Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 259 Ideological Imprint

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Immediately afterwards, the physicist gave a brief explanation of brain imprinting.

After he finished speaking, Chief of Staff Wang said: "Professor Xiang, with all due respect, your statement about brain imprinting is probably impossible to realize with our current technological capabilities, right?"

"It is indeed impossible to achieve." Professor Xiang nodded and explained: "Although we have already realized a universal quantum computer, and the computing power of the central computer has reached unprecedented heights, we are in the field of the brain, or in the research on life and consciousness. The field has not yet reached the point where we can truly understand quantum information interactions in the brain.

As I said just now, the so-called imprinting requires the use of specialized equipment to influence thinking from the outside world. The technology involved is extremely complex and difficult, but this method can 100% guarantee that the dog-headed aliens will be loyal to them. Our only way. "

After the physicist who was called to explain the so-called brain imprinting to the professor just now, everyone in the audience also had a more or less understanding of it, so they naturally understood the difficulty of this technology.

Among other things, the first step is to imprint a certain concept on the brain through the influence of external devices, which is the same as fantasy cultivation.

As we all know, brain operation is the so-called conscious activity. Since conscious activity is an event at the quantum level, the technology of accurately affecting this activity through external equipment is tantamount to breaking the boundaries of macro and micro to a certain extent.

How can this kind of work be accomplished through a macro device? Is it an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency? Brain waves?

Or is some form of magnetic field required? What is the magnetic field strength? Is the magnetic field fixed?

What is the relationship between brain waves and consciousness activities at the quantum level?

Is it through microcurrent from external devices to guide brain waves, or through electric fields or magnetic fields?

The physicist only raised a possibility. He had already raised these issues when introducing brain imprinting, but he only considered the difficulty. There is currently no corresponding research on how to achieve it.

More than that, this is just something on the physical level. If you include biotechnology factors, there will be even more technologies that need to be broken through.

The most intuitive point is biological research on related brain activities.

Human beings not only need to understand all the mechanisms of their own brains in biology, but also the biological mechanisms of the brains of dog-headed aliens.

In addition, it also involves extremely difficult philosophical issues such as life and consciousness. Especially the so-called ‘consciousness’, to current humans, is no different from fantasy.

Of course, although it is almost impossible to completely understand the mechanism of 'consciousness', humans can still do this kind of operation. If they cannot understand the real mechanism, they can do trial and error experiments through various other related phenomena. This is the only way Professor Xiang believes that humans can realize this technology, and it is precisely because of this that he proposed this idea that has never been studied.

In doing so, in addition to his duty to make suggestions for human development, he is also able to gain an opportunity from the new government's various scientific research investments.

There are currently no relevant scientific research projects in mankind. As long as the new government wants to launch a new research project, as the proposer, he will definitely become the scientist leading the project.

What scientist wouldn’t want to have his own independent laboratory and his own independent scientific research team? Professor Xiang naturally didn't want to spend his whole life working under someone else's hands, so even though he didn't say a word about it, he still brought it up.

As the person who asked the question, Professor Xiang naturally knows very well that in fact, the difficulties in this scientific research direction are not limited to these, and there are also many difficulties in computers and mathematics.

Nothing can be done without computers and mathematics, such as building brain models and analyzing quantum phenomena in the brain.

In the conference room, everyone discussed the theory of brain imprinting proposed to the professor. During the discussion, everyone had a deeper understanding of this proposal.

In the eyes of many people, this proposal is not so much an imprint on the brain as it is a steel stamp on the mind, or an imprint on the mind.

After understanding this, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became solemn, and everyone seemed to suddenly have something on their mind.

Yue Yuan also felt this keenly. Without thinking too much, he knew why this was the case. Because this so-called ‘ideological imprint’ is just a double-edged sword.

There is no harm in using it on dog-headed aliens, but if one day this technology is used on humans themselves, then we don’t know what the consequences will be.

It would be okay if it is always in the hands of the new government, but if something goes wrong one day, it is likely to overturn the entire human social order.

No, remaining in the hands of the new government may have unforeseen consequences. For example, the new government may imprint ideological imprints on certain people because of the need for governance.

From the perspective of new government rule and human stability, this approach is actually understandable. However, from the perspective of mankind's future climbing to the peak of science and technology and the long-term future of mankind, it may become a tool to constrain human thought and a stumbling block to the freedom of human thought. .

So, if it wants to support this proposal from a policy level, the new government must first consider whether these technologies will be used on humans themselves after they are successful.

If used, will it be used by all citizens, or only by some people in key positions? Or should it only be used by the military to eliminate their fear of death and turn them into truly fearless warriors? Is this possible? Will it cause serious social harm? Will it cause civil strife among humans?

Otherwise, it is simply not allowed to be used on humans.

There are many key issues among them. Even if Yue Yuan is an authoritarian leader, it is impossible to just make a decision and do it. Without clear discussion, it is absolutely impossible to start research in this area.

So seeing everyone's sudden silence, Yue Yuan knew that he would be busy again.

However, he also knows that there is really no rush for these matters. It would be good to discuss the key points within the next year and make detailed proposals next year.

Of course, in Yue Yuan's heart, he still supported scientific research in this direction, so when everyone was silent, what he was thinking about was how to avoid possible harm in the future.

It is foolish to hinder the emergence of new technologies through artificial restrictions. Even if it can be stopped temporarily, it will not be stopped forever.

Are there too few double-edged sword technologies in human history?

What's more, what if this technology is a precursor to some high-level technology in the future? If we don’t study it, wouldn’t it lead to the same consequences as the Kuntai civilization that missed magnetic confinement fusion?

Since we can't stop it, we can only find ways to formulate strict laws and regulations to restrain it.

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