it be that it is really a planet with primitive life?" Yue Yuan glanced at the big screen again and found no trace of intelligent life.

We saw a lot of bipedal animals, but none of them were clearly not created by nature.

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