Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 253 Got some thoughts

Under Yue Yuan's instructions, humans immediately increased their efforts to explore the planet. At the same time, landing and exploring various mineral resources has also been put on the agenda.

If we follow usual habits, humans have already taken the lead in developing resources on its satellites before landing on the living planet. However, in this orange dwarf star system, on this rocky planet, humans can only absorb resources from above, and it is There is no need to delay. After all, after traveling long distances, the fuel, energy, materials and minerals left by mankind now need to be replenished.

Moreover, humans also plan to build a space multi-point particle collider and more warships.

Time passed slowly during the exploration. With the increase of detectors and the intensification of the search, many groups of funny-headed dogmen were discovered by humans one by one.

As expected by humans, the hunter before was actually a small tribe of funny kobolds, belonging to a wild tribe far away from developed areas.

In other places that are rich in products, there are many large communities, especially on the east and west sides of the continent. Due to the influence of the oceanic climate, there is abundant rain, dense vegetation, and various aquatic creatures and magical fruits. Therefore, these The local community of comical kobolds is also relatively dense.

Going inland from the coast, food becomes scarcer. Correspondingly, the population density of various biological species is also smaller, as is the biodiversity.

However, as an intelligent life form, the funny kobolds must have developed over a long period of time. Although like other creatures, they show a trend of becoming rarer as they get closer to the center of the continent, they are not as obvious as other animals and plants.

Basically, they have their footprints within a certain temperature environment.

It can be said that this funny alien kobold has relied on his wisdom to stand at the top of the food chain of all life on this planet.

Humans have even discovered many funny kobold gathering places. These gathering places are different from the hunting tribes we saw before. They seem to have formed cities. I don't know if they have formed a regional empire.

Naturally, humans cannot judge by just observing from the detector, so after roughly ascertaining the situation, the landing plan will be officially implemented.

Of course, the original intention of the landing plan was not to go after these funny dog-headed aliens, but to go for mineral resources, and contacting and studying the funny dog-headed aliens was just incidental.

Therefore, humans chose an area closer to the center of the continent as their landing destination.

First of all, the terrain here is relatively flat, which is suitable for the placement and deployment of base spacecraft. Secondly, it is close to the inland area and belongs to the transition area between forests and deserts, making it convenient for humans to conduct research on different environments of the planet. Furthermore, through detector scanning, humans discovered that there is an open-pit aluminum mine not far away from here, and not far away in the direction of the forest, there is a lake formed by the melting of snowy mountains.

There are mines and water, and the terrain is flat, making it the most suitable landing place.

Yue Yuan's idea is to land first to complete the expansion of the basic base, and then use the base as the center to start radiating outwards to search for and explore various mineral resources. At the same time, he will carry out various scientific research work, and in the process, he will come into contact with some people on this planet. of intelligent life.

It stands to reason that everything on this planet belongs to the intelligent life that was born on it, that is, the funny dog-headed aliens, but humans have never thought about this issue at all.

Similarly, in the landing plan, humans did not consider hiding their tracks at all.

In fact, anthropologists have also raised relevant opinions with Yue Yuan, probably talking about whether there is a way in the universe that does not interfere with primitive civilization and does not reveal high technology in front of primitive civilization. The starting point of this opinion is that humans have not encountered aliens for so long on earth. It is very likely that there are some relevant regulations in the cosmic civilization.

But Yue Yuan didn't take it seriously, not just him, but most people didn't take it seriously.

This statement can certainly explain the Fermi Paradox to a certain extent, but the solar system, the home of mankind, has been bombed to nothing for no reason. Who has the mind to consider this factor?

Even if there is, it doesn't matter. Anyway, humans have not really discovered this rule and have not joined any cosmic forces.

As for damaging or affecting the development path of primitive civilization, no one mentioned it.

However, many sociologists began to draw up some rough drafts of their views on the alien race of funny kobolds after learning the general information.

Although these manuscripts have not yet been handed over to Yue Yuan, Yue Yuan has already heard the general thoughts of this group of people through other channels.

The ideas of this group of sociology scholars are roughly divided into three types. One is to contact them openly and then do pure research to fill the human database. The other is to conduct secret contacts and secret experiments. The third type is to collect a group of dog-headed aliens for human use.

The first two are actually one kind, but the third kind gave Yue Yuan some ideas.

However, in the current human social environment, the idea of ​​recruiting dog-headed aliens as vassals is expected to encounter great resistance. After all, since the destruction of the solar system and the encounter with the 'Nano Silver Mist Consciousness Body', the vast majority of humans have deeply hated aliens. .

In this atmosphere, it is estimated that killing people directly will gain more support than collecting and using them, especially among people born in that era.

Of course, as a leader, Yue Yuan was not that extreme, so after hearing scholars who had this idea, he also had some thoughts. He naturally hates aliens, but more often than not, he considers the pros and cons.

To put it bluntly, after meeting the Awakener, Yue Yuan was no longer a true xenophobe, nor a pure human supremacist. He was willing to accept anything that was good for mankind.

So when he heard that some scholars wanted to propose the idea of ​​using dog-headed aliens, Yue Yuan had an idea in his mind. He thought of the Galactic Center Alliance, the Yingxian Community, and the Silicon-based Consortium.

These three forces have one thing in common, which is the 'alliance', 'community' and 'community'. Judging from the names, they should all belong to a multi-civilization coalition. Otherwise, they should be called civilizations just like the Reaper civilization. .

Humanity has previously received confirmation from the Awakeners that these three sons are most likely to be level six civilizations. Even the sixth-level civilizations are engaged in alliances, so why should humans stay on their own and fight alone?

Of course, this dog-headed alien is just a primitive civilization after all. Yue Yuan naturally does not want to form a real alliance in his heart. What he really wants in his heart is to get a cannon fodder member for mankind.

In the previous war with Kuntai Civilization, humans lost almost 70,000 people. If there was a cannon fodder vassal, it would be more than that.

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