Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 254 Arrival

Human life is precious. If it were vassal aliens who took the lead, they wouldn't have so many worries. Even when strategically needed, they could give it up at will without feeling distressed at all.

But this idea requires a deeper understanding of all aspects of dog-headed aliens. Well, relevant systems also need to be formulated.

If you really want to do this, there are still many, many things to do.

It is too early to consider such matters now. At the same time, Yue Yuan also wants to wait for the scholars to complete their drafts and listen to their thoughts.

Time passed by several months, and Yue Yuan did not wait for the advice from the scholars, but instead waited for the departure of the first batch of landing spaceships.

Human beings now have a lot of experience in landing. As long as they don't encounter dangerous elements like the 'Silver Mist Consciousness Body', it is basically impossible for them to malfunction and crash.

However, this landing is different from that in the Ross 154 star system, because this time it is not a human landing, but an unmanned landing.

What broke into the planet's atmosphere from synchronous orbit were four landing ships equipped with ground base vehicles, plus eight spacecraft carrying engineering equipment.

Human landing ships and landing spacecraft are not as big as the Lake class. They are modified on the basis of the Callisto class battleship. The length is about 800~1000 meters, and the width and height are 500 meters.

This was built by human beings after comprehensively considering the gravity conditions of different planets and their own technological strength.

The structural stability of a spacecraft of this size can adapt to the gravity and atmospheric environment of most rocky planets, and it can travel freely between heaven and earth.

After the first batch of landing ships set off, the second batch of landing ships also entered the preparation process. The second batch of landing ships carried various living supplies and various module components of the orbital mass accelerator.

It is true that humans have space and earth transport ships, but the transportation efficiency of the space and earth transport ships is obviously not as efficient as that of orbital mass accelerators.

Of course, to be honest, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. After all, no matter how powerful the orbital mass accelerator is, it cannot achieve air-to-ground transportation, right?

The first few batches of this landing operation were all unmanned landings. Humans will not actually land on this planet until the ground base is laid.

Although human AI technology is very powerful, many things still require human participation. Matters such as mineral exploration, geological exploration, experimental analysis of resource samples, module assembly of orbital mass accelerators, etc. are all inseparable from human hands.

As time passed, the first batch of twelve landing ships finally plunged into the atmosphere. At the same time, twelve fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky of the planet, like meteorites falling from the sky, streaking across the sky towards the established target. And go.

Such a scene can be described as a celestial spectacle for the creatures on the planet.

However, the fireball did not appear for long, only a few seconds. After all, it was impossible for a human landing ship to fall freely like this. After reaching a certain orbital altitude, the ship started its engine to slow down.

Therefore, the appearance of fireballs was only seen by animals with good eyesight and close to the area where humans landed. In other areas of the planet, no phenomenon was seen at all.

Speaking of which, if humans did not have No. 1 alloy material as the outer shell of the landing ship, the human landing would have been gentler, and there would probably not have been a scene of fireballs appearing from the sky.

After the twelve fireballs came close to a certain extent and reached the visual range of many animals, they inadvertently saw this phenomenon and looked up at the sky one by one, looking at the twelve fiery red streaks that cut through the sky.

After all, they are animals with no intelligence at all. After the fireball pierced the sky and disappeared into the horizon, they lowered their heads again, eating grass where they should eat grass, and eating meat when they should eat meat.

Perhaps these animals, which live solely on instinct, will never understand what they are seeing.

But when the animals were ignorantly lowering their heads to eat again, there was a gaze that was still looking at the direction where the fireball disappeared. The owner of this gaze is different from animals because he is an intelligent creature.

At this moment, this intelligent creature was looking at the horizon with a pair of curious eyes with a face that looked like "a dog's head is trying to save its life".

The funny kobold didn't know what it was, but he was curious. He had never seen this phenomenon before.

It is true that he has never seen it before, not to mention him, the kobolds from many generations ago have never seen this kind of situation in the sky. The reason is simple. There are almost no meteorites within this rocky planet, so there are no meteors at all.

Even if there are occasional meteors, they are probably the kind that floated from the universe, were eventually captured by an orange dwarf, and finally fell to this planet after wandering for who knows how many years.

Anyway, since humans arrived here, they have never discovered the existence of such a thing as an asteroid belt. On the contrary, the orbit beyond this rocky planet is just like the gaseous planet, clean.

So after seeing this phenomenon, this curious and funny kobold was very curious, but also very confused. So after being dazed for a long time, he hurriedly returned to his residence, and then began to chatter and dance to the funny kobold in his residence.

But not long after, the funny kobold walked out of the house with a depressed expression.

Apparently, he told the funny kobold in the room what he saw, but it was obvious that no other kobold believed him.

Back outside the house, the dejected and funny kobold looked at the sky again, where he had seen twelve fireballs appear before, as if waiting for the same scene to appear.

But before he knew it, his neck was sore. He still couldn't see the scene he was looking forward to again, but this funny kobold didn't seem to give up.

Other kobolds discovered that in the following time, this funny kobold did not often stare at the sky in a daze, and did not know what he was looking at. He often dazed while working.

For this reason, this funny kobold got scolded a lot.

After several days of local planet time passed, the kobold stared blankly in the direction of the sky as usual. However, in order to avoid being scolded, he only did so this time after finishing the work at hand.

Perhaps they noticed something unusual about him. This time, another kobold came up to him and chirped: "%... # !! x'\u0026, @@#\u0026*, ※》."

After the kobold who was staring at the sky in a daze heard this, his expression seemed a little helpless, and at the same time he spat out a string of unknown sounds: "ヒナɑ,ыър\u0026\u0026*¥,,¥% # "

If there was a universal translator, this first sentence would be translated. "Artu, what are you looking at? What's going on with you these past two days? The Great Elder trusts us by letting us go hunting. If we come back empty-handed like yesterday, it won't just be a matter of being scolded."

The second sentence is: "Aya, I really saw twelve fireballs appearing in the sky and flying towards the wilderness. Why doesn't the great elder believe me? I really saw it with my own eyes."

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