Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 252 Funny Dog Head

Whether it is a planet with primitive life or not, it means that mankind has obtained another huge treasure house.

After landing, take biosphere samples to study. It would be great if it was a right-handed DNA biosphere like the earth.

Yue Yuan is now calculating in his mind how many more biosphere spacecraft will be built.

Humanity lost the earth's treasure house, but after setting foot in the starry sky, it encountered Wolf Star. When it came here, it encountered another living planet. It can be said that it was extremely lucky.

Such luck made Yue Yuan ponder.

"Is it possible that living planets are really that common in the universe?" He looked at the big screen, but his pupils swayed, and at the same time he said in his heart: "No, no, Wolf Star is okay, but could this planet be similar to Is it related to the Awakener?”

This star field was brought to humans by the Awakener. After arriving here, humans randomly chose a star system and encountered a living planet.

How can this not make people suspicious?

If it was intentional by the awakener, what exactly does it mean?

Yue Yuan unconsciously touched his beard with his right hand, lowered his head and thought: "But if it was intentional, how could the awakener know that I chose Orange Dwarf? Could it be that he saw a corner of the future? Impossible! Then... yes Seeing through my thoughts? This is even more impossible. It’s too magical to peek into other people’s inner thoughts.”

Yue Yuan was a little confused.

If the Awakeners have discovered that there is a living planet here and really brought humans here intentionally, then why not just leave humans beside the orange dwarf star system or simply throw them inside.

Is it a test? Or is it just a coincidence?

"It shouldn't be possible to test something like that. After all, we just met each other. To the Awakener, human beings are just a random civilization. There is no reason. That is a coincidence. After all, if the Awakener wants humans to discover this living planet, There is no need to leave humans in the middle of nowhere."

"Well, don't think so much. Now that we have met, it is a great blessing. With such a biosphere resource, human beings may be able to make further progress in life science. By then, not only life span, but also other related biotechnologies will also be improved. The rising tide lifts all boats!”

Yue Yuan thought about it, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously. Not only that, the awakener also said that this place is far away from the battlefield, so it is a safe star field.

Human beings can stay here for a long time without being as worried as on Wolf Star. They have enough time to study this biosphere.

Just when Yue Yuan was enjoying himself with his own thoughts, an exclamation interrupted his thoughts.

"Is this intelligent life?"

What? Intelligent life! ?

Yue Yuan heard the sound and went away, only to see Zhu Pite staring at the big screen with big eyes.

Following Zhu Pi Te's gaze, Yue Yuan also cast his gaze on the big screen, and then he saw this scene.

In a split-screen scene at the junction of a forest and a grassland, a creature the size of a mammoth was driven by a group of much smaller creatures and suddenly fell into a trap originally covered with branches and leaves. .

Immediately afterwards, he saw more small creatures running out of the surrounding bushes. These creatures walked on two legs and held various things that looked like weapons at the end of their upper limbs. The trap was filled with water.

At the same time, rhythmic sounds sounded from this group of creatures.

After that, this group of creatures kept thrusting their weapons at the big creatures in the trap and throwing rope-like objects into the trap, as if they wanted to trap the creatures in the trap.

He looked like he was hunting.

"Enlarge the picture!" Seeing this, Yue Yuan called to the staff.

What captured this scene was a small detector suspended in the sky. After Yue Yuan finished speaking, the detector was taken over by the staff, and then the sub-screens in the big screen also turned into one big screen.

The picture was very high-definition. After zooming in, everything about this bloody hunting operation was fully visible to humans, and even the biological forms of the two were photographed exactly.

What fell into the trap was a creature as big as a woolly mammoth, with thick, gray hair, an open and closed mouth, a single horn, a long tail, and three-toed hooves.

The group of people holding long-haired ropes, bows and arrows besieging it were a group of creatures with dog-like heads. The camera captured one who raised his head slightly, and his appearance looked like a funny dog-headed expression.

The most important thing is that this thing is like a big yellow dog, with the entire head covered with yellow-orange hair. Coupled with his facial appearance, it really makes people feel that he has a "dog head to save his life" expression at a glance.

The funny dog-shaped head is also covered in yellow fur, and below it is a circle of things of different colors, which must be the clothes of this creature.

There is a tail covered with yellow hair behind him, just like a standing dog.

However, it is much larger than a dog, even larger than a human.

According to the telemetry of the small detection system, this thing is about 2.5 meters tall and very strong.

Seeing such a scene, human beings can basically confirm that this is an intelligent life, but they don't know how far its population has developed.

If you just look at this group of hunting people, they should have learned to use metal. After all, humans have seen the long-haired weapons in their hands. From the metallic appearance, they seem to be bronze.

This group of hunting intelligent creatures looks just like the hunting activities in the tribal era.

But it does not rule out the possibility that this population has entered the Iron Age, because this is only the first batch discovered by humans, and it is possible that the same species still live in other areas.

"Inform the person in charge of unmanned detection and ask them to send out more detectors and focus on searching for these kobolds to see how far they have developed!" After watching for a while, Yue Yuan said to the correspondent: " Also, send some small drones down, mainly responsible for detecting the area under the dense forest."

"Yes, Yue Shuai!" the correspondent responded, and then connected to the person in charge of the initial detection.

After giving the instructions, Yue Yuan turned his attention to the big screen again.

At this time, the group of kobolds had killed the prey in the trap and dragged it out of the trap. At this time, they were orderly cutting up the prey with sharp weapons.

Several strong kobolds were seen raising their knives, and a trace of blue liquid flowed out of the prey's body.

It's blue blood!

The humans who saw this scene all said in their hearts. They are not surprised by blue blood. After all, aliens are full of strange things. Even without blood, it is normal.

Moreover, there are actually creatures on earth with blue blood, such as horseshoe crabs.

Compared with these, if you see a planet with an environment similar to that of the earth, with an atmosphere that humans can breathe directly, and intelligent creatures that look similar to humans, that would be hell.

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