Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 258 Easier said than done

"Chief of Staff Wang is right." Another military personnel also took over the conversation and said: "One more thing, Researcher Xu Pace, have you ever thought about it, even if we advance the implementation of this plan, who can guarantee that the kobolds will He has a talent for warship combat,

Taking a step back, they have war talents, but they are probably not as good as us humans. Therefore, there is another point that colleagues need to pay attention to. Even if the kobolds have the ability to board ships after training, the warships assigned to them are But they were all built by us humans.

In this case, why should we waste resources to build battleships for the kobolds to drive? It is not easy to build a lake-class battleship, and we humans are not without people. "

On the other side, Chief of Staff Wang who spoke before also nodded, and then added: "That's not all. Researcher Xu understands that the reason why our fleet is almost all lake-class battleships is because our fleet is equipped with elites. Route, the Orosan-class battleship is completely worth the loss, and the Mountain-class battleship cannot shake the Lake-class battleship of the same level of civilization."

"Then..." Xu Pace wanted to say, then change the elite route, but her mind was not confused, and she knew that changing the route was not something that could be done just by saying it.

For a moment, she didn't know how to refute.

At this time, I heard the voice of Chief of Staff Wang continue to sound: "Well, there is one more thing I hope everyone can consider. As the saying goes, people who are not my race must have different hearts. If we really want to use dog-headed aliens, But have you ever considered what we would do if the dog-headed aliens we have worked so hard to cultivate aim their cannons at us in the future?

The human heart is still separated from the belly, how much worse than aliens? Counterattacks and stabbings in the back are common in history. In one sentence, I cannot trust aliens. "

As soon as Chief of Staff Wang finished speaking, another voice sounded in the conference room: "What Chief of Staff Wang said is true, but in my opinion, this matter is not that troublesome at all. I just want to ask, the insect-like appearance Star Dog, why do you deserve to be such a vassal? If we don’t kill them all, it’s already considered a great mercy on our part.”

Hearing this, Xu Pace couldn't help but retorted: "Vice Minister He, I never said that I would accept him as a vassal."

She didn't know much about what others were talking about about the fleet, but this one said it so straightforwardly that she couldn't help it.

In fact, Xu Pace was also a little unhappy. He was obviously thinking about mankind, so why did these people object when he opened his mouth.

Human life is very precious, and nearly 70,000 people died in the battle with the Kuntai people. Although he is just a biodiversity researcher, Xu Peici also has a heart to contribute everything to mankind.

"This is what it means to be a vassal or not," Vice Minister He shook his head and said, "In my opinion, you researchers only need to take care of your own three-quarters of an acre of land. You only use it for research on the dog-headed aliens. For other matters, It will be left to the professional team to consider.”

"Deputy Minister He, what you said is wrong. Although Researcher Xu is not a member of the military, he is a member of the great human race. If you have ideas, it is a good thing. How can you say such words?"

"Chief of Staff Wang is right."

Hearing that the words of the two men were somewhat off-topic, Yue Yuan stretched out his sword finger and tapped it on the conference table a few times, then looked at the others: "Okay, what do you think?"

When Yue Yuan heard about this matter before, he thought about it in his mind, but now it seems that it was indeed ill-advised.

As two military personnel said, if you want to use a race that is not even a first-level civilization as war cannon fodder, the cost for mankind is indeed very huge, and there is also the risk of being counterattacked.

As for vassalage, let alone vassalage. Even a biodiversity researcher knew that vassalage was inappropriate, so how could Yue Yuan mention vassalage again?

The so-called vassal is really a subordinate. Since it is a subordinate, there is no doubt that it has a certain degree of political autonomy. And accepting a primitive civilization as a younger brother, no matter the high-level human beings or the general public, will definitely not agree.

However, if there is a way to cultivate pure cannon fodder without the risk of rebellion, Yue Yuan is still a little excited. After all, he also feels sorry for the human casualties.

In fact, Yue Yuan has considered another path in this regard, which is the development of intelligent warfare AI. For this reason, he has been doing computer research in recent years. However, the development of this type of AI seems to have been influenced by a certain person. Affected by unknown factors, there has not been much progress for countless years.

The combat AI created based on today's human quantum computers is quite smart, but it is still much worse than humans in terms of various emergency decisions encountered in combat.

To be honest, if the Intelligent War AI had any potential, Yue Yuan would not be interested in this dog-headed alien.

Of course, it's not just the intellectual warfare AI problem. Yue Yuan is also worried about the omnic crisis.

Yue Yuan could never forget the 'Silver Mist Consciousness' he encountered that year, which was the AI ​​created by the Mok civilization, and the Mok civilization was a third-level civilization.

Since the computer technology of the third-level civilization has the ability to create such an AI, Yue Yuan has reason to suspect that the legendary omnic crisis may be encountered at the third-level civilization level.

Perhaps, whether we can overcome the omnic crisis will be the watershed among level three civilizations. The death of the Mok civilization and the rebellion of artificial intelligence. Only the third-level civilization that has survived the disaster of artificial intelligence rebellion is qualified to find the road to the fourth-level civilization.

As for whether it would be possible to avoid the omnic crisis without researching such a smart AI, Yue Yuan didn't know. However, most human computer experts and scientists in other fields think it is impossible. They feel that it is impossible to discover and realize the key technologies of level four civilization without such smart AI.

Of course, there is no way to know what the real situation is. Human beings are now only a second-level civilization.

Getting back to the topic, after hearing Yue Yuan's question, the participants began to express their opinions one by one. For a while, there was a burst of discussion in the conference room.

After the voice gradually became quieter, a physicist said: "Chief, in fact, it is not impossible for a certain species to be not completely loyal to humans."

"Oh?" Yue Yuan thought and said.

The physicist did not show off, and then looked around at the curious people in the audience, and said, "Everyone knows that our thoughts, or the various behavioral functions of the brain, are not simple transmission of electrical signals, but the occurrence of At the quantum level,

If we have a way to understand the role of brain activity at the quantum level and the corresponding phenomena, we may have a way to use some kind of special equipment to influence the brain in turn, so that the kobold brain will be imprinted with a certain imprint that will always be loyal to us humans. "

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